Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 265 Combination Skills (Changed, just refresh)

Su Yi jumped off the cliff with his back. The feeling of weightlessness hit him, making him feel a little palpitated.

On the cliff, the steel-armored crow, which had just been shot away by Tian Huilong with its spear wings, stood up and hurriedly wanted to fly down to support Su Yi.

At this moment, a childish but warlike roar came from below the valley.


The strong wind surged, Da Kong struggled to flap its wings and climbed rapidly, rushing towards Su Yi. The silver-white feather texture on the pair of dragon wings lit up with a faint light.


Da Kong opened his sharp claws, and at the critical moment, he grabbed Su Yi's armor and pulled it violently.

Su Yi, who was suddenly pulled, felt his breathing stagnant, and his whole body was hurt by the sudden pull and shock.

Da Kong was also pulled down suddenly by the weight and almost fell, but fortunately, his strong wings flapped hard and stopped the falling trend.

Dakong?! Su Yi turned back and looked at it in surprise.

He didn't expect that Da Kong could actually pull himself up to fly. Although it was still very difficult, it was enough to show that Da Kong's power had grown a lot. You must know that it was only more than two months old.

The physical growth cycle of the Pokémon is longer than that of most Pokémon.


Below, the female fire dragon reacted after seeing the thrilling scene of lightning and flint, and immediately flew up, carrying Su Yi and sharing Da Kong's burden.

Su Yi took a deep breath and said, Take me up, the battle is not over yet!


The female fire dragon roared loudly, trying to dispel the fear of the ancient dragon in her heart, but Da Kong didn't care what the ancient dragon was. She only knew that the guy was strong, but not enough to make him surrender!


The female fire dragon flew up the cliff, and Su Yi saw Tian Hui Dragon panting violently on the spot, the air intake on its chest became scorched black, and it also exited the dragon energy activation state.

Tian Huilong is not an ancient dragon with excellent defense and physical strength. This battle really hurt it a lot, and it consumed a lot of physical strength and dragon energy.

Below, a group of accompanying beasts are receiving treatment from auspicious eggs and dew grass, and their conditions are improving.

Su Yi made a decision immediately: We have to find a way to drive it to the battlefield below!

Su Yi jumped off the female fire dragon and was about to organize an attack. At this time, Da Kong let out a low roar at him. Su Yi immediately understood the fighting look in his eyes.

Are you going to enter the Tribulation Flame state? You just entered it once not long ago, won't it be a burden? Su Yi asked worriedly.

Although due to Lugia's blessing, Da Kong's ability to endure the Tribulation Flame state has been greatly improved, it still has a considerable burden after all.

Mature strengthening systems such as mega evolution and Z-moves place a great burden on Pokémon and cannot be used continuously in a short period of time, not to mention that Dasong has not fully mastered the power of the crystals.

Moreover, Su Yi guessed that Da Kong had never completely entered a certain form, and the Tribulation Flame state was just a part of that form.

Su Yi currently lets Da Kong fire a few rounds of tribulation flames to burn them off before exiting the state at the right time, using it as a small Z move.


Da Kong nodded firmly, knowing that without that power, it would not be able to fight against the Sky Comet Dragon.

Su Yi took a deep breath, took out the colorful crystal stone, and said, Then go all out!


Da Kong touches the spar, and the mysterious power connects it with Su Yi.

Tian Huilong felt the fluctuation of energy and immediately looked over.

Da Kong stretched his wings with silver-white feather patterns, and the tribulation flames were burning in his mouth. The lines of light extending from his chest that emitted blue-white light seemed to have some power still buried in his body.

Su Yi immediately commanded: Da Kong, female fire dragon, aim at the head and chest to attack, don't use dragon-type moves!

Although the Sky Comet Dragon does not absorb dragon attributes, its head, neck and wings absorb the four attributes of ice, thunder, fire and water very well.

Da Kong and the female fire dragon immediately flew to both sides of the Sky Comet Dragon and took turns using fire attribute breath moves to attack the Sky Comet Dragon.

But Tian Huilong had just exploded, and the dragon attribute energy in his body was unstable. He was temporarily unable to use dragon energy to take off. He could only endure the pain of disordered dragon energy and spread his gun wings to resist.

The blazing calamity flames in the sky made Tian Huilong feel threatened, forcing it to block it with all its strength.

Long Shenwan on the cliff shook his body quickly, pulled himself out of the rock, and flew to Su Yi's side.

It's better to find an opportunity to attack the air intake on the chest. Su Yi immediately stuffed a strange power pill and a endurance pill into his mouth.

Feeling the strange taste in his mouth, Su Yi raised his head and took a big gulp of the recovery potion and sent it down. Suddenly, the power that was constantly agitating began to flow into his limbs and bones.

Ryujinmaru, let's go!


Su Yi held the spar with one hand and the Dragon God Pill with the other, and strode towards Tian Huilong.

Tian Huilong, who was dealing with the flame attack, noticed Su Yi's rapid approach, and immediately raised his spear wings to form a spear and swept towards him.

Su Yi reacted quickly, using a sliding shovel to avoid the sweep of the gun wing, then quickly stood up and continued to rush toward it.

Tian Huilong raised his front body angrily and rushed towards Su Yi with his sharp claws.

Su Yi looked at Tian Huilong with his chest wide open, grinned and said, This is just a feint attack!

In the sky, Da Kong instantly understood Su Yi's thoughts and sprayed hot and exploding calamity flames at Tian Huilong's chest.


However, Jieyanshuo erupted with a violent explosion. Tian Huilong wailed and fell backwards. Blue-white flames spread across its chest, burning wantonly.


The moment before it fell to the ground, a flying claw grabbed its chest and pulled Su Yi close to it quickly.

This is our exciting combo!

Su Yi got close to the inhalation port on Tian Huilong's chest and stabbed the Dragon God Pill in with force: Iron Hoof Light!


Silvery white light burst out, bombarding the air intake that had become fragile due to frequent injuries. The steel attribute energy continued to impact and explode, causing Tian Huilong to howl in extreme pain.

Standing on the chest of Tian Huilong who was lying on his back, Su Yi stabbed his chest with his sword, like a dragon-slaying warrior who had struck a fatal blow at the evil dragon.

The extremely furious Tian Huilong roared, swung its spear wings and pierced Su Yi from both sides.

At this time, a roar came from the sky, and Da Kong and the female fire dragon flew down, one on the left and the other on the right, and pinned the two gun wings to the ground.

But how could Tian Huilong give in? The nozzles of the two gun wings slowly lit up with red light, and the next moment they sprayed out dragon energy with all their strength. Da Kong and the female fire dragon gradually couldn't suppress the two gun wings.


The Sky Comet Dragon, which gradually recovered from the explosion, ignored the exhaustion and pain, and sprayed out fierce dragon energy, pushing Da Kong and the female fire dragon away, and at the same time suspended and flew up.

Su Yi immediately pulled out the Dragon God Pill and jumped down.

Tian Huilong roared angrily, and its six jets were aimed at Su Yi on the cliff.

Get out of the way! Su Yi jumped off the cliff with all his strength. Then, there was a rumbling sound, and countless gravel fell from above. What was even worse was that the Sky Comet Dragon chased him from above.

Everyone refresh it

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