Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 270 The first contact with Tian Hui Long

You have to hold it down later. Su Yi held the Dragon God Pill, told the accompanying beasts, and then opened the capture ball.


Tian Huilong, who had recovered some strength, immediately opened his gun wings and roared loudly, and the end of the nozzle began to glow with a faint red light.

Su Yi shouted: Hold it!


The accompanying beasts swarmed forward and held down Tian Huilong, who was seriously injured and weak in dragon energy, like a prisoner.


Tian Huilong struggled and screamed furiously, his eyes fixed on Su Yi.

Su Yi scratched his head: Why don't you be so angry? Calm down your anger and be careful not to be eroded by the dragon's energy.

唳——! Tian Huilong became even more angry.

Su Yi scratched his ears that were tortured by the sharp screams, and said distressedly: But, but, you came to the door first and attacked us!

唳——ANG?! Tian Huilong's ferocious neighing sound suddenly stopped.

Su Yi looked over and saw Tian Huilong's struggling movements. The scene was a bit awkward for a while.

Su Yi was a little surprised. If you were replaced by other monsters, they might not care so much and continue to yell at you to vent their anger.

But is it because the ancient dragons themselves have high intelligence, coupled with the enhanced intelligence of Pokémon, that they will be more rational and able to understand their own situation better?

Tian Huilong was silent for a moment and continued to stare at Su Yi.

In fact, when Xilong recalled that day, Su Yi could command those creatures it originally looked down upon to defeat it, and it understood that this creature, which seemed weak but could command those monsters, did have the strength to compete with it.

Its situation now is the result of its recklessness and contempt.

But it is a noble ancient dragon! How could it be a prisoner of that creature? !

It has to fight hard for freedom!


The Sky Comet Dragon roared again, squeezing out the last strength from its body, and began to struggle wildly. The accompanying beasts almost couldn't hold it down.

Prepare for forced treatment!

Su Yi released the auspicious egg and asked it to sing. Then he raised the projector and stabbed the sleep flying knife at Tian Huilong like crazy.

Tian Huilong was already in a very bad state. As this sleep combination continued, its struggle gradually became weak, and then it fell asleep.


Thunder Wolf Dragon picked up a sleep flying knife that was stuck on his shoulder, and looked at Su Yi with complaining eyes: This is the second time! The first time is the energy cube, and the second time is this. Can you shoot accurately?

Su Yi sneered and said, Ah, it's struggling too hard, and you guys are too close.

I'll definitely (shoot accurately) next time!

Thunder Wolf Dragon stared: Is there a next time? !

Next, Su Yi quickly applied medicine to Tian Huilong, bandaged it, and stuffed a handful of energy cubes into its mouth. When Tian Huilong woke up, he could eat as much as he could.

The eyes of Thunder Wolf Dragon are subtle.

When Su Yi saw that look, he immediately said angrily: I bought that!

After a while of busy work, Tian Huilong's injury was finally treated, and Su Yi took it back.

There is a long way to go. Su Yi shook his head and returned to the mountain behind the stronghold.

Early the next morning, Su Yi came to the circulation area and escorted the airship loaded with equipment.

According to the carrying capacity of the airship, it will take about three times to carry it. If it is faster, it can be done in one day.

Set off!

Su Yi and Lu Cao rode on the steel armored crow, while Da Kong, the female fire dragon, and the wind drifting dragon escorted the airship and slowly took off.

I hope nothing happens.

I don’t know if the Fire Dragon couple are still recuperating. When the airship flew past the edge of the ancient tree forest, there was no movement on the ancient giant trees in the distance.

But flying into the desolate canyon, you can't see any living things.

Because this canyon is not in the same location as the one where the Explosive Scale Dragon was encountered, and the straight line distance from the stronghold is relatively close, the first transportation was completed without any danger.

On the rocky platforms on both sides of the canyon, there were already hunters busy. They were somewhat surprised to see the airship being escorted down by the monsters.

Unload the things quickly! the leader of the second phase of the regiment shouted loudly.

Because he needed to install the dragon gun, he had to be busy in the canyon recently.

With the help of the accompanying beasts, the transportation of the equipment was extremely smooth.

This is my first time working with monsters.

No, I'm still very nervous. They won't pounce suddenly.

What's this? I heard that we are going to fight with them!

Other hunters who had never come into contact with Su Yi's accompanying beast but had only heard of it whispered in disbelief.

Well! Everything went well, please take care of the next step! The second regiment leader, who was going to stay here to organize the equipment installation, waved to Su Yi.

The subsequent transportation was also uneventful. Finally, in the afternoon, all the equipment and components of the dragon-killing gun were transported.

Thanks to you, now we are more confident! The commander-in-chief nodded, seeming to be impatient for the battle.

However, people from the material management office suddenly brought bad news: there were not enough explosives.

If we follow the previous battles, the explosives will be barely enough, but now this plan not only requires blowing up the rock peak, but also burying explosives in the pits, and the airship also takes away some of the shells.

The person managing the supplies took inventory, and the commander-in-chief immediately understood: The firepower is not enough. Now we have to let the hunters collect more materials.

The materials for gunpowder are easy to handle, but if you want the quality of the explosive to be strong enough, you also need the Oni Explosive Mushroom. It's not easy to get so many of these materials at once.

At this time, Master Yuanye said: I know there are several places in the Valley of Miasma where a large number of Oni Explosive Mushrooms grow. With Su Yi's help, we should be able to collect them easily.

The commander-in-chief turned around and asked: Okay, Su Yi, can I ask you for a favor?

Su Yi scratched his head. In fact, he wanted to go back to the Yongshuang Tutu to have a look, because he didn't know whether the Ice Tooth Dragon was dead or not. If it was dead, he could still dig for materials. If it was not dead, he would see if he could track it.

Commander-in-Chief, just leave it to me! Aiden saw Su Yi's hesitation, so he volunteered.

That's fine. The commander-in-chief nodded.

Let's do this, I'll let my accompanying beast help you. Su Yi suggested.

I haven’t used the rental of the accompanying beast many times.

Are they accompanying beasts? Can they listen to me? Aiden was eager to try, but still hesitant.

No problem, that's my old buddy. Although it can't help much in the current battle, it is a local snake in the Valley of Miasma.

As Su Yi said, he handed the capture ball of the Great Ferocious Jaw Dragon to Aiden, and then confirmed the loan to Aiden in the Hunting Guide. By the way, the mission was triggered. There were at least three capture balls.

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