Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 125


Chapter 124 Iron Eagle Castle (Ask for a Monthly Pass)

Qi Yun squinted and looked at Ren Kuangfeng deeply , surging in my heart.

This guy has to be crushed too.

And that Elder Fang.

All pinched to death.

But Elder Fang's strength doesn't seem to be weak.

If you want to kill silently, it's probably a little troublesome.

He looked at Gang Lord Zhao Tianlong again.

Zhao Tianlong frowned slightly, stared at Qi Yun, and said, "Master Qi Hall, do you have evidence for what you said?"

"Back to Gang Lord, Heavenly Wolf Hall has a total of The seven people were all injured by Zhou Laobiao and Guo Baozi. They can all testify, such as the shopkeeper in Yunlou, and they can also testify that Zhou Laobiao, Guo Baozi and the others often eat and drink in Ruyunlou, drinking and hurting people. , Besides, Lord Gang asked his subordinates to take over the Heavenly Wolf Church, if the subordinates can't even shake them, how can they still convince the public in the future?"

Qi Yun said.

Zhao Tianlong gently nod

yesterday, saying: "If this is the case, you are doing the right thing."

He deliberately carves out the territory of the Three Grand Guardians to General Qi Yun , just want to try Qi Yun's temperament.

I can't believe that Qi Yun actually dared to move the three Grand Guardians.

This made him even more impressed.

"Master Qi, what do you think of the death of the three Grand Guardians?"

Zhao Tianlong asked.

"My subordinates heard that the three Grand Guardians like to torture and kill girls. He was killed last night. Most of them were seeking revenge, perhaps by a girl's father or teacher."

Qi Yun said.

Zhao Tianlong pondered: "It's also possible, but now I can't find the slightest evidence, it's useless to start the man with a bit of martial arts, and the third child who was directly beaten to death by brute force can only conclude that this man Either Innate Divine Strength, or superb internal strength.”

“Gang Lord Mingjian.”

Qi Yun said.

"Well, the third child is dead now, his site management is a problem, what advice do you have?"

Zhao Tianlong suddenly asked.

The Elder, Hall Master, and Grand Guardian all moved in their hearts.

The site of the three Grand Guardians is located in the most prosperous area of Hongtian City. Brothers, casinos, taverns, various large Aristocratic families, and gate valves stand in great numbers. It is an area with the most oil and water.

This is a piece of fat to runny fat.

Normally, when the three Grand Guardians are around, no one dares to covet.

But now that the three Grand Guardians are dead, this piece of fat will be empty.

“Adoptive Father, the child is not talented, he is willing to host this area and share his worries for the Adoptive Father.”

Grand Guardian Zhao Tianyi suddenly cupped his hands and said.

"Big brother, you normally manage too many gangs, and you are already tired enough. Let the younger brother come to this area. The younger brother will definitely live up to the expectations of the Adoptive Father."

The four Grand Guardians also surrendered.

"Gang Lord, this area covers a very wide area, there are many Three Doctrines and Nine Philosophies, several Grand Guardians are still young, and the cultivation base has not yet reached the realm of cultivation, I am afraid that it will be difficult to suppress, and my subordinates are willing to host A while."

The Elder Fang stood up and said.

The other Elders and Grand Guardians also got up one after another, and each spoke out, trying to get this piece of fat into their mouths.

Qi Yun sneered secretly, remaining unmoved.

Zhao Tianlong shook the head and said: "Okay, let's talk about this later, let's talk about another thing first."

Everyone stopped immediately, no more Talk a lot.

"I received an emergency letter from Iron Eagle Castle not long ago. The situation inside is a bit complicated, and it may be another strange incident."

Zhao Tianlong said suddenly.

Everyone's expressions changed and they looked at each other.

“Lord Gang, what did the letter say?”

Elder Ge asked.

"The letter said that strange things happened every once in a while in their Iron Eagle Castle. Some people hanged to death, and some people suddenly set themselves on fire. The whole Iron Eagle Castle is now people were alarmed. Castle Lord doesn't want to let the inheritance passed down by the ancestors be lost. , so I would like to ask our Wu Gang to take action and try to solve this problem.”

Zhao Tianlong said.

Iron Eagle Fort is located in an area 80 miles away from Hong Tian City Northern Part of City.

The Wu Gang dominates the entire Hong Tian City and has solved many strange things.

It's no secret.

Iron Eagle Castle also took a fancy to this by asking them to take action.

“How much did they get paid?”

Elder Ge asked.

"One hundred thousand silver tael."

Zhao Tianlong said.

Everyone moved in their hearts.

But no one came forward.

The strange strength is also divided into high and low, and they would rather encounter ordinary Jianghu experts than unknown strangeness.

“Everyone, who wants to go?”

Zhao Tianlong asked.

Everyone looked at each other and fell silent.

Protector Li just disappeared not long ago. At this time, no one wants to face the weirdness.

“Boss, how are you going?”

Zhao Tianlong indifferently asked.

The Grand Guardian complexion changed, and hurriedly opened the mouth and said: "Adoptive Father, my subordinates have cultivated internal strength some time ago, and I have some troubles and suffered some internal injuries. I am afraid that it will be difficult to be a big boss."

"Second child, are you coming?"

Zhao Tianlong asked.

The second Grand Guardian looked flustered, and hurriedly said: "Adoptive Father, child ...child has been unwell recently, and has some diarrhea. If he goes, I am afraid that it will not be able to solve it, and I will lose face of my martial arts..."


Zhao Tianlong continued to ask.

These Grand Guardians are in a panic, and they no longer have the courage to take the lead when they compete for interests.

Zhao Tianlong sighed, revealing a trace of loss.

"Gang Lord, this subordinate is willing to go."

Suddenly, a loud voice came from the hall.

Zhao Tianlong's eyes flashed and he looked over.

I saw Qi Yun step out, burly, standing in the hall.

"Master Qi, you have to think about it clearly, this is a bizarre act, different from ordinary warriors."

"My subordinates are willing to striving to the utmost before they die! "

Qi Yun said.


The more Zhao Tianlong looked at Qi Yun, the more satisfied he became, and said: "In this case, the old man will allow you to go, but the old man will give you more Some people, let the eighth and the ninth accompany you."

The eight Grand Guardians and the nine Grand Guardians behind them complexion changed, like a disaster.

"Adoptive Father, child ...child broke his leg some time ago, I'm afraid it's hard to be a big boss."

Ba Grand Guardian said quickly.

"Child too, the last time the child duel with someone, the injury has not healed."

Jiu Grand Guardian also hurriedly said.


Zhao Tianlong frowned, his face sank slightly, and said, “When I don’t do things normally, I’m very capable, but now something happens, All of them are like this, are they really old men blind?"

Grand Guardian eight and Grand Guardian nine turned pale, panicked and dared not speak.

"This matter is settled, we will set off at noon!"

Zhao Tianlong said in a low voice, "Let's all disperse, Master Qi, stay here."

"Yes, Gang Lord!"

Many Hall Masters and Elders surrendered.

Those Grand Guardians also respectfully retire.

The Elder Fang looked at Gang Lord, his eyes flashed, and walked towards the outside.

Leaving Master Qi Hall alone, it couldn't have been more obvious.

In the lobby, everyone has left soon.

Only Qi Yun and Zhao Tianlong were left.

Zhao Tianlong looked at Qi Yun with a slight smile and said, "Master Qi, come up."

Qi Yun was puzzled and walked over.

Zhao Tianlong stood up and held Qi Yun's palm, with a hint of encouragement in his eyes, said with a smile: "Master Qi, you are very brave and have the taste of an old man. , this time you do well, if you do it well, the old man will give you a lot of rewards, and it will give you a deserved benefit."

Qi Yun was confused, watching Zhao Tianlong lead own hands.


What's going on?

Why does it smell like gay in gay?

There are still five chapters to go, everyone recommends tickets~~

(end of this chapter)

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