Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 272: Big Ferocious Jaw Dragon: I am in danger, boss, come quickly!

In the cave, Su Yi approached the Ice-toothed Dragon softly and quickly, then suddenly rose up, inhaled to accumulate strength, and wielded Giant Beast Slash to jump and slash heavily.


The ice-toothed dragon was hit hard by a powerful and heavy blow, causing some cracks to appear on the ice beneath its head.

Suffering this heavy blow, the Ice-toothed Dragon suddenly woke up and got up. At this time, what it saw was the flame-filled mouth of the Barbarian Jaw Dragon.


The Barbarian Jaw Dragon bit the Icetooth Dragon's neck, and with a bang, it knocked the still weak creature onto the ice.

In the sky, Da Kong used flame jets to burn its body from its back to its tail, causing even more severe burns to the Ice Tooth Dragon.

At this time, the Ferocious Claw Dragon jumped on the back of the Ice Fang Dragon and used the Flame Fang according to the location of the old injury.


The sharp teeth penetrated deeply into the flesh, and the flames burned the flesh.


The Ice-toothed Dragon roared in agony, and its weak body burst out with the power of survival. It kept moving its limbs, trying to break free.

The Barbarian Jaws opened its mouth again, bit its neck, and pinned it down on the ice.

Su Yi took a deep breath, waved the Dragon God Pill that used Behemoth Slash, and calmly hit a standard JR like a pile driver on the Ice Tooth Dragon's head.

Seeing that the Ice-toothed Dragon was still struggling, Su Yi simply waved his shield and hit the ground with a powerful and heavy shield attack. The Ice-toothed Dragon's head was immediately hit and it was dizzy, and its physical strength was rapidly draining away.

After all, the Ice Tooth Dragon was seriously injured and was even on the verge of death. It could not recover much in just one day, so it was quickly defeated and dying.

Let's go! Su Yi threw the capture ball from close range and hit the ice-toothed dragon on the head with a thud.

The light flashed, and the Ice Tooth Dragon was collected into the ball. The captured ball shook violently at first, but the amplitude gradually became smaller and finally stabilized.


The white knight of the ice field was captured successfully.

Originally, you were my original goal in coming to Yongshuang Frozen Land, but now, you are my final harvest from this exploration. Su Yi said with emotion.

Later, Su Yi checked the information about Ice Tooth Dragon.

[Name: Ice Tooth Dragon

Race: Ice-tooth dragon (male)

Properties: ice

Characteristics: Deadly Fangs (Each level of physical attack increases, the probability of activation of additional effects of bite moves increases by 30%, up to a maximum of 60%)

Moves: Ice Fang Crash (exclusive move, power 90, ice attribute, physical move, bite move, jump high, aim the fangs at the target to smash and puncture, with a high probability of reducing the target's defense), Ice Whirlwind ( Exclusive move, power 80, ice attribute, special move, spitting out ice crystals mixed with freezing liquid, causing a whirlwind of ice crystals that lasts for several seconds, with a high probability of reducing the target's speed)

Gnaw, crush, bite, fine snow, freezing wind, boulders, frozen teeth, ice breath, etc.

Carrying props: none]

Is it mainly focused on the additional effects of biting moves? Su Yi thought.

Judging from the current moves of the Ice Fang Dragon, the exclusive move Ice Fang Crash can reduce physical defense with a high probability, so after increasing the physical attack by one level, it will almost be a guaranteed effect.

Bite can make the target flinch, and crushing can also reduce defense. Freeze Fang can make the target flinch or freeze. If you can learn Flame Fang and Thunder Fang, then these two moves can make the target flinch or burn (paralysis).

Even biting tightly can prevent the Pokémon from being taken back. This is the rhythm of seizing the opportunity to make the opponent sick to death. Su Yi murmured.

As long as you learn Dragon Dance or Sword Dance, and increase the probability of activating additional effects through the characteristic Deadly Fangs, Icetooth Dragon can add various effects to the opponent, and its bite can prevent the opponent from exchanging Pokémon.

If there is no way to crack it, it will be torture to death.

Su Yi praised: I didn't expect that after becoming a Pokémon, you would still be capable of being disgusting.

Next, Su Yi found an ice cave nearby. The entrance and exit of the cave could only be entered by squatting. It was a hidden place.

Su Yi decisively set up a camp here to avoid having to run around in the eternal frost and frozen soil.

Then Su Yi returned to the Star Stronghold.

Just when he was about to heal the Icetooth Dragon, his Hunting Guide trembled.

Su Yi opened it in surprise and found that on the [Map], the head of the Great Ferocious Jaw Dragon was flashing red, and an eye mark below turned red.

The Great Ferocious Jaw Dragon is in danger?! Su Yi teleported to the Miasma Valley without saying a word.

Later in the evening, Miasma Valley.

Is it a turf war? Aiden looked at the scene in front of him and marveled.

The Big Ferocious Jaw Dragon led a group of young men to fight with the Ferocious Jaw Dragon led by another Big Ferocious Jaw Dragon.

The two sides fought fiercely, and the scene was chaotic. However, due to the characteristics of the Great Ferocious Jaw Dragon, the Ferocious Jaw Dragon on its side was slightly stronger.

But at this moment, a huge creature broke in from one end of the battlefield.


A powerful sharp blade slashed down, cutting an unprepared Ferocious Jaw Dragon into two pieces.

Howling? The hostile Big Jaw Dragon growled and looked in surprise.

The next moment, the giant blade swept across. In an instant, several Ferocious Jaw Dragons were knocked into the sky, and then fell down weakly. A ferocious cut appeared on their bodies.

What kind of monster is it?! Aiden suddenly became alert.


Stepping in with its strong hind limbs, an indigo figure dragging a slender tail blade broke into the battlefield, glaring at a group of ferocious jaw dragons.

Dragon-killing?! No, the color and shape are different! Is it a subspecies?! Aiden said in surprise.


At this time, the swordsman began to clean up the field without hesitation. Its tail blade was lighter than the dragon-slaying one and could make flexible slashes.

In an instant, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and the Ferocious Jaw Dragons were no match at all. They were chopped down one after another. For a moment, the Ferocious Jaw Dragons wanted to retreat and cowered in fear.

The enemy's Big Ferocious Jaw Dragon roared angrily and rushed forward without hesitation, hoping to use its momentum to lead the Ferocious Jaw Dragons to organize an attack.


The swordsman was calm and calm, and roared attentively. The moment the Great Ferocious Jaw Dragon rushed towards him, he turned around and slashed with the smooth and sharp tail blade.


There was no gorgeous flame, but a flash of cold light, and the Great Ferocious Jaw Dragon drooped its limbs feebly in mid-air, and fell into the pile of Ferocious Jaw Dragon corpses with a clatter.

At this time, the leaderless ferocious jaw dragons completely panicked and began to flee in panic.

The subspecies Zhanlong walked over calmly, admiring the sight of the enemy running away with its tail between its legs.


At this time, Su Yi's big jaw dragon let out a high-pitched roar, and the panic jaw dragons suddenly recovered and stopped escaping with a slight hesitation.


The swordsman saw that there was another big fierce jaw dragon trying to resist, so he roared and approached step by step, while slowly swinging the tail blade.

At this time, the blade on its tail slowly exuded light yellow crystals, transforming from a sharp knife into a ferocious and vicious blade.

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