Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 170 Information from three months ago, Aiden wants to become a Pokémon master?

The tribe of insect cagers is located at the top of the ancient tree, which also means that they and the fire dragon are neighbors.

Su Yi walked to the edge of the tribe, stood on the tree trunk, and looked outside. The area blocked by the tree trunk seemed to be the fire dragon's lair.

That's the fire dragon's nest over there. We can see them taking off and leaving the nest. Lumi pointed to the distance.

Su Yi overlooked the nearby scenery. The crown of the ancient giant tree was much larger than shown in the game.

There are countless huge branches rising into the sky at the top of the giant tree, guarding the huge reservoir at the top of the ancient tree like a fence.

Under the sunlight, the water surface sparkles.

Su Yi couldn't help but think of Tianchi that he had seen on TV before.

It's so beautiful. Su Yi couldn't help but sigh.

The forest insect cage tribe really found a good place. It not only has the fire dragon to scare Xiaoxiao, but also overlooks the beautiful scenery of the ancient tree forest. It can also easily obtain the rich products produced by the ancient tree.

Meow! Su Yi, I exchanged gifts with the insect cage clan, meow. They taught me how to tame the ferocious jackal dragon and use various insect cages, meow!

Lucao ran over happily.

Lucao, look, this is the scenery that I didn't appreciate when I climbed the ancient tree.

Su Yi picked up Lucao and put it on his shoulders.

Meow! Are there any fish in here, meow? Lucao's eyes were filled with curiosity.

This is a rainwater storage pond. There should be no fish. Su Yi said.

But maybe we can raise fish? Su Yi asked with an open mind.


A roar sounded, and the cat's head shrank. Su Yi followed the sound and saw that the male fire dragon flew away from the nest and flew towards the forest below. Today's hunting of the fire dragon began.

Seeing this, Su Yi suddenly thought of something, and immediately asked Lu Mi: Lumi, more than three months ago, Lu Cao and I climbed the ancient tree, but we did not climb to the top of the tree at that time.

At that time, we heard the fire dragon couple fighting with a certain monster in the big tree.

I'm really curious, what is that monster? Did you notice it then?

A monster meow fighting a fire dragon in the canopy of a tree? I seem to have only seen a blue fire dragon fighting a fire dragon meow... Lumi said thoughtfully.

Is it the Cang Fire Dragon?

Could it be that it was really the Cang Fire Dragon's power fighting against the Fire Dragon couple that gave them the opportunity to scratch the bird and steal the egg?

Three months ago, meow? Sister, have you forgotten meow? That fierce battle, meow!

Lutang and Lubing stood behind Su Yi at some point and suddenly spoke.


Lutang: That battle almost knocked down the dam below.

Lubing: The battle lasted very short, nya, so we didn't have time to see what kind of monster it was, nya.

But, we all heard the sound of thunder and lightning, meow.

Su Yi said in surprise: Thunder and lightning?

In the ancient tree forest, the only monsters that Su Yi could think of that would appear here and have thunder and lightning attributes were the Thunder Wolf Dragon, Thunder Jaw Dragon, Flying Thunder Dragon, and Golden Lion.

Excluding the flying thunder dragons that are not strong enough, the thunder wolf dragon, thunder jaw dragon and golden lion can't fly either.

When Su Yi climbed up from inside the giant tree, there was only one road that could allow large monsters to pass, but no trace of large monsters was found along the way.

Could it be that the golden lion climbed up the tree from outside? Or is there another passage inside the tree?

Su Yi was a little unsure. Games are games, reality is reality. The ancient giant tree was very big, and it was very different from the modeling in the game. It was normal for there to be undiscovered passages.

Are there any other clues? Su Yi asked.

Lutang and Lubian looked at each other and said, It's a stinging sound and a fierce hissing.


No more, meow.

The stabbing sound should refer to the sound of thunder and lightning. As for the violent roar, which monster roars not violently when fighting?

Su Yi didn't go into details, it was just his curiosity. At present, it seems that he has a more reliable guess.

After playing with the cats for a while, Su Yi left the tribe.

Before leaving the ancient giant tree, Su Yi used a camping set to build a simple camp on the lush branches outside the Insect Cage Tribe for teleportation.

Su Yi and Lu Cao returned to the Star Stronghold and were about to buy some things, but found that the hunters were discussing something in twos and threes.

Su Yi was a little curious and planned to go over to listen to the information or something. Aiden, who was sharp-eyed in the crowd, smiled and waved when he saw Su Yi: Yo! Su Yi, you're here!

Oh, Aiden, what's going on?

Hahaha, it's related to you. I just found out about it.

The sounds of your battle that day were felt by the nearby hunters. They thought some terrifying monster had appeared.

If the commander-in-chief hadn't released the latest intelligence, everyone would have to be cautious when exploring the ancient tree forest. Aiden explained with a smile.

Su Yi scratched his head and said, Is that so?

I heard that you also captured the Thunder Wolf Dragon. I didn't expect that there is such a monster in the New World. I heard that you were able to capture it in the melee of so many monsters. It's not easy. Aiden sighed.

Yes, yes! I want you to see this! Aiden excitedly took out the elf ball.

Come out, Xiaolan!

Su Yi wanted to complain about Aiden's taste in naming, but he saw that a blue jay appeared in the elf ball instead of the baby chickadee before.

Su Yi was a little surprised: Oh? Aiden, your partner has evolved?

Aiden said excitedly: That's right! My partner has evolved, right in front of me. It's incredible! In just a few seconds, it has completely transformed into another form!

Aiden held out his hand, and Little Blue Jay landed on his arm, chirping energetically.

After evolving, Little Blue has become a lot stronger. I remember that the blue crow can evolve again and evolve into a steel-armored crow, so I have been taking on missions to defeat small monsters recently.

Because you said that fighting can speed up the evolution of Pokémon, so I want to find some equally matched opponents for it so that it can become stronger faster.

Su Yi was a little surprised and said, That's a good method.

Su Yi observed Xiao Lan carefully and found that its feathers were very bright in color. In addition to being full of energy, it seemed to be larger than the average blue jay.

Is it because the food in the New World is better? Or is it because the energy of the ley lines throughout the New World has an impact on Pokémon?

Blue Jay, New World Form?

Hehehehe, Xiaolan has been working hard to help me while exploring. Whether it is collecting materials or helping me interfere with monsters, it can learn quickly and complete it brilliantly. It makes me want to recruit someone. Only follow Elu.

But I thought about it carefully. I'd better train Xiao Lan first. We still need to continue to cultivate a tacit understanding.

By the way, Su Yi, if there are any Pokémon that are willing to come to the New World, you must introduce them to me! Aiden said expectantly.

Su Yi smiled and said, Do you also want to become a Pokémon master?

Aiden tilted his head: Pokémon Master? Although I don't know exactly what to do to become a Pokémon Master, it seems very interesting!

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