Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 145


Chapter 144 Deformation Cards

The white-clothed girl is tall and beautiful, with a pointed chin and a faint Egotistical, as if he didn't care about his brother's death at all, he started and walked towards the room.

Qi Yun hurriedly got up and stepped aside.

"My dear big brother, you called younger sister here this time, I don't know why..."

The girl's voice was flat, and as soon as she stepped into the room, her face suddenly turned startled. , staring blankly at the group of monsters in front of him.

The proud young man has come out of the crying, sitting on the ground with a gloomy face, raised his eyes, and looked at the girl who entered the room.

The girl opened her mouth slightly, completely stunned, staring at what was in front of her.


With a pu chi, the girl laughed directly, and the laugh was like a silver bell, and she seemed extremely happy.

The proud young man's face was even more gloomy, with tears streaming down his eyes, as if he could not help but cry again.


Suddenly, the proud young man screamed.

The girl was still laughing, her voice was crisp, and it kept coming. She stared at the proud young man with full of smiles and said, "My dear big brother, it's been a long time since I haven't seen you, how did you become like this? Is this the way to welcome younger sister me?"

"Ao Ling!"

The proud young man screamed mournfully.

Qi Yun's eyes flashed as he stepped aside, and his heart pounded.

Ao Ling?

Is this the girl's name?

Well, probably, I'll try it later.

"What's the matter, dear big brother."

The proud family girl laughed crisply, and walked to the proud family youth step by step, slender jade finger gently poked the proud family Something on the head of a youth.

"Interesting, really interesting, my dear big brother, what the hell is wrong with you? Why do you grow all these things on top? Even if you're usually wild and unruly, it shouldn't be like this?"

Ao Ling sneered.

The proud young man's face was bruised by her poke, his facial features were distorted, and stripes of blue veins appeared, and he screamed again.

"Ao Ling, I'm going to kill you!"

He propped up his body with his arms and waved his thighs to kill Ao Ling.

As a result, he was not used to such a body at all, and was slapped by Ao Ling on his chest with a light palm.

Ao Ling lightly said with a smile: "big brother, you are no match for me now."

"Notify Elder, go and inform Elder, I am in the middle. After the curse, I am your big brother, you must save me..."

The proud young man wailed.

"You are my big brother?"

Ao Ling sneered and said: "You are not my big brother, through childhood you only coveted the body, how could you be My big brother? Aoquan, Aoquan, you have today, do you know how long I have endured you?"

She walked towards the Aojia youth step by step, stomped the other party on the sole of her foot, and appeared in her hand. He picked up a sharp dagger, cold light, and dangled it in front of the proud young man.

The proud young man looked terrified and said, "What are you doing? If you kill me, clan elder will not let you go, stop it, stop it, everyone here has seen it, you kill me You won't be able to run away without me."

"Don't worry, I won't kill you, I'll scare you..."

Ao Ling chuckled lightly, and suddenly a dagger shot from a lightning bolt. His forehead slashed, blood gushing out.

The proud young man screamed and screamed, his two feet tightly hugging his forehead, rolling all over the floor.

Ao Ling threw a bunch of bloody things to Qi Yun, indifferently said: "I will reward you."

Damn, what the hell.

Qi Yun cursed and threw it away.

The proud young man hovered between life and death in pain, his voice was shrill.

"You look at him, I will contact Elder."

Ao Ling indifferently said.

She walked out of the room, not knowing how to prepare.

Qi Yun and Zhao Tianlong stayed in the room and didn't dare to break through.

At this moment, Qi Yun perfectly integrated into the role of an ordinary gangster, panicked, at a loss, and at a loss as to what to do.

In fact, he has secretly cut his fingertips, took out the metamorphosis card, and secretly wrote Ao Ling's name on it.


The deformed card disappeared, and a group of hazy rays of light emitted, unfathomable, and flew towards the distance.

Qi Yun looked at the group of rays of light, and his eyes gradually became deeper.

What is the cultivation base of AoLing?

Does the morphing card work for him?

Let's try it anyway.

In the distance, Ao Ling took out an ancient jade, clasped his hands together, was urging Power of God, and meditated some mysterious incantation in his mouth, as if he was doing some ceremony.

That's it!

A piece of Mysterious Force surged in from a distance, instantly acting on her body, causing her body to pause, as if was struck by lightning, and then began to tremble uncontrollably.

After shaking for more than ten breaths, he suddenly stopped, gasping for breath.

She was horrified.

What's going on?

What happened to you just now?

How can you suddenly tremble uncontrollably?

She wiped her cold sweat, put her hands together, and performed that mysterious ceremony again.

That's it.

She expressed congeals, staring at her hands.

This is...

She instantly widened her beautiful eyes, showing shock.

My hands are round, white, and swollen into a ball, turning into two... pig trotters?

She sucked in a cold breath and was about to be blinded.


She screamed, the voice just came out, she quickly covered her mouth, and the panic in her eyes deepened.

My voice also changed.

Not a human voice.

This is...this is the sound of a pig...

Ao Ling's beautiful eyes overflowed with tears, covering his mouth, extremely frightened.

What the hell is going on here?

How did you become such a ghost!

You and your big brother have the same curse of mysterious?

What the hell is this curse?

In front of the proud youth’s room.

Qi Yun brows slightly wrinkle, looked at the proud young man, and then looked outside the door.

The woman hasn't come back since she went out. Has his deformed card actually worked?

Would it have turned into a little suckling pig and found that the situation ran away?

However, no one would have imagined that this would be done by oneself.

Qi Yun sneered inwardly.

Take these two people down, no one cares about that iron ore concentrate.

Maybe the proud family will send people, but most of them will send others at the Elder level.

The strength of the Elder level should be very strong, so there is no need to let them eat blood now, right?

If even the Elder can't deal with the weirdness there and continues to let them eat blood, it only means that this Elder is not good either.

Then Qi Yun didn't have to continue to hide, so he just violently slaughtered them all.

Time is slow.

After one hour.

The proud girl walked back again with a gloomy face.

Seeing her walking back, Qi Yun secretly frowned.

Not working?

Are morphing cards useless?

Could it be that this girl's strength exceeds the limit of the deformed card?

After the girl came in, she didn't say a word, wrapped her right hand around her sleeve, picked up the moaning young man on the ground, and walked away into the distance.

from start to finish , not a word was said.

Qi Yun frowned tightly.

What's going on?

Are they gone?

He looked at Gang Lord suspiciously, and Gang Lord also looked at him suspiciously.

The two were extremely puzzled.

(end of this chapter)

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