Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 171 Pokémon Hunter? I'll make sure you never come back! (3k)

Aiden is indeed a person who is willing to accept new things, and he is indeed very talented, which can be seen from his ability to master all hunter weapons.

And now Aiden is showing great interest in training Pokémon. Does this count as not doing his job properly?

Su Yi looked at Aiden who was happily taking Blue Jay and Xiaolan on a mission, and couldn't help but feel a little happy. It was great that Pokémon could integrate into the life here.

He had been worried that it would be difficult for Pokémon to integrate into the life of the stronghold, but now it seems that Pokémon can get along well with the people here.

Aiden and Xiaolan gradually became tacit partners.

Another blue jay and the chef started the cooking journey together.

The other chickadees and blue jays must have found something that suits them, right?

In the Chenghua Forest, Su Yi tossed the ancient tree seeds in his hand.

“Once the seeds are obtained, the next step is to recruit ‘employees’.”

Su Yi talked with the director of the Planting Institute about the planting and care of ancient trees.

In the early stage, if you want the saplings to grow quickly, you must fertilize them at the right time, pay attention to the growth status of the branches and leaves, and prune them regularly.

In the mid-term, if you want to make full use of the characteristics of ancient trees to cultivate plants, you have to spend a certain amount of energy dividing and shaping the cultivation area.

In the later stage, people with certain plant knowledge are still needed to take care of the plants cultivated on the ancient trees, and fertilizers and other materials must be prepared.

These require a lot of manpower and material resources, not to mention that Su Yi plans to plant more than one tree.

In the world of monster hunting, Su Yi can try to hire cats from the insect cage tribe.

In the Pokémon world, I don’t know any plant researchers, and I don’t worry about people I don’t know, so why not let Pokémon who are familiar with plants come to help.

On the one hand, they can use ancient trees as their new home, and they can also use the things produced in them for their own use.

On the other hand, you can also build a paradise for Pokémon and even accompanying beasts centered around an ancient tree.

With thoughts about the future in his mind, Su Yi said to himself: Rome was not built in a day.

Although I know that there is a wood gecko in this forest, where is it specifically? Why don't you ask Ms. Joy at the Pokémon Center in the forest?

Su Yi rode the steel-armored crow and flew into the forest, only to realize that the Chenghua Forest was so big that trying to find a group of wooden geckos was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Although Chenghua Forest is large, there are many small towns and villages in the forest, and some people even build small courtyards to live in the forest alone.

So there is a Pokémon Center in every other area in the forest.

Su Yi, who was not familiar with this forest, could only ask the locals.

Su Yi looked at the navigation on Rotom on his phone and directed the steel-armored crow to fly to a Pokémon center in the forest.

Just as the steel-armored crow was flying above the woods, there was a bang, and a flash of fire suddenly lit up in the distance, and there was also a noisy sound.

What happened? Su Yi patted the steel-armored crow on the back and motioned for it to fly over.

You guys run away, meow!

Run! Take your friends and get out of here!

These attacks are nothing!

In the clearing in the forest, the trio of Team Rocket stood in front of a Bankelas with their bodies covered in scars.

Behind them, an Arbor and a Double-Bomb Gas bomb led a group of Arbor Snakes and Gas Bombs respectively, reluctantly looking back at the Team Rocket trio.

Where are you going to take my goods?! behind Bankilas, a man with green hair and fierce eyes shouted.

Don't even think about catching them, Meow! Meow took a shaky step forward.

Let's go! From now on, we must lead our partners to survive well! Kojiro shouted with tears in his eyes.

Woo! Abo Monster and Shuangbang Gas had tears in their eyes, then turned their heads decisively and fled into the forest with their tribe.

The green-haired man said fiercely: Do you think they can escape? Bankilas, blow these annoying guys away and destroy them to death!

Ouch! Bankiras opened his mouth, and the orange-yellow destructive energy blasted towards the Rocket trio.

With a bang, the trio of Team Rocket were blown away and fell to the ground unable to move.

Hmph! You don't overestimate your own capabilities! The green-haired man snorted coldly.

Su Yi saw this scene on the back of the steel-armored crow, and long-standing memories came to mind.

This is a matter of Team Rocket releasing veteran Arbor and Double-Bomb Gas to protect the tribe from poachers.

Although most of the things Team Rocket do are annoying and seriously harm Pokémon and trainers, sometimes they do things that are for the benefit of Pokémon.

If they had not chosen to join the Rockets, they might be great trainers now.

Is this the evil that implements love and truth? The steel-armored crow carried Su Yi down to Team Rocket.

Are you here to hinder me too?

The green-haired man glanced at the steel-armored crow and the dew grass behind Su Yi, and said with a ferocious smile: Unlike those three guys' useless Pokémon, these two unseen Pokémon seem to be very rare.

Seeing the greed in the man's eyes, Su Yi's eyes condensed under his helmet: A Pokémon hunter?

Who is this guy?

Are you saved?

Team Rocket climbed up with difficulty and looked at the man wearing red armor standing on the back of the steel armored crow.

Your Pokémon is mine! Bankelas, knock him down! the Pokémon hunter yelled.

Ouch! Bankilas roared angrily and rushed towards him.

A hunter who poaches wild Pokémon? It seems that you have never seen the wildness of nature, so you dare to be so unscrupulous.

Facing Bankiras who was charging fiercely, Su Yi dropped a capture ball with a calm expression.

The Barbarian Jaw Dragon is brave and loves to bite.


The capture ball opened and the behemoth landed with a crash.

The shadow that shrouded in an instant made Bankelas pause vigilantly. The trio of Team Rocket hugged each other and stared dumbly at the evil beast standing on the ground.

Crack!? Bankilas raised his head in surprise, and what greeted him was a barbaric jaw full of sharp teeth.


The Barbarian Jaw Dragon opened its huge mouth with sharp teeth and bit Bankiras from the waist.


The sharp teeth were embedded in the carapace. Amidst Bankiras's roar of fear and pain, the Barbarognathus raised it high and then smashed it down fiercely.


There was a muffled sound and the ground trembled. Bankilas' eyes were stunned and his expression became blurred.

What kind of monster is this?! The Pokémon hunter took a few steps back and his hands began to tremble.

Are you scared?

Su Yi walked towards the Pokémon hunter step by step and slowly put on the sword.

The Pokémon hunter gritted his teeth and shouted: I'll get rid of you first!

As he spoke, he pulled out a submachine gun from behind.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Su Yi raised the projector and fired the sharp stones with a whooshing sound.

Ah! The Pokémon hunter screamed in pain and covered his right hand. A bloody mark was scratched on that hand by a sharp stone, and blood flowed out.

The submachine gun in his hand was shot away before he could turn on the safety.

It's so dangerous, you guy... This was the first time Su Yi saw a real gun in reality. Pokémon hunters are indeed a group of dangerous guys.

Barbarian Jaw Dragon, stop chewing, be careful of eating it and spit it out. Su Yi said.

This was the first time that Brutal Jaw saw another Pokémon. It bit the unconscious Bankelas, and seemed to want to bite open the carapace and taste the salt.

Hearing what Su Yi said, it spat Bankilas aside in disgust.

Barbarian Jaws: Meatless and difficult to chew.


The trio of Team Rocket looked at Bankelas, who had brutally tortured them before, being thrown away like a rag bag, and actually felt a pity for him in their hearts.


The Brutal Jaw looked at the Pokémon hunter, sizing up the prey with his eyes.

The Pokémon hunter completely lost his courage when he saw the Brutal Jaw looking at him with ferocious eyes.

He shouted in panic: Big-billed bird, stop that guy!

As he spoke, he threw the Poké Ball and ran towards the other side without looking back.

Wow? The big-billed bird looked confused. When it saw the tall Barbarian jaw dragon, it immediately lost any idea of ​​fighting with it and immediately ran in one direction.


The steel-armored crow flapped its wings and accelerated, quickly catching up with the toucan, grabbing the toucan's wings condescendingly, and then pressed it hard toward the ground.

With a bang, the big-billed bird was pushed to the ground by the steel-armored crow without any fighting spirit.

You... don't come here!!! The Pokémon hunter suddenly made a horrified voice when he saw that all his Pokémon were being killed like melons and vegetables.

Su Yi stepped forward quickly and swung the small shield at him.


The Pokémon hunter fell to the ground dizzily, and Su Yi stepped on it, placing the gleaming sword on his neck.

what is it call?


Do you have any accomplices?

No! It's just me!

Who is the buyer?

It's Gray Ant. He's offering a bounty for a lot of poison-type Pokémon!

The Pokémon hunter answered all questions Su Yi had.

Su Yi took out vines and tied up Aaron, then walked up to the trembling Team Rocket trio.

You can leave before I change my mind.

Thank you... thank you for helping me, meow!

Then I...are we leaving?

The three members of Team Rocket rushed into the forest as if they were running away.

Let's leave it to Miss Junsha. Su Yi took out Aaron's elf ball, took back Bankelas and Big-billed Bird, and then put away the Barbarian Jaw Dragon.

At this time, shouts and shouts came from not far away.



A katy dog ​​rushed towards Su Yi.

Ah? Su Yi was startled, and the steel-armored crow quickly reacted and stopped the kadi dog with a steel wing.

Gah! The steel-armored crow's eyes were sharp and his steel wings were ready to move.

Wait a minute, Ms. Junsha! We know that Pokémon!

Among the trees, Miss Junsha and Xiaozhi ran out.

Su Yi took off his helmet and looked at Xiaozhi and his party. Among them, Xiaogang joined the team at some point.

Xiaozhi said in surprise: Ah! It's Brother Su Yi!

Xiao Sheng said: I just said why that Pokémon is so familiar.

Xiaogang narrowed his eyes and asked, Is it you!?

Hey! We meet again! Su Yi smiled and waved.

It's Pikachu, meow~ Lucao waved his paw, and Pikachu ran over with a Pika sound. One of the two little guys meowed, and the other Pika Pika.

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