Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 266 Silver wings, coming of ice and snow (changed, just refresh)


At the critical moment, the female fire dragon used the fierce attack of the brave bird to accelerate towards her, smashing the falling rocks that hit Su Yi, and then faced the Tian Hui dragon that was charging towards him.

With a bang, the female fire dragon was no match for the Dragon Qi sprint of the Sky Comet Dragon, and fell into the valley wailing.

But it bought time for Su Yi. Tian Huilong paused before rushing towards the falling Su Yi again.

What should I do?! Su Yi held Longshenwan with one hand and hugged the crystal tightly with the other.


In the sky, Da Kong, who was blown away by the explosion, roared loudly and used the brave bird attack to rush over, trying to rescue Su Yi, but its speed was still a little slower than Tian Huilong.

Da Kong stared at Su Yi, his eyes full of eagerness. The light on his chest became brighter and brighter, the silver-white lines began to spread, and the calamity flames became hotter and hotter, as if they were burning the soul.

Su Yi raised his head and met Dakong's eyes, and Dakong's mood was conveyed through it.

My proud sun, break through the shackles! Su Yi held the spar tightly and conveyed his strong desire to the sky through it.


The light from Da Kong's body skyrocketed, as if something was about to burst out of Da Kong's body.

The next moment, the light dissipated, the silver-white flying dragon accelerated its sprint, and the reverse scales on its chest turned into crystals shining with blue light.

Da Kong opened his mouth slightly, and the blazing fireball of calamity was brewing in his mouth, and then he aimed at Tian Huilong.


The calamity fireball broke through the sound barrier and caught up with Tian Huilong.

At that moment, white light burst out, and the incandescent fireball enveloped the Celestial Comet Dragon, like a silver-white sun.


Da Kong accelerated around the fireball, caught up with Su Yi, caught it, and then slowly lowered it to the ground.

Did you succeed? Su Yi stroked Da Kong's silver-white scales.


A figure fell from the flames and crashed into the hot spring. Suddenly, the hot carapace evaporated the spring water, and large clouds of steam emerged.


Tian Huilong climbed out with difficulty, his silver-white scales were burned into large scorches, and his two spear wings hung feebly by his side.

Back to my home court, everyone! Su Yi waved his hand, and the accompanying beasts who had regained their fighting strength at the bottom of the valley immediately rushed over.


The Vicious Claw Dragon and Xun Miao were on the left and right, with one Vicious Claw and one wing blade, attacking Tian Hui Long from both sides. Tian Hui Long even tried his best to resist.

At this time, the Black Horned Dragon finished charging up and charged towards the Sky Comet Dragon.


The huge force knocked Tian Huilong into the mountain wall and pinned it tightly.

At this time, the other accompanying beasts rushed forward again to attack with all their strength.

Tian Huilong tried his best to rotate the wings of his gun, and used all his dragon energy to spray out several dragon energy bombs at the Black Horned Dragon, intending to force the Black Horned Dragon back and break free.

But the Black Horned Dragon resisted the attack and pinned it to the wall, and kept squeezing its injured chest and abdomen, causing it extreme pain.

Seeing Tian Huilong's struggle gradually weakening, Su Yi directed the last attack: Da Kong, it's up to you to strike the final blow!

Da Kong took a breath and took a deep breath, the calamity flames boiling and brewing in his mouth.

The Black Horned Dragon retreated in time, leaving the Sky Comet Dragon in the sky.


The calamity flame fireball distorted the air and blasted towards Tian Hui Long.


A huge explosion resounded through the valley, the ignited rubble scattered in all directions, and the flames clung to the rocks, swaying with bluish-white flames.

Tian Huilong's body slowly fell to the ground.

A monumental moment! Su Yi suppressed his excitement, took out the upper ball and threw it accurately.


The captured ball struggled violently and soon exploded.

Huh? Still struggling?

Su Yi threw the upper ball again. At this time, the shaking was no longer violent, but it still exploded. Tian Huilong twitched its limbs slightly, apparently trying to stand up.

Stop struggling!

Su Yi gritted his teeth and threw another ball.


After a period of shaking that made him extremely nervous, the captured ball finally stabilized.


Successful! Su Yi clenched his fists and excitedly picked up Tian Huilong's capture ball.

Finally! After a fierce battle! Su Yi took a deep breath and looked at the accompanying beasts.

Each of them was seriously injured, but their momentum had not weakened at all. The battle with the ancient dragon not only helped them overcome their fear of the ancient dragon, but also made them more confident in the power they had gained.


Da Kong let out a high roar, but the next moment, its body glowed white, the silvery white on its body receded, it turned back into a male fire dragon, and then fell down.

Da Kong! Su Yi hugged it quickly and breathed a sigh of relief when he found that it was breathing evenly.

It's probably just because I ran out of energy. Thanks to it this time. Su Yi quickly took back the accompanying beasts.

Get out of here first and let everyone stabilize their injuries.

But when he opened the Hunting Guide, he found that he could not teleport.

[Already in the realm of ice, unable to leave. 】

Su Yi: ???

What's going on?! Su Yi suddenly panicked.

The realm of ice?! Is it the ice dragon?! Su Yi immediately thought of the owner of this ever-frozen land.

Could it be that it was attracted by the Sky Comet Dragon?! Su Yi thought quickly and figured out the key immediately.

The dragon aura of the Sky Comet Dragon is very aggressive, and the Ice Dragon is a proud ancient dragon. How could he allow other ancient dragons to intrude into his territory?

But I don't know how big this field is, and I don't know where the Ice Dragon is! Su Yi thought quickly.

Don't run into an ice dragon while walking.

By the way, take the crystal back first! Su Yi immediately took the colorful crystal back into the [item].

Leave towards the south! Su Yi decided immediately.

When he and Lucao walked out of the canyon, Lucao wrapped her clothes around her body and said, It's so cold, meow!

Be careful, Lucao, the news of our battle with the Sky Comet Dragon may attract another ancient dragon! Su Yi said solemnly.

Meow?! Lucao was startled.

And Gu Long Meow?!

The battle with the Sky Comet Dragon made him fully understand the extraordinary combat power of the ancient dragon. One Sky Comet Dragon allowed them to deal with it with all their strength. This was based on the terrain advantage.

So what kind of terrifying battle would it be if we faced the ancient dragon living in the frozen soil here?

We have no choice but to run away!

Su Yi stepped on the deep snow and walked towards the south.

The snow in the sky became heavier and the wind gradually became violent.

Blizzards are one of the reasons why I hate eternal frost and frozen soil. Su Yi murmured.

It's better to release the Ferocious Claw Dragon instead.

Su Yi originally didn't want to let the accompanying beast out, because the target of the accompanying beast was too big for him, and Gu Long's keen perception should easily detect the accompanying beast.


As soon as the Ferocious Claw Dragon appeared, it shook its body. Even if it was very adaptable, it would find it difficult to resist the cold weather.

Let's go south! Su Yi shouted in the wind and snow.


The Ferocious Claw Dragon responded, carrying Su Yi and running. The snow splashed, and the strong wind carried ice crystals and hit Su Yi's face.

Something doesn't seem right, the snow has turned to ice and the temperature is dropping!

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