Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 269 I only have two states

Chapter 269 I only have two states.

Su Yi, who noticed something strange in Da Kong, immediately gave it a full body check.

The bluish scales are only a very small part, and you really can’t see them without looking carefully at the whole body.

There is nothing abnormal about Da Kong's physical functions such as his athletic ability and appetite. Instead, he looks full of energy and motivation.

Su Yi touched his chin and said, It shouldn't be a bad thing?

In fact, seeing the color of the scales, Su Yi had already thought of a monster with the same scale color - the subspecies of the male fire dragon, the blue fire dragon.

Simply put, the Cyan Fire Dragon is an all-around enhanced version of the Male Fire Dragon.

But until the exploration of the New World, there was no official clear explanation as to the reason for the appearance of the Cang Fire Dragon.

There used to be a saying in the original continent: the blue fire dragon is a male fire dragon whose body color changes after it grows to middle age or old age.

However, the Blue Fire Dragon will only mate with the Sakura Fire Dragon, a subspecies of the female Fire Dragon. This may indicate that the Blue Fire Dragon and the Sakura Fire Dragon have probably formed a population, and this also meets the definition of a subspecies.

Moreover, the game mechanism of being able to repeatedly farm various monsters gives players the illusion that Cang and Sakura Fire Dragon are not rare monsters.

But in fact, in the world of monster hunting, these two kinds of monsters are very rare.

In the world of Monster Hunter, fire dragons are one of the monsters that have the most frequent contact with humans because of their large number and wide distribution.

If the Blue Fire Dragon is a middle-aged or elderly male Fire Dragon, then even if there is a certain degree of chance, it should not be said to be very rare.

Furthermore, the body functions of the Cang Fire Dragon are better than those of the Male Fire Dragon. According to the laws of nature, the Cang Fire Dragon should not be a very old individual.

In the ecology of the New World, blue fire dragons are more common in dragon crystallization places where earth energy is concentrated and extremely active.

From this point of view, the hypothesis put forward by researchers in the New World that the blue fire dragon appeared due to the influence of the energy of the earth's veins seems more convincing.

Or maybe the original mainland's guess wasn't too wrong.

In the dragon crystallization place in the New World, because the energy is extremely active and concentrated, it is easier for the blue fire dragon to be born.

However, there is currently no place where earth veins converge like the Dragon Crystal Land in the Old Continent, so blue fire dragons are even rarer.

It also makes sense that some male fire dragons have accumulated a certain amount of energy over the years, and then have a chance of slowly mutating into a blue fire dragon after a certain age.

To sum up, although I don’t know when this change started in Da Kong, for now, it shouldn’t be a bad thing.

Su Yi breathed a sigh of relief: Phew, you scared me.

Ouch? Da Kong was a little confused about Su Yi's worry, but after seeing him breathe a sigh of relief, he immediately became carefree again.

At this time, Su Yi suddenly thought that Da Kong might be able to further grow into a blue fire dragon, so it would not be impossible to eventually become a rare silver fire dragon with the help of the Life Dragon Vein Stone.

And at that time, what else could Big Sky mega-evolve into?

Su Yi smiled and stroked Da Kong's head hard: Don't worry so much, just grow up happily.

Ouch! Da Kong happily rushed forward and knocked down Su Yi who was caught off guard.

Apparently it hasn't realized that it is no longer a baby, but a teenager whose size has caught up with the steel-armored crow.

After dinner, Su Yi walked around the back hill to eat. At this time, he saw the somewhat unhappy Thunder Wolf Dragon.

Su Yi said amusedly: What's wrong? Is it because I didn't take you to fight the Sky Comet Dragon?

Ouch... Thunder Wolf Dragon growled somewhat depressedly. It also wanted to fight for the honor of fighting against the ancient dragon.

The accompanying beasts have high intelligence and are taken care of by Su Yi. They don't need to worry about food, housing and treatment, so their pursuit of things other than physiology is their biggest motivation.

The character of Thunder Wolf Dragon is self-improvement and eager to reach the top.

So when it knew that other accompanying beasts had a thrilling battle with the ancient dragon, it would naturally feel regretful.

Because there were not enough lightning bugs on the Thunder Wolf Dragon, the Thunder Wolf Dragon could not exert many abilities, and Su Yi was afraid that the lightning bugs it finally collected would be consumed in large quantities due to the battle, so he did not let it participate in the battle.

When the number of lightning bugs on the body increases, even if they are consumed due to fighting, they will be able to reproduce quickly.

Furthermore, this problem can also be solved by subduing all Thunderbolts as Pokémon when the time comes.

Su Yi patted the Thunder Wolf Dragon's sharp claws: Don't be depressed. Your current training is just to be able to fight the Nergigante in the future.


After hearing this, Thunder Wolf Dragon regained his fighting spirit and became eager to fight.


Immediately afterwards, Thunder Wolf Dragon showed Su Yi its results during this period.

A large swarm of lightning bugs flew out, lighting up the woods at dusk.

Su Yi was surprised: Is there already that many?

Thunder Wolf Dragon pointed to the feed specially prepared for thunder bugs next to its lair. It was empty, and there were a group of thunder bugs flying in pairs nearby.

Su Yi touched his chin and analyzed: In other words, are they starting to reproduce in large numbers? So fast.

Ouch, ouch Thunder Wolf Dragon said something, Su Yi immediately pulled Lu Cao to translate.

Meow? It says that after receiving weak electrical stimulation, the light emitted by the lightning bugs will become brighter. Then they will meow like this when they are full.

Su Yi analyzed: Well, that is to say, the lightning bugs will become more active after being stimulated by electricity, and since they don't have to worry about food, they will start to mate and reproduce in large numbers just like fireflies that glow to court their mates?

Lei Guangchong: I only have two states, hungry and sour, and I am full now!

Good guy, is the Thunder Wolf Dragon flirting with the Lightning Bug?

So astringent.

Among the mating lightning bugs, Su Yi saw those few lightning bugs that became Pokémon.

Su Yi said happily: I'll go to the Insect Cage Tribe tomorrow to see if I've caught any lightning bugs. I'll be able to fully regain my strength soon.

Later, after the accompanying beasts had fully recovered from their injuries and physical strength, Su Yi teleported to Golden Land.

As soon as he arrived at the largest square in Golden Township, Su Yi saw the Dino Tyrannosaurus lying on the ground and sleeping soundly.

In this quiet golden land, the well-fed Dino Tyrannosaurus had nothing to do but sleep. He couldn't chase the steamed bun crabs, right?

Tyrannosaurus: I have two states, hunting and sleeping, and now I'm full.

Su Yi took the Dread Tyrannosaurus back and said, Be good, the floor is cold, come back to sleep in the ball.

Ouch! The Tyrannosaurus suddenly woke up when he felt that he was being taken back, but he only had time to make a sound.

Su Yi released the accompanying beasts in the main battle, and then asked Lucao to start using motivational instruments to improve their abilities.

Then, he took a deep breath and held Tian Huilong's capture ball.

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