Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 155 Tactical cracking, neat and tidy

Early the next morning, Su Yi came to Chenghua Gym as scheduled.

Xiaozhi and Xiaoyao's family are already waiting here.

You're here. Mr. Qianli stood at one end of the battlefield with a calm expression.

Outside the venue, an apprentice named Kenji acted as the referee and signaled Su Yi to enter the venue.

Let's start. Su Yi took out the elf ball.

Come on! Dad! Xiao Sheng shouted loudly, his eyes full of admiration and confidence for Qianli.

What kind of Pokémon will Brother Su Yi send?


Xiaozhi held Pikachu and stared at the field expectantly.

Next, Su Yi from the Galar region will challenge the gym! The rules are as follows... Kenci explained in detail responsibly.

Su Yi was startled before he realized that his identity information was obtained by Emperor Dan by asking President Lotz, so Su Yi's identity clearly belonged to Galar.

Mr. Su Yi, judging from the information, it seems that this is your first time challenging the gym. Do you understand the rules clearly? Kenci asked.

Before a gym challenge, trainers must register. On the one hand, they will truthfully record the results of the gym challenge, and on the other hand, they will show the trainer’s resume to the gym owner, so that the gym owner can test the trainer at a suitable level.

It couldn't be clearer. Su Yi smiled.

Kenji nodded, waved and shouted: Then, the challenge begins!

As the owner of the gym, Qianli took the lead in throwing the elf ball and shouted: Come out, you lazy man!

Well~ A sleepy sloth-shaped Pokémon staggered onto the field.

Sure enough. Su Yi secretly said.

Thousand Miles of Pokémon is a series of Pokémon and its evolved forms, and because of the habits of this series of Pokémon, these three Pokémon will show different fighting styles.

I'll leave the starting lineup to you, apprentice Xiong! Su Yi said.

Bah! The resolute-looking Pokémon shouted with great momentum and appeared on the field.

What a cute little bear Pokémon! Xiaoyao said happily.

Although Apprentice Xiong is short in stature, he has a serious look on his face, is ready for battle, and appears to be full of energy.

It is in sharp contrast to the lazy lazy man.

Isn't it really a Pokémon from the Hoenn region? Qianli said.

This means unknown attributes, unknown characteristics, and unknown moves.

Qianli knew nothing about apprentice Xiong, but Su Yi knew Qianli's Pokémon very well.

Qianli stretched out his hand and said, Let's take action.

Su Yi thought to himself: Should he stop with stillness? Then I will take advantage of it!

Apprentice Xiong, charge forward!

Hey! Disciple Xiong rushed towards the lazy man with great skill, but the lazy man still looked sleepy and swaying.

And just when Qianli was thinking about what moves the lazy man should use to test after avoiding the attack of the bear apprentice...

Stop! Su Yi quickly ordered.

The bear disciple who rushed to Lazy Man immediately stopped.

What!? Qianli was confused.

The lazy man who was about to dodge the attack swayed and almost lost his balance.

Split the tiles! Su Yi ordered again.

Bah! Apprentice Xiong took advantage of this feint and struck the lazy man who was caught off guard with a hand knife.

Oh! The lazy man shouted in pain and was knocked down hard.

What? Daddy's Pokémon just... Xiao Sheng looked surprised.

Oh, Chisato seems to have seen through his tactics. Mitsuko said in surprise.

What tactic? Xiaoyao was confused. The battle had just started. How could he tell what the tactic was?

Well... The lazy man gritted his teeth and stood up. The fighting moves, coupled with the fact that it had no time to prepare, caused a lot of damage to it.

Bah! Apprentice Xiong assumed a fighting stance. He was not complacent about the advantage he had gained, but continued to prepare for the attack.

Is it an accident, or did you understand my tactics? Qianli frowned.

This Pokémon, as its name suggests, is swaying and lazy, looking like it hasn't woken up.

Based on the lazy man's habits, Qianli formulated a set of tactics suitable for him, which is to use the lazy man's appearance to confuse his opponents.

When the enemy attacks, the lazy man will dodge with his shaky and unpredictable movements, and then immediately launch an attack in order to stop the attack with silence.

This style of fighting has quite a drunken boxing feel.

Qianli saw Su Yi's confident look and was sure that Su Yi either knew the lazy man's habits and was wary of his actions, or knew his tactics from other challengers or some other way.

Not sure, try again.

You have raised this Pokémon very well. Qianli praised, not taking the initiative to attack.

Master Ma has trained him well. Su Yi said with a smile, but also did not take the initiative to attack.

Aren't you going to take the initiative to attack? Qianli secretly had a headache. Wouldn't this be equivalent to directly sealing his tactics?

Then I'll take the initiative to attack.

After Qianli thought about it, he ordered: Lazy man, shadow ball!

Well! The lazy man quickly gathered a black and purple energy ball with his hands and feet and threw it towards the bear apprentice.

Dodge, then rush over!

Bah! Disciple Bear ran, dodged the shadow ball, and continued to charge towards the lazy man.

Coming... Qianli did not immediately command another attack, but waited for Su Yi's attack.

Split the tiles! Su Yi did as he wished.

Get away! Shadow Ball! Qianli shouted, finally using his tactics!

Yeah! The lazy man swayed and easily dodged Disciple Xiong's splitting tiles, then immediately gathered the shadow balls and projected them out at close range.

Apprentice Xiong obviously had no time to dodge, but he had a calm expression on his face, clearly trusting Su Yi's command.

See through. Su Yi said without changing his expression.

Bah! Disciple Xiong's eyes flashed with divine light, and his body avoided the shadow ball with a difficult movement.

Oops! Qianli was shocked.

Close combat! Su Yi waved his hand.

Disciple Xiong stepped forward and used his fists, feet, and even his body to continuously attack the lazy man.

This time, Qianli's dodge and counterattack tactics were used by Su Yi, and he was also used on him.

Well! The lazy man was beaten and retreated repeatedly. Finally, he was knocked away by the last blow of the close combat, fell to the ground, and lost the ability to fight.

What happened? Dad's Pokémon fell down without even attacking the Pokémon named Bear Disciple! Xiao Sheng said in disbelief.

Xiaoyao subconsciously raised his spirits and said: And the attack is clean and neat.

What a beautiful dodge and counterattack! Xiaozhi said excitedly, pumping his fist.


Qianli withdrew his surprised expression and put the lazy man back into the ball.

Beautiful response and tactics. Qianli praised.

By the way, Su Yi, you seem to know my lazy man very well. Qianli said hesitantly.

I understand the habits of the lazy man, but I know that Mr. Qianli is very strong, so your lazy man will never be as simple as it seems on the surface, so I am subconsciously on guard. Su Yi could only explain this.

You really came prepared.

Qianli sighed in his heart, nodded at the same time, and said: A cautious and decisive fighting method.

But next, let me be a little more serious. Qianli threw the elf ball.

Let's make a scene, hyperape!

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