Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 542


Chapter 533 Conquering the Ghost King

Thunder and lightning are rolling in the sky, Heavenly Might is vast, and the Ghost King who fights keeps screaming and screaming , one after another, Lei Wei was full of a world-destroying aura, making him feel like Yin Qi was about to dissipate.

He kept wailing and begging for mercy, his voice was tragic and pitiful.

The Thunder Tribulation lasted for a full hour, and the entire ground was leveled for several thousand zhangs. The ground was full of destructive aura, and even a hill was leveled.

Finally, the terrifying Thunder Tribulation dissipated completely.

Amidst the chaotic ruins, Ghost King was dying. Except for the bull head on his left shoulder, his left arm and right leg were all blown open, and his whole body was scorched like a fire as if it had been burned.

His voice was moaning.

Under the terrifying Thunder Tribulation, he almost shattered all of his origins.

Of course, he has gone through Thunder Tribulation now. As long as he recovers well, he will definitely get great benefits in the future. The most intuitive thing is that his body will become abnormally tenacious.

After all, this guy is fighting Heavenly Tribulation with his fleshy body.

This skeleton is equivalent to being tempered by Thunder Tribulation.

This is unimaginable!

"It hurts to death, many thanks...many thanks Celestial Court's expert spare my life...little many thanks to you..."

Ghost King screamed faintly.

He didn't even know that he had passed the Thunder Tribulation himself, but thought that his begging for mercy had played a role, and the other party took back the Thunder Tribulation.


Silently, in front of his eyes, a purple light flashed, a silhouette of an unusually burly body wearing a wide-sleeved cannon appeared in front of Ghost King, his face With a faint smile on his face, he stared at Ghost King.

"tsk tsk, weird?"

Qi Yun said with a smile.

A faint ghost of Ghost Fire flashed in Ghost King's empty eyes, staring at Qi Yun who suddenly appeared, and said in horror: "You? Is it you?"

He immediately noticed Qi Yun's breath.

This is the man who entered the Imperial Palace and wore the Ring of Ten Thousand Demons!

He didn't even think, turned into a ball of black light, and went straight to the ground.

Qi Yun suddenly smiled and activated the Ten Thousand Demon Ring. His entire right hand was instantly shrouded in a cloud of black mist, grabbing nothing in front of him.

A very strange scene appeared.

Ripple ripples suddenly appeared in the void in front of him, as if it turned into a layer of water curtain, which was caught by Qi Yun's palm, pu' sound, and grabbed Ghost King's body directly from inside.

Ghost King looked horrified and said, "Let go of me, let me go!"

The breath of the Ten Thousand Demon Ring locked him all over, just like his Innate nemesis , made him unable to move all over his body, these black mists enveloped him, causing his skeleton to slowly dissolve, and a tingling pain came from his soul.

Qi Yun smiled slightly.

The magic ring is really easy to use.

It is used to catch the weird, and it's almost an accurate catch!

The so-called mutual restraint is nothing more than this.

"Tell me, what's your name? This seat gives you a chance to acknowledge allegiance in this seat. You must be able to guess the identity of this seat. Yes, I triggered Thunder Tribulation at the Imperial Palace before. It is this seat, you just kept on saying that you want to be loyal to me, now is the time for you to be loyal!"

Qi Yun said with a smile.

Ghost King was horrified and couldn't believe it.

He only thought that Qi Yun was the one who broke into the Imperial Palace at night, but didn't expect the Thunder Tribulation to be the same.

" is this possible?"

"Impossible, do you have other options now? Either acknowledge allegiance or let me crush you."


Qi Yun said with a smile.

He's just picking up a bargain now.

Ghost King just passed through Thunder Tribulation and was dying from serious injuries. He was caught by him before he could recover. Now that he wants to kill this monster, he won't take much effort.

Especially with the Ten Thousand Demon Ring in his hand.

The Ring of Ten Thousand Demons, one of the Three Great Supremes' underworld weapons, can summon all demons to the court, and no strange and evil spirit can resist the summon of this thing.

"Don't pinch me, my lord!"

Ghost King hurriedly shouted.

"Hand over your soul fragments, don't play tricks on me, or you'll know the end!"

Qi Yun said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll pay, I'll pay!"

Ghost King felt aggrieved.

He has no way at all. If at the peak period, he can still use his abilities to avoid the Ten Thousand Demon Ring.

But now that he has only Half-Life left, how can he escape?

He wailed in his heart, and a mass of soul fragments flew out of his forehead and flew towards Qi Yun.

"Sir, are you really from Celestial Court?"

Ghost King said bitterly

If you are really from Celestial Court, then acknowledge yourself Allegiance Acknowledge allegiance, nothing.

I'm afraid that Qi Yun comes from a little-known place. If I acknowledge him allegiance, my fame will be over.

He is one of the five ancient evil spirits, almost Undying and Inextinguishable. He once caused the most terrifying dark turmoil, but later he suffered a catastrophe and all his strength was knocked down, which is how he ended up like this. .

He wants to reply to Peak, I am afraid it will take a long time.

"This deity is authentic!"

Qi Yun's tone was flat.

A mouthful of blood-colored Little Pagoda flew out from the top of the head, and the soul fragment was instantly collected.

Seeing the blood-colored Little Pagoda, Ghost King was horrified and did not doubt it.

The person who caused the Thunder Tribulation at the Imperial Palace before also had a bloody pagoda on his head, but the style was much larger than this.


Qi Yun took away his soul fragment and threw his body away with a light tone, and asked, "What's your name?"

"Sir, little Ghost. King."

Ghost King said.

"Ghost King?"

Qi Yun nodded lightly and said, "The name is good, from now on, you can follow the deity and enter my Heavenspan Church, although the deity is Celestial A member of the Court, but he also has a wave of small forces, and now you are under the jurisdiction of my small forces!"

"Yes, my lord."

Ghost King said.

"Well, come in!"

Qi Yun swept his palm, and the Ten Thousand Demon Ring emitted a dim light, instantly sucking Ghost King's body into it.

This ten thousand magic ring is very useful. It can not only be used to summon the group of demons, but also has a small space inside it, which can be used to store ghosts and weirdness.

Qi Yun suddenly brows frowned and remembers something.

The Howling Celestial Dog and the Bone Troll were thrown out by the old Court Eunuch before, and I don't know where they went. It's time to bring them back.

He took out the ten evil pictures and started to move them. Immediately, the entire surface of the ten evil pictures emitted a piece of terrifying dim light, like a small black vortex appeared, whimpering and exuding madness. suction.

Pieces of invisible power poured into the void, spreading in all directions, and a response came from a distance, one black one white two rays of light rushing from a distance at an incredible speed.

“áo hǒu …”

Howling Celestial Dog’s wail like ghosts and howl like wolves can be heard from far away.


rays of light.

Two rays of light rushed into the interior of the Ten Fierce Figures in an instant, forming two vivid patterns inside, one was a giant black dog, and the other was a grotesque bone troll.

Qi Yun glanced at them.

"Are you two alright?"

"My lord, you almost never saw your dog. There were so many powerhouses before, and I almost killed me."

Howling Celestial Dog

The bone troll opened the mouth and said: "Fortunately, we are Immortal Body, but even this is a strength great injury, lord, you have to find us more grievances and ghosts."

Qi Yun gently nodded and said: "The grievances and ghosts are enough, you can rest assured!" It will change drastically, and the Spiritual God's grievances that were suppressed by the Great Luck Formation will all rush out from the ground.

Even some ancient strange and ghostly spirits may come out for activities.

So this Ten Great Ominous Beasts has something to eat.

Qi Yun took the ten evil pictures and left this place.

Not long after, they had joined the blood-robed Old Ancestor and the others, and a group of people rushed towards the Divine Domain.

The world is shaking.

The morning sun rose completely.

All kinds of news spread wildly from unknown channels, and spread all over the continent in an instant, directly triggering a super earthquake.

Countless small and medium-sized forces were shocked and unbelievable.

The news of this matter, for them, is almost equivalent to heaven falls and earth rends.

The omnipotent, Supreme ancient dynasty that suppressed the eternity was actually destroyed by the Celestial Court?

I don't know how many people's beliefs collapsed in an instant.

The entire continent was in a state of panic, and all mysterious abilities were shiver coldly, feeling their souls tremble.

The end of the Supreme ancient dynasty means that the earth will fall into an extremely dark age again.

All kinds of ghosts, weirdness, Spiritual God grievances will not be suppressed, all will be born.

There are also various ancient Divine Races, mysterious forces that have survived from ancient times...

And even those vaguely resurrected gods...

A very terrifying The era will be hard to resist.

"Oh my God, how could this happen?"

"The sky has collapsed, this is the sky collapsed..."

"The Great Fortune Array has been destroyed. , Crown Prince was killed, and even the eight kings who came back were eliminated in one move, what kind of terrifying force is this Celestial Court?"

Countless people shouted in horror.

There are many people who tried their best to inquire about the events of that night, trying not to let go of any details.

When I learned about the Imperial Family cultivation after the ancient living sacrifice, it caused a sensation.

"The ancient art of living sacrifice, this is one of the five evil spirits, the cultivation technique of Ghost King? The Ghost King of the five evil spirits has taken refuge in the Imperial Family?"

"Don't say What Ghost King, now the most terrifying is the Celestial Court, a thunderstorm, wiped out the entire imperial city, the Crown Prince was smashed to death by heavenly thunder, countless Ancient Ones were blown up, the great array of luck was torn apart, the Imperial Family The bloodline is completely cut off, such thunder and lightning are mixed with the real Heavenly Might, it is unimaginable!"

"Yes, I also heard that I have a friend's grandfather on the spot, he is also a thunder and lightning The ability person is the strength of Heaven Grade Great Perfection, but his thunderbolt compared with the thunderbolt that fell in the imperial city that night, it is almost nothing, not even a fart!"

"What? So how strong is such a thunderbolt?"

"How strong? It can destroy the Great Luck Array, how strong do you think? Celestial Court has gods, and they have gods and are still alive!"


"A living god..."

all influence was extremely horrified.

Not only these small and medium-sized forces are afraid, but even those Super Great Influences who have been hidden for many years and sent people down the mountain to inquire about news also felt shocked.

They watched Celestial Phenomenon last night, they only knew that the luck flow was reversed and the great formation was destroyed, but anyway didn't expect it was done by one person, the summon thunder and lightning directly blew up the whole great luck formation !

What kind of power is this?

This is definitely a real living god!

And at least a medium god among living gods, even a High Level god!

This is incredible.

For a while, these Super Great Influences hurriedly contacted their Ancient One, and at the same time continued to inquire about the details of that night.

There have been some good people who have compiled the events of last night into a book and circulated in the circle of some mysterious ability people.

"Nine Heavens Xuansha, turned into Divine Lightning, fearful dive might, lead it with a sword, this is the Absolute Art that killed the Crown Prince that night, you know what Absolute Art this is, this is [ Nine Heavens Demon Slayer Sword], proven terrifying, once released rays of light before the gods."

Someone sighed, saying the same thing as the truth.

"Nine Heavens Demon Sword!"

Countless people were shocked.

"What about the Eight Kings? Who killed the Eight Kings?"

"According to the news, the night the Eight Kings appeared, they were already sublimating and climbing to the top, but Still killed by one move, many people saw a giant tower appear in midair, golden light is bright, cover Heaven and Earth, what is this giant tower Absolute Art? I have never seen it in various ancient books!”

Someone said.

“According to what the greedy wolf Star Monarch said, this move is called [pagoda slaying the demon], and it is also an unparalleled diving technique from Ancient Times, who once killed the Divine King!”


"What, killed the Divine King?"

Many people were sensational and extremely incredible.

Amid all kinds of news, both true and false, Celestial Court's reputation has risen to a whole new level in the horror of countless people.

From the very beginning, all influence has never been accurate for Celestial Court.

Their activities are more shocking and terrifying every time.

Maybe next time they'll start killing gods!

Even if it really succeeds, everyone will not be shocked.

"The Execution Order, you said that the Demon Execution Order was used in the Underworld of Dongyunyuan?"

"Yes, the Imperial Family wants to trap the heroes in the Dongyunyuan. , killed them all, they had no choice but to gather to discuss, and finally the powerhouse in Hades asked for the Demon Execution Order. If there is no such Demon Execution Order, Celestial Court expert may not show up, everything is because of that Demon Execution Order. !"

"Celestial Court Execution Order, Ten Days Execution of Caracal... It's not false at all, not only did the demon slay, but also the entire Imperial Palace was destroyed!"

" It's too terrifying, how many demon slaying orders are left?"

"After using one, there should be two left."

Someone suddenly whispered.

All powerhouses suck in a cold breath.

Then one message after another began to be passed on to its own sect frantically, so that the powerhouse of its own sect quickly searched for the remaining Demon Execution Orders.

This demonic order is simply terrifying!

Whoever gets the Demon Execution Order is equivalent to mastering fate and can definitely easily destroy any Super Great Influence.

When the world was shaking, near the imperial city, all other forces frantically gathered towards the ruins of the imperial city and carried out lifeless excavations.

The huge imperial city seems to have become a coal mine. Everyday all have powerhouses from all over the world. Clouds gather to dig. From time to time, some people get rich and some people die because of it.

In short, the entire imperial city has several hundred li, and countless silhouettes are moving.

A super catastrophe that changed the fate of many people.

At this time, Qi Yun and the others had already returned to the Divine Domain.

(End of this chapter)

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