Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 273 I am your godfather. Who threw the stone? !

Chapter 273 I am your godfather. Who threw the stone? !

The Great Ferocious Jaw Dragon was not as reckless as that one. Instead, it roared and walked around, keeping a distance from the Sulfur Killing Dragon, a subspecies of Dragon Killing.

And as it screamed, the Ferocious Jaw Dragons slowly gathered around as if they had found a backbone, carefully observing the Sulfur Killing Dragon's actions.

Hiss. The Great Ferocious Jaw Dragon looked for the Sulfur Slashing Dragon's flaw, while the Sulfur Slashing Dragon slowly swung its tail blade, appearing ready to move.

Finally, amid the noisy roars of the Vicious Jaw Dragons, the Sulfur Killing Dragon became impatient. Adhering to the principle of catching the thief first, it took a step forward, jumped up, and then twisted its tail blade to slash.

The Great Ferocious Jaw Dragon had anticipated it and immediately ran away and let out a short roar. The Sulphur-Slashing Dragon's tail was more flexible than the Sulfur-Slashing Dragon, and it missed the target before swinging again.

As the Sulfur Slayer Dragon slashed, the sulfur crystals precipitated from its tail fell to the ground and turned into puddles of corrosive acid. The Great Ferocious Jaw Dragon avoided them one by one with dangerous risks.

But at this time, the Ferocious Jaw Dragon, commanded by the Big Ferocious Jaw Dragon, immediately pounced forward and bit the Sulfur Slashing Dragon's body with its paralyzing fangs.


The Sulfur Killer Dragon immediately changed its target, swinging its body violently in an attempt to throw off the Ferocious Jaw Dragon, and used its tail blade to continuously sweep and slash, driving away other Ferocious Jaw Dragons that wanted to pounce.

The Great Ferocious Jaw Dragon took this opportunity to spit out paralyzing venom.

Soon, under the venom injections of many Ferocious Jaw Dragons and Big Ferocious Jaw Dragons, the Sulfur Killing Dragon's body stiffened, then became paralyzed and trembled, entering a state of paralysis.

At this point, the Big Ferocious Jaw Dragon used itself as a bait to attract the attention of the Sulfur Slayer Dragon, and then flexibly dodges while calling the Ferocious Jaw Dragons to attack in a group. This tactic has achieved results.

How smart! Aiden seemed to see a leader who took the lead, was brave and resourceful.

Aiden, who seized the opportunity to deal damage, immediately rushed forward with his sword in hand: Okay! Then I'll help too!

At this time, the Big Ferocious Jaw Dragon swooped up and bit the Sulfur Slashing Dragon's throat with its thunder fangs, and other Ferocious Jaw Dragons also swarmed up, biting the Sulfur Slashing Dragon's scales with all their strength.

Being bitten by a group of ferocious jaw dragons, the Sulfur Killer Dragon lost its center of gravity and fell suddenly.

Aiden skillfully used his sword to attack the head of the Sulfur Slayer Dragon repeatedly. The sound of slashing was continuous and the output was very comfortable.

But the numbness time passed quickly.

The Sulfur Killing Dragon's eyes suddenly became fixed, and he looked angrily at Aiden, who was riding on his face to deal damage. The long and flexible tail behind him suddenly swung up, then curved, and stabbed towards Aiden at high speed.

The Great Ferocious Jaw Dragon immediately sensed the danger and immediately swung its head, knocking Aiden away who was completely unaware of the flexibility of the Sulphurous Dragon's tail blade.

Then the sharp blade pierced its back, opening a large hole, and the corrosive acid eroded its flesh.

Ayden climbed up neatly, looked at the injured Diregnathus, and said in surprise: Am I rescued?!


The Sulfur Killer Dragon turned over and stood up, throwing away most of the Ferocious Jaw Dragons that were caught off guard. Then it crashed into the rock and knocked down all the rest.


The Great Ferocious Jaw Dragon endured the pain and let out a loud roar. The panicked Ferocious Jaw Dragon regained its composure and began to wander around.


Sulfur Zhanlong, who had just been knocked down by a group of ruffians, felt very humiliated and furious.

It immediately bit the tail blade with its mouth and flicked it. The teeth and the carapace next to the mouth like the jaws of wire cutters removed all the sulfur crystals on the tail blade, revealing the cold and shining blade.

Aiden calmly analyzed: That guy's tail blade is much more flexible and sharper than Dragon Killer's. Without restraint, a person might be tired of dealing with it.

After understanding Aiden's words, the Great Ferocious Jaw Dragon immediately raised its head, unfolded the cobra-like organs on both sides of its neck, and howled with all its strength.


Rustling sounds continued to come from all directions, and more and more ferocious jaw dragons were coming.

At this time, Suo Zhanlong also felt trouble and took the initiative to attack.

Faced with a large number of Ferocious Jaw Dragons, the Sulfur Killer Dragon gave up its sophisticated attack methods and instead swept across the invading enemies with broad strokes.

The Great Ferocious Jaw Dragon took the initiative to lure the Sulfur Killer Dragon into attacking, creating opportunities for Aiden. The experienced Aiden immediately figured out the Sulfur Killer Dragon's fighting style and began to attack it effectively.

The furious Sulfur Killing Dragon was tired of dealing with it and began to become irritable.

It began to ignore it, twisting its body rapidly, swiping its tail blade and slashing at it one after another. The Great Ferocious Jaw Dragon was not in a hurry to dodge, and was hit by the knife and rolled away.


The Big Ferocious Jaw Dragon struggled to hold up its body and let out an angry roar. The high-pitched voice carried a force that made the surrounding Ferocious Jaw Dragons immediately excited and roared furiously in response to it.

At that moment, the Ferocious Jaw Dragons rushed forward without fear of death, biting the Sulfur Dragon's scales with their mouths open. The bites that could only cause minor injuries in the past became more powerful.

The Big Ferocious Jaw Dragon continued to roar, and the Ferocious Jaw Dragon's power became a little stronger again.

What is going on?! Aiden was extremely confused as he looked at the furious Sulfur Killer Dragon who was bitten by the brave Ferocious Jaw Dragons.

If Su Yi were here, he would definitely recognize that this was a long howl that could increase the physical attack of himself and his companions by one level.

This move may be mediocre in a battle, but in the case of the Big Ferocious Jaw Dragon, which can command a large group of Ferocious Jaw Dragons, it becomes a magical skill.

The Great Ferocious Jaw Dragon roared again, with a calm expression: I, your godfather!

As more and more Ferocious Jaw Dragons were attracted, the Ferocious Jaw Dragon that was carrying the Wilderness Master in the distance also received the call and immediately turned around and rushed towards this side.

Master Yuanye behind it hugged it tightly to prevent himself from being thrown off. At the same time, he said in surprise: What's going on? Is the Great Ferocious Jaw Dragon in danger?

And a muscular man ran closely behind her.

Soon, the Ferocious Jaw Dragon carried Master Yuan to the battlefield, then left her behind and rushed over.

Aiden and the Great Ferocious Jaw Dragon are in danger! Seeing the chaotic battlefield, Master Yuanye immediately understood.

At this time, the strong man next to her immediately smashed a rock with one punch, and rushed over with one of the heavy rocks the size of a washbasin.

Young man! I'm here! Get away from those monsters! The strong man shouted, his well-developed muscles suddenly bulged, and blood vessels crawled up his arms. He gathered some strength and smashed the rock hard.

On the battlefield, the Great Ferocious Jaw Dragon was roaring at Aiden, wanting to tell him to evacuate now.

At this moment, a loud roar came. Aiden looked subconsciously and saw a huge rock smashing over with a roar.


The big vicious jaw dragon tilted its head and was knocked over.

Aiden\u0026amp;Great Diregnathus:? ? ?

Master Yuanye slapped his forehead and shouted: Put it into the ball quickly, let's run!

Aiden reacted immediately, put the buzzing Big Diregnath into the capture ball, and then ran towards them quickly.

Seeing this scene, the strong man was stunned, as if he realized that he had accidentally injured a friendly force.

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