Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 156 The first battle in the sky, the flames soaring into the sky!

Yeah! The hyperkinetic ape stretched its arms and made a muscle-flexing gesture. A pair of sharp claws reflected the cold light while waving.

It's okay. Let's let Brother Su Yi win one game for the time being. Dad's Hyperkinetic Ape is very powerful! Xiao Sheng cheered up after recovering from Lazy Man's initial defeat.

Behave beautifully, come back first, apprentice Xiong. Su Yi said.

Bah. Disciple Xiong nodded.

Oh? Apprentice Xiong should still have a lot of physical strength, so he was replaced? Qianli said unexpectedly.

Su Yi replaced a capture ball and said with a smile: I want other partners to get exercise.

Is that so? It's a good idea. Qianli nodded.

What kind of Pokémon will it be? Xiaozhi continued to look forward to it.

Let's start your debut, Da Kong! Su Yi said with a smile.


After more than a month of careful feeding, Da Kong has grown to more than two meters long and one meter tall. The red scales on his body have become hard, and the sharp teeth in his mouth and the sharp claws on his feet have begun to show their sharpness.

Roar! Da Kong stretched his body and let out a cheerful roar. His voice gradually became as majestic as the king of the air.

Oh? A very energetic Pokémon. Qianli exclaimed.

So handsome! Xiao Sheng's eyes lit up.

Yeah. Ash agreed.

So what kind of abilities does it have? Qianli looked forward to it unconsciously. Su Yi's battle gave him a sense of freshness that he had not seen for a long time.

You will see it soon! Su Yixin pointed his hand and shouted: The sky is filled with flames!


Da Kong tilted his head back, took a deep breath, and the fire accumulated in his mouth.

The next moment.


The fireball shocked everyone present and blasted out with an astonishing force, and a stunning red light suddenly lit up in their vision.

Get away! Qianli shouted hurriedly.

Yeah! The hyperactive ape was also startled, and the ferocious expression on his face suddenly became panicked.

But fortunately, Da Kong's short-term accumulation of energy gave the hyperape the opportunity to prepare. When Qianli gave the order, it subconsciously pounced to the side.


The fireball fell to the ground and exploded. The flames were like blooming red lotuses, flying in all directions. The ground was instantly burned into large areas of flashing red light.

Yeah. The hyperkinetic ape stood up, his back burned with shallow scorch marks by the aftermath of the flames.

Da Kong shook his head to dissipate the flames in his mouth. He was not yet very proficient in the Flying Sky Flame technique, mainly because his body had not yet grown up.

What an amazing blow! Xiaoyao was stunned as he looked at the damage caused by this move.

So strong! Xiao Sheng clenched his fists, his confidence in the hyperape shaking.

I wonder how my Charizard compares to it? Xiaozhi looked solemn.

It's incredible, I can't even be serious now. Qianli's eyes became completely serious.

Maybe I will be taught a lesson by the challenger.

Come here! Su Yi said with a smile.

Hyperkinetic ape, tearing claws! Qianli shouted.

Yeah! The hyperkinetic ape regained its fighting spirit and charged towards him with his claws waving.

Use your wings to attack! Su Yi chose to fight head-on.

Howl! Da Kong roared and ran over, his wings that lit up like a battle ax slashing horizontally.


The two collided, and they were evenly matched at first, but Da Kong gradually began to exert force, and his sharp claws clasped the ground and moved forward step by step, while the hyperkinetic ape struggled to retreat.

The power of the hyperkinetic ape is not dominant at all. Xiaozhi said.

When he fought against the kinetic ape before, he was impressed by the powerful power, but this time it was the kinetic ape that was suppressed in turn.

Hyperkinetic ape, just hold on to it and use one hundred thousand volts. Qianli responded quickly.

A sizzling sound sounded, and the hyperkinetic ape was wrestling with the sky, while golden lightning erupted from its body and enveloped the sky.

Roar! Da Kong roared, withstanding the full force of one hundred thousand volts, but the fighting spirit in his eyes became even higher.

The effect is not obvious? Qianli asked in surprise.

On the one hand, Da Kong has the dragon type and is resistant to the electric type. On the other hand, the hyperkinetic ape's special attack ability is not outstanding.

Daikong, push it away!

Da Kong let out a low roar, rushed forward with all his strength, and pushed aside the hyperactive ape who was still wrestling.

Although Su Yi also wanted to learn how to use two moves at the same time, Da Kong's control of the moves was still very unfamiliar, and it might be self-defeating.

Qianli realized that if he didn't find the rhythm of his attack, he would be suppressed by Da Kong forever, so he immediately began to attack: Earthquake!

Yeah! The hyperkinetic ape jumped up high, and then slammed down hard. The ground began to tremble, and the soles of Da Kong's feet began to crack, and then shook violently.

Ouch?! Da Kong suddenly became a little panicked and staggered unsteadily on his feet.

Steady! Su Yi comforted.

If Da Kong can fly. Su Yi thought to himself. It seems that Da Kong has not mastered the essentials of flying without the guidance of an adult fire dragon, or maybe the fire dragon cubs don't learn to fly so quickly?

It works, another earthquake! Qianli shouted.

Yeah! The hyperactive ape cheered up and repeated his old trick.

Dad's hyperkinetic ape has taken the initiative and can win! Xiao Sheng said excitedly, pumping his fist as he looked at Da Kong who was swaying in the earthquake and suffering from increasing injuries.

Will it be that simple? Xiaoyao was skeptical.

How did the male fire dragon take off? Su Yi frowned.

Earthquake! Qianli planned to eat all over the world with one move.

Seeing the hyperactive ape provoked again, Su Yi had a flash of inspiration in his mind and commanded: Da Kong, flap your wings vigorously, and then use Soaring Flames at your feet!

Roar! Da Kong immediately flapped his wings vigorously, while accumulating fire in his mouth.

The moment the hyperkinetic ape trampled on the ground, there was a bang and flames exploded.

The huge recoil lifted the sky a certain distance, and at the same time, the wings flapped the heat waves, carrying the body up to another height.

So this is the 'Sky Sky' flame, Da Kong, just dance your wings like this and fly into the sky! Su Yi grinned.

Hoo ho ho.

In this way, Da Kong gradually found his feeling, gradually ascended, and flew under the ceiling of the gym.

Roar! Da Kong let out a loud roar, staring at the hyperactive ape below with a fierce expression.

This is going to be difficult. Qianli knew that he had missed the opportunity.

Xiang! Tian! Lie! Yan! Su Yi clenched his fists and said excitedly.


Flames danced between the sharp teeth.

boom! boom! boom!

Da Kong flapped his wings, adjusted the angle, and three fireballs bombarded downwards with terrifying force. Suddenly, bursts of flames lit up in the small gym, and sparks and heat waves swept out, causing everyone to raise their arms in front of them.

It's too scary! Xiaosheng looked horrified under the protection of Mitsuko.

After the sparks and heat wave dissipated, everyone looked at the field again, and saw the hyperkinetic ape lying in a scorched blackness.

If you pass the animal, you won't be able to fight! Kenji announced the result tremblingly.

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