Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 144


Chapter 143 Limbs upside down, organs are swapped

Qi Yun put the sack on the ground, and his body slowly retreated to aside.

“Go down.”

The young man said indifferently.

"Yes, my lord."

Qi Yun threw his hands together and stepped back, the energy in his hand directly activated the upside-down card.


next moment, the palm card directly emits a layer of mysterious light and disappears instantly.

The young man sitting cross-legged on the ground looked indifferent, turned his head to look at the sack on the left, and didn't seem to notice anything.

A mysterious beam of light that only Qi Yun could see flashed past and directly hit the young man.


The young man as if was struck by lightning, body trembled, his eyes widened, and then his body seemed to lose control, and began to shake violently, crackling .

It was like an electric shock, and there was a strange scream in the mouth.

In the blink of an eye, everything stopped.

Qi Yun was stunned and stared at the scene in shock.

too terrifying!

So weird!

The young man in front of him was completely changed, with his legs on top, appearing on the shoulders, one arm on the bottom, appearing on the thighs, and his forehead was bumped to his butt.

The butt is hanging on the forehead.

This scene is horrific.

The facial features and neck are still on the top, but the butt grows on the forehead.

The corners of his mouth twitched.

This is so weird!

This is a monster!

The young man's eyes were a little cloudy, and he still didn't seem to react.

Just now, for some reason, he was shaking all over, as if he was sick.

Now it's suddenly better.

The young man rubbed his forehead, feeling agitated in his heart.

Is it because you have been under too much pressure recently?

When he rubbed his forehead, he suddenly noticed something abnormal.

Well, how come the forehead has become bigger, and it is quite soft...

Why is there a groove in the middle.

What's going on?

The young man was about to scratch with his hands, but suddenly found that his fingers became less flexible, then his eyes started, and he noticed that his wrists seemed to be getting thicker.

It's kind of like an ankle.



The young man's eyes were stunned, he seemed to have reacted, breathed deeply, looked at his palm, and let out a shrill scream.

As soon as he screamed, Qi Yun hurriedly screamed, showing a look of panic, and fell to the ground, screaming and screaming.

"Damn it!"

The voice was bleak and spread throughout the small courtyard.

The Zhao Tianlong complexion outside the courtyard changed, not even think rushed in quickly.

Did Master Qi anger the proud youth?

He speeded to the pinnacle and instantly appeared at the door, looking inside.

I was stunned for a moment, and then sucked in a cold breath, showing shock.

With his seventy years of experience, he felt a sense of panic at this moment.

This...what is this?

In the room, a human-like monster climbed to the front of the big copper mirror, looking at the picture in the copper mirror with horror

This monster has two thighs On the shoulder, an arm has grown to the right leg, and the left leg is covered with flesh and blood.

He also has black hair, lush and green on his forehead.

And there is a leather strand on the forehead...

What is this?

"Ghost, Gang Lord, ghost!"

Qi Yun slumped on the ground, screaming in horror.

He acted very well, like an ordinary gangster, lost one's head out of fear.

Zhao Tianlong trembled in his heart, looked at the monster in the room, and finally realized who it was.

His face was contorted and he was about to cry.

How can this happen?

How could this young, talented people be so proud?

How did he become such a ghost?

"Young...Young Master, you...what's wrong with you? How did you become like this?"

Zhao Tianlong cried and said in horror.

"My hands, my legs, no, how did I become like this, no, I don't want my butt on my head, who is this, who is this, ah..."

The proud young man screamed in horror, as if he was going crazy.

He wanted to step and run, but didn't expect his legs to disappear, only one hand was growing under him, his center of gravity was unstable, and he fell directly to the ground with a bang, Brain bottoms out.

Fortunately, I had a leather stock on my forehead, so it didn't hurt much when I fell.

"How could this happen, help, I don't want to become this ghost, what happened, help!"

The proud young man lay on the ground, howling and crying .

At this moment, he seemed to have completely become an ordinary person, rolling on the ground, disregarding his image, crying miserably, and constantly touching the ground with his forehead, but when he touched the ground, it was the leather strands on his forehead. On the ground, soft and soft.

"Help, don't, I don't want to become this ghost, wu wu wu..."

The tears of the proud young man were soaring and terrifying.

Zhao Tianlong was also completely terrified, and continuously advised beside him.

But no amount of persuasion is of any use.

Qi Yun at the threshold still looks as if he is in the play, his face is pale and terrified.

"This...what the hell is going on?"

Zhao Tianlong was about to cry and turned to look at Qi Yun.

Qi Yun said in a trembling voice, "I, I don't know, wow, as soon as I entered Young Master, I became like this. What's going on? Is this a sorcery?"

"Witchcraft, what kind of sorcery is this, how could it be like this?"

Zhao Tianlong mourned.

"wu wu wu...I don't want, I don't want to become like this, I don't want to grow skin on my head!"

The proud young man rolled on the floor and cried bitterly.

“Young Master, Young Master, calm down, let’s think about how to solve it?”

Zhao Tianlong once again advised bitterly.

"Fix it? Yes, I want to solve it, hurry up, you can send a signal flare and ask my younger sister to come over..."

The proud young man wailed and pointed with the sole of his foot to the side beside him. Clothes, he said: "There is a signal flare in there, hurry up and pull it away."

Zhao Tianlong hurried over to look for the signal flare, and quickly found a green thing, with a pale face, came to the door Also, pull this thing directly.

A green light soared into the sky and roared.

In the city, an Inn.

The white-clothed girl looked conceited and was looking out the window when she suddenly saw a green light rising from the position of the Wu Gang, expressing congeals, and said, "My dear big brother, you want to call me over again. What are you doing?"

Her body fluttered out of the window, like Lingbo Fairy, with a sassy breath.

The door of the proud youth.

Qi Yun's expression froze.

And a younger sister?

His heart twitched quickly.

There is only one upside-down card, what should I do with this younger sister?

Do you want to pinch to death?

Perhaps you can get her name out.

It's best to escape her name so that you can use the deformed card and reduce the chance of exposure.

It didn't take long, almost no time for a cup of tea, and the white-clothed girl was in the yard.

Zhao Tianlong's face turned pale, and he hurriedly greeted him, saying in horror, "Sir, sir, something has happened, please go in and have a look."

"What's wrong with my big brother? ? Killed?"

white-clothed girl indifferently said.

There is another chapter in the meeting~~ Come to wave recommendation ticket and monthly ticket, everyone~~

(end of this chapter)

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