Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 541


Chapter 532 Ghost King

The group of heroes gathered quickly, all with pale faces and blood, and some even more It was because of broken arms, shawls scattered, and some people's clothes were torn apart, revealing skin in many places.

But they all appeared in the ruins regardless of their image.

Above the Heavens and Under the Earth was pitch black.

The Purple Qi and golden light in the sky all dissipated.

The huge imperial city, exposed to the dark night, is lonely, miserable, the wind is howling, and the cold is biting.

The expert of Celestial Court and the previous Eight Kings are all gone.

Above the Heavens and Under the Earth, only the breath of destruction lingers to and fro.

"It's over, the entire imperial city is over!"

"What was that just now? Did you see it?"

"I saw a golden pagoda , full of Heaven and Earth!"

"Pagoda Demon Suppression, this is Pagoda Demon Suppression, it's terrifying!"

"The Eight Kings are dead, and the illustrious Eight Kings are completely Disappeared, what is the Celestial Court? What is their purpose in the world? What is their inheritance?"

"too terrifying."


Countless Ancient Ones muttered, their minds confused.

Such a terrorist force was never established by later generations.

This must go back to the most ancient times!

Maybe in the age of the gods, it was also an extremely terrifying force, but the age of the gods has passed, many ancient books and historical materials have been lost, and everyone can not be sure whether there is a Celestial Court in the age of the gods...

Suddenly, someone started digging in the ruins. With a roar, he quickly grabbed a half-moon-shaped Divine Item, his face was overjoyed, and he said: "I got a Divine Item, Sect Master, I Got a Divine Item, hahaha..."

Other people's complexion changed, suddenly reacted and hurried to dig.

The imperial city was destroyed, the Imperial Palace exploded, and many treasures were buried under it. It can be said to be a great wealth.

"Quick, send a letter to sect and let them send someone!"

Someone made a quick decision and shouted.

Others also hurriedly took out the communication ancient jade, and began to quickly communicate to their own sect and their own family, and then in a frenzy, they began to dig wildly in the ruins.

If you say which is the most powerful and terrifying force in this world, it is undoubtedly the imperial city.

The imperial city is destroyed, and no one knows how much wealth will be buried. No one can be unmoved.

Even if the Demi-God comes, there will be some crazy digging.

The Imperial Family has monopolized the continent for 10,000 years, and they have searched for many rare things, who can't be crazy?

The blood-robed Old Ancestor, the Shiyao Star Monarch, and the Divine Domain Four Demons also hurriedly joined the excavation.


Pieces of ruins exploded one after another, rocks flying, and from time to time someone dug out the Divine Item from below, laughing up to the sky, and everyone else's eyes were red. We could only continue to dig at the door, and soon there were also people who were hilarious, like a weasel who stole a chicken.

After laughing, I hurriedly stuffed things into my arms, looked left and right, no one noticed, and immediately started digging again.

These survivors, regardless of their serious injuries and internal pains, are all bravely excavating the ruins.

Even Goddess is no exception, with a pair of beautiful eyes shining strangely, disregarding the dirt, digging through a pile of rubble, and soon found a rare thing, immediately laughed secretly, and put it in.


At this time, Qi Yun's body flew over again from a distance, and while no one was paying attention, he also threw himself into the excavation.

"I got a ghost weapon!"

Suddenly, someone shouted.

The others were shocked, looked back, and dug up again.

Qi Yun soon reunited with the blood-robed Old Ancestor.

"Young Master, you're back!"

The blood-robed Old Ancestor said in surprise.

They were too shocked by Qi Yun.

Others don't know who Star Monarch is, but they all do.

The greedy wolf Star Monarch is their Young Master!

As early as when the Divine Domain fell, they had seen with their own eyes that the Young Master caused a massive heavenly thunder ...

"It is not advisable to stay here, and evacuate as soon as possible. , go!"

Qi Yun whispered.

"Yes, Young Master!"

Old Ancestor and the others are all nodded.

They didn't dare to ask any more questions, and immediately followed Qi Yun away.

At this time, when Corpse Refining Sect Sect Master Fan Mu was digging at the door, he suddenly noticed someone running by, and immediately turned around and shouted: "Heavenspan Cult Lord, Sect Lord, What are you doing?"

"Old Brother Fan, leave quickly, maybe other ancient kings will come back later!"

Qi Yun responded.

They walked away quickly without looking back.

The voice fell, and everyone who was excavating, all complexion changed.

Not bad!

If one of the eight kings can be returned, then other ancient kings can also be returned.

If the ancient emperor also came back, they would all have to die.

"Stop digging, go!"

"Go, get out of here, and dig again when it's safe!"


one after another silhouette quickly fades away.

Fan Mu's face changed, he hurriedly led someone to chase Qi Yun, and shouted: "Sect Lord, Sect Lord, wait for us, let's go together!"

He Quickly chased after Qi Yun.

The silhouette shook, and soon the entire imperial city was completely peaceful.

The endless piles of ruins, pitch black, and the cool wind howling, are extremely vicissitudes.

A hundred miles around are all ruined, and everything is just one night.

A bright light appeared in the far east, finally tore through the darkness and illuminated the entire land.

Dawn is coming.

It's getting brighter.

The night of chaos and terror is finally over.

The entire gigantic ruin is still peaceful, without any living creatures.

Even if there is, it's just some weird, small animals that are controlled by people, come and check the situation.

Outside the city.

A continuous mountain range.

Qi Yun They finally stopped.

Fan Mu gasped and saw the sun rise in the east, then turned to look at the ruins of the imperial city, his face struggled, and said, "So many treasures are all buried under the imperial city. , What a pity, Sect Lord, what will you do next? Why don't we stay and dig together, even if we dig out a few things at random, it will be enough to sell for a sky-high price, maybe our sect will be sold for this reason. Even stronger!"

Qi Yun shook his head lightly and said, "I won't go, the imperial city is too dangerous, the ancient emperor and other ancient kings may come back at any time, and dare to stay any longer, saying I might die at some point, so I'd better go back to my Divine Domain."

The biggest and most treasures have already been captured by him.

Now in the ruins, he didn't bother to go there.

The First Layer of the entire Imperial Palace treasury has been cleaned by him. In terms of wealth, who has more of him?

When you go back, you will need a Divine Item or Divine Item!

Fan Mu's expression changed, and he also felt that what Qi Yun said was very reasonable, and said: "Yes, safety first, safety first."

He suddenly cupped his hands and said: "Sect Lord, since that's the case, let's leave now. When you arrive in the Northwest, you will be warmly welcomed. On the ground in the Northwest, I will say one, no one will dare to say two. When you arrive at the Northwest, you can report to me at any time. my name!"

Qi Yun smiled and cupped his hands and said: "many thanks Brother Fan!"

Brother Fan said with a slight smile: "You and I see each other like each other, why do this, Sect Lord, take care!"

He cup one fist in the other hand again, and lead people away.

Qi Yun retracted his gaze, turned his head, and whispered, "Go, go back to Divine Domain!"

Old Ancestor and the others in blood robes were nodded and immediately followed.


Just as they flew over a hill, suddenly there were waves of heaven shaking, the roar of earth shattering came from a distance, lightning bright, intertwined in the distance, filled with one after another unspeakable Heavenly Might.

Qi Yun felt an instant sensation, turned back suddenly, and Divine Consciousness swept over.

Heavenly Tribulation?

How is this possible?

Soon the Divine Consciousness stretched for hundreds of miles. In a chaotic mountain range, I saw a scorched black skeleton. It was facing Heavenly Tribulation. The skeleton was filled with rich Yin Qi and three heads. , with a human head in the middle, a bull head on the left and right, and a strange head with three eyes.

But the bull's head was already under Thunder Tribulation, and it was beaten to pieces, tattered and horrific...

Qi Yun complexion changed.


This is the mysterious being he encountered when he broke into the Imperial Palace last night.

When he activated Thunder Tribulation before, he also sensed the existence of the other party, but the other party fled away at the time, and he didn't expect to go far and appeared here.

But looking at his current appearance, he definitely can't get through this Thunder Tribulation. Thunder Tribulation contains Heavenly Might, which has a shocking and chilling effect on all demons and ghosts, and is the nemesis of Innate.

If he hadn't been weird, he might have survived, but unfortunately he's weird.

"You go ahead and wait for me."

Qi Yun suddenly whispered.

"Yes, Young Master!"

The blood-robed Old Ancestor and the others nod and flew away quickly.

Qi Yun's body flashed and swept toward the mountains and forests ahead.

The rich mountain range, Thunder Tribulation whistled, one after another terrifying thunder and lightning kept falling from the sky, all around kept blasting, and the mountain was leveled.

Ghost King roared again and again, almost desperate under this terrifying Thunder Tribulation.

What terrifying ability is this!

He has already escaped from the Imperial Palace, away from the several hundred li, yet this terrifying thunderbolt is still chasing him!

Originally, the sky was clear and cloudless, but as soon as he emerged from the ground, the sky was instantly covered by thunderclouds.

The thunderbolt seemed to be following him.

He had changed three places in a row in one night, no matter where he changed, the thunder and lightning would reappear.

This fucking thunderbolt is conscious!

"Forgive my life, my lord, spare me, I am willing to acknowledge allegiance to you, spare me, you have been chasing me all night!"

Ghost King in the comics In the Heavenly Lightning Tribulation, wailing frantically, screaming again and again.

But the thunder, the continuous bombardment, ignored him.

Bang! boom! boom!

Some of his ribs exploded again, his calf was broken, and the bull's head on his left shoulder was completely shattered, turning into a mass of black gas, making his screams even more shrill.

"My lord, please, please spare me, please spare me!"

He howled miserably.

"This fool."

Qi Yun appeared not far from him, chuckling inwardly.

Shout out to Thunder Tribulation, this is definitely the first since ancient times!

But it's not the other party's fault, only the people in this world are all idiots who have never seen Thunder Tribulation.

Up to now, this skeleton thought that the Thunder Tribulation was controlled by the greedy wolf Star Monarch...

Little did he know that all this was out of Qi Yun's control.

Qi Yun thought.

If this monster can be used for his own use, it is best, but through the performance of the other party in the Imperial Palace, he can conclude that this monster at least has the strength of Demi-God Level, maybe higher.

But how difficult is it to rescue the opponent from Thunder Tribulation?

This is the Demi-God Level Thunder Tribulation. With his current strength, he can't stop it. Once provoked, it is like poking a hornet's nest.

"What the heck, I hope you are lucky enough to let me pick up a bargain..."

Qi Yun whispered.

He's here waiting quietly.

Chapter 3 is here, come and recommend tickets, everyone~~

(end of this chapter)

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