Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 126


Chapter 125 The Strange Incident in Iron Eagle Castle (thanks haha for the reward)

Outside the lobby.

A group of Grand Guardians turned gloomy and left.

At this moment, Elder Fang's voice suddenly came from behind him, saying, "Grand Guardians, wait."

Many Grand Guardians turned their heads and looked at Elder in confusion. Fang.

"Elder Fang, what's wrong?"

The Five Grand Guardians asked.

"Congratulations to all Grand Guardians, congratulations to all Grand Guardians, there will be another brother soon."

Elder Fang said with a smile.

"What did you say?"

"Another brother? When did we not know?"

"Elder Fang, the words Don't talk nonsense!"

Several people complexion sank.

Although they can already guess what Gang Lord means.

But the Gang Lord didn't give a formal order, and it couldn't be done for a day.

Elder Fang, as an elder in the gang, actually said it himself.

This made them feel very uncomfortable.

"Hehe, the Grand Guardians are all outstanding. It's better not to say some things too openly. I think you know what Gang Lord means better than me, this time to the Iron Eagle Fort. , hehe, I am afraid it is a test, whether it is finished or not, when you come back, I am afraid you will all appear a brother!"

Elder Fang said with a smile.

A gloomy light flashed in the eyes of several Grand Guardians.

Especially the eight Grand Guardians and the nine Grand Guardians, their eyes were heavy, and a murderous aura was brewing in their chests.

Originally, they were implicated by Qi Yun and were sent to Iron Eagle Castle, and they were already dissatisfied with Qi Yun. Now they can guess that he will be adopted by the Gang Lord soon, which makes them even more unacceptable. .

"Several Grand Guardians, the words have come to an end, the old man said goodbye first, hehe."

Elder Fang laughed and stepped back.

This is an old fox that is not just in name only, but also in reality. He doesn't say anything, he does this on purpose, just to stir up jealousy in the hearts of these Grand Guardians and let them kill Qi Yun.

When he was not far away, the Grand Guardian's eyes sank, and he looked at the eighth and the ninth, saying solemnly: "The eighth, the ninth, this person can't stay, it's up to you. "

"This damn countryman, he has only been here for a few days, and he wants to be side by side with us? Still want to divide our interests? It's just courting death!"

Four Grand Guardian Ren Kuangfeng Indifferent way.

"I have to wait until the third child is dead. I don't want to have another brother."

The second Grand Guardian also said coldly.

Eight Grand Guardians and nine Grand Guardians breathed deeply, gently nods, and cold light flashes in their eyes.

Eight Grand Guardians said: "Big brother, it's not difficult to kill him. On the way to Iron Eagle Fort, you can find opportunities casually, but with the martial power of the two of us, I'm afraid. I can't keep him. If he escapes back, it will be very troublesome, big brother, I heard that you have a 'mountain shaker' under your command. Why don't you lend him to us, kill this man, and then return him. ”

Other Grand Guardians turned to look at Grand Guardian Zhao Tianyi.

Zhao Tianyi squinted slightly, nodding his eyes gently.


within the great hall.

Zhao Tianlong let go of Qi Yun's palm with a smile on his face, and said: "Okay, you can go down, remember, if you can't do anything, it's okay to come back, as long as people are alive, they are better than anything else. It's important, if it can be done, it's best!"

Qi Yun was full of weirdness, looked at Zhao Tianlong, and said, "Yes, Gang Lord."

He backed out, Unspeakably uncomfortable.

Although I know that Zhao Tianlong may be concerned about himself, it still feels a little weird to be held by a big man like this.

A'da greeted Qi Yun not far from the lobby.

"Second Master, do you want to go back now?"

"I won't go back for a while. We have other tasks. We have to go out."

Qi Yun said.


A'da nods.

At noon.

The eight Grand Guardians and the nine Grand Guardians have been entangled with people and horses. There are more than 80 good players. All of them are Martial Artists in the realm of Opening Meridians. The blood energy is transpiring, the body is burly, and the temples are high , all with swords and swords.

"Master Qi, are you ready?"

The Eight Grand Guardians sat on the high horse and asked indifferently coldly.

"Already ready, let's go."

Qi Yun's tone was calm, and suddenly he glanced at the person behind the Eight Grand Guardians.

The man was burly, about 1.9 meters tall, and wore a black robe. He had a unique aura on his body, and his eyes were sharp, like a falcon.

The two palms are extra large, with bony knots bulging high, and the palms are like palm fans.

At first glance, it is known that it is an expert in palm law.

After the man noticed Qi Yun's gaze, his eyes were cold and cold light flashed.

Qi Yun's heart surged.

This person has a killing intent for himself?

He didn't say much, turned and walked onto the carriage.

In addition to this person's killing intent towards him, the eight Grand Guardians and the Nine Grand Guardians are also not kind to themselves.

His spirit strength felt the murderous aura from them acutely.

But it's nothing, no matter what the other party's idea is, if they dare to shoot, they will be pinched to death.

"jia! ”

A'da rushed to the carriage and followed the crowd.

Nine Grand Guardians sneered, said: "The pomp is not small, we are all riding horses, but he is the only one who rides the carriage. Does this mean that he is a Gang Lord?"

"Little See, how long can you be arrogant?"

The Eight Grand Guardians said coldly.

They waved their whips and ran towards the gang.

Within the carriage.

Qi Yun's ears could hear their words clearly, her face was flat, still remaining unmoved.

The great benefit of spirit strength is that his ear can now listen to whatever he wants.

Even within 100 meters, if he wants to hear the sound of ants fighting, he can hear it clearly.

"Second Master, they seem to harbor malicious intentions?"

A'da's voice came from the front of the car, breaking into the compartment weakly.

He had taken that kind of high imitation holy medicine, his physique had changed, his hearing and eyesight were equally astonishing, and he heard the words from the eight Grand Guardians and the nine Grand Guardians.

"It's fine, just follow along."

Qi Yun said.

A'da said no more and continued to drive the carriage.

A group of people grandiose walked out of the city and headed towards the Iron Eagle Fort.

Sunset dusk.

Nuoda's Iron Eagle Castle is half shrouded in sunlight and half in shadow, forming a strange color contrast, like half of nothingness and half of reality.

Under the shroud of weird colors, there is an unspeakable depressing atmosphere in the entire Iron Eagle Fort out of thin air.

Seeing the sunset and dusk, Castle Lord was like an eagle, his face changed, he stood on the tallest tower of Iron Eagle Castle and looked into the distance.

The expert of the martial arts gang has not come yet.

His SOS has been in the air all day, and there is still no news.

The Castle Lord of the Divine Light Realm world gradually began to worry in his heart.

Iron Eagle Castle, with a total of more than 200 Disciples, can be regarded as a medium power of neither too big nor too small in the surrounding land.

The more than 200 Disciples are all teenagers from the surrounding villages. Although their innate talent is not good, they are fortunately diligent.

As Castle Lord, he urges Disciple to practice martial arts every day.

But just a few days ago, strange things happened.

At night, someone in Tie Ying Bao began to cry, and it was nothing at first.

But gradually some people started to attempt suicide, and several young officials suddenly hanged themselves.

What's even more absurd is that some people dress up as women at night and dress up as a daughter's home.

He once had the boy who was dressed as his daughter captured.

After the boy was captured, he didn't speak, he just kept laughing, laughing that he had one's hair stand on end.

That's nothing, there's more to it.

In a few days, their graves on the mountainside of Iron Eagle Fort were all dug up, and many of the bones buried inside were disappeared.

He thought it was a tomb raider, but he didn't find out the truth until yesterday.

This made the Castle Lord almost vomit out the gall.

Someone digs out the bones of the mountainside...

The Castle Lord can't help but feel sick to his stomach when he thinks of it now.

(end of this chapter)

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