Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 147 Collect the corpse or subdue it?

In front, the Cang Fire Dragon flew down from the sky and blocked the way. Behind, the Black Wolf Bird shook his head and stood up, but his eyes were still blind.

呲呲... Before Su Yi could finish her words, Xiaba opened the flash film with understanding.

Baa: As soon as you call me, I know what move you want me to use.

But the Cang Fire Dragon obviously learned from the experience and gained wisdom. When he saw Xia unfold the flash film, he immediately spit fireballs at Xia.

As a last resort, Xia stopped flashing and dodged nimbly.

But at that moment, the Cang Fire Dragon suddenly fluttered its wings and accelerated, waving its sharp claws and rushing towards Xia, obviously wanting to kill the culprit who caused his crash first.

Cruel Claw Dragon! Su Yi shouted.


The red figure leapt up from one side and climbed onto the back of the Cang Fire Dragon.

The Cang Fire Dragon paused for a moment, then shook its body wildly, trying to shake off the Misty Claw Dragon.

The Flying Thunder Dragon took the opportunity to climb up the tree, then leaped forward and swung its electrified tail to hit the Cang Fire Dragon.


Thunder and lightning flashed, and the Cang Fire Dragon swayed, then flapped its wings violently amidst its furious roar, and crashed into the Flying Thunder Dragon with the Misty Claw Dragon behind it.


The Misty Claw Dragon and the Flying Thunder Dragon collided together, and the Blue Fire Dragon staggered to the ground.

Gah——! At this time, the black wolf bird shook its head, let out a long roar, and finally got rid of its blindness.

Black Wolf tilted his head and looked at the Cang Fire Dragon who appeared in his field of vision. His eyes showed excitement again, and he ignored Su Yi and his party.

The Cang Fire Dragon didn't know what was going on. He followed the sound and looked at the Black Wolf Bird, with strong hostility in his eyes.


The Cang Fire Dragon also ignored Su Yi and his party and roared loudly at the Black Wolf Bird.

Fight! Su Yi whispered while raising the fire while putting away all the accompanying beasts.

Steel-armored crow, let's go! Su Yi released the steel-armored crow, hung the rope on its claws, and the dew grass quickly touched Su Yi's back.

Aiden followed suit, and the steel-armored crow just hung up two people and one cat and chased in the direction where the barbarian jaw dragon was escaping.

In the forest behind, the blue fire dragon rose into the sky, and the black wolf bird chased after it.

But it was obvious that the black wolf bird was not as flexible as the Cang Fire Dragon in flying, and was manipulated by the Cang Fire Dragon with its gorgeous aerial skills.

Although it is a bird dragon species that can fly, the body structure and combat characteristics of the black wolf bird are destined to be far inferior to those of flying dragon species that are good at flying.

On the plain outside the forest, the Thunderjaws, who had had a good meal, came to the waterhole to drink water, but a familiar smell drifted into his nose.

Sniff sniff...

Thunderjaws searched, and then found a few black hairs and some blood stains on the edge of the forest.

The Thunderjaw Dragon's eyes flashed fiercely, and then he followed the smell and stepped into the forest.

Grrulu... The ferocious beast let out an excited growl.

The steel-armored crow pulled two people and a cat and flew low above the forest canopy.

Is the Barbarian Jaw Dragon returning to the plain outside the forest? Su Yi stared at the running Barbarian jaw dragon from above the forest through the dense leaves, feeling a little confused.

Su Yi, we have found the old footprints of the Barbarian jaws, and we are rushing there. The voice of the leader of the investigation team came from the intercom.

Well, we are tracking above the Brachygnathosaurus. It seems to want to return to the outer plains to look for food. I think we will meet soon.

In the current state of the Barbarian Jaw Dragon, it is necessary to replenish energy as soon as possible and then go to rest, and the nearest hunting ground from here is the plain hunting ground from the beginning.

Be careful... the captain of the investigation team said.

Su Yi said: You should also be careful. At this time, the Thunderjaw Dragon should also start to come out to look for food...

We might as well try to intercept it! Aiden said eagerly.

Okay! Steel-armored crow, brave bird rush over with fierce attack! Su Yi shouted.

Gah! The steel-armored crow was covered in orange-red light, like a burning flame.

As the steel-armored crow swooped down, the light on its body turned orange. The ferocious brave bird broke through the leafy canopy and rushed towards the running Barbarian Jaw Dragon.

Whoa! What is this?! Aiden yelled in panic.

Su Yi and Aiden, who were hanging on the claws of the steel-armored crow, suddenly felt as if they were strapped to missiles. The strong wind blew their whole bodies up, and Lucao meowed and clung to Su Yi's clothes.

Be prepared to withstand the impact! Su Yi put the small shield of the Pian Hand Sword in front of him.

This is so exciting! Aiden followed suit and used a small shield to protect his body, while shouting while having the wind in his mouth.


The steel-armored crow collided with the Barbarian Jaw Dragon, and the huge impact caused the running creature to lose its balance and fall to the ground.

Su Yi and Aiden used the fur of the Barbarian Jaw Dragon to cushion them and crashed onto its back.

Exciting! Su Yi shook his arm and stood up.

This feeling is more exciting than being thrown in front of a monster by a pterosaur. Aiden rubbed his arms and gritted his teeth.

Su Yi looked at the fallen Barbarian Jaw Dragon and said, I must have caught him now.

Ouch... The Barbarian Jaw Dragon roared in anger and struggled to stand up.



A very similar roar came from the woods.


Su Yi turned around suddenly, his big mouth gradually widening in his eyes.

Don't even think about it! Aiden shouted, holding his shield and throwing it at the monster's head.

There was a bang, and the biting movement paused, and Su Yi had time to dodge.

Thunderjaw Dragon! Su Yi gritted his teeth and appeared anyway.

Ang, ang, ang! Thunderjawsaurus let out a high-pitched roar and instantly entered an electrified state.

But it didn't look at Su Yi, but stared at the standing Barbarian Jaw Dragon with murderous intent in its eyes.

The Barbarian Jaw Dragon roared, his movements hesitant.

It was in very poor condition at the moment, hungry and seriously injured, and the Thunderjawsaurus had eaten, and now it was full of energy.

It’s already hard to beat, so there’s no need to think about it now.

Obviously, Thunderjawsaurus is looking for such an opportunity, taking advantage of Barbarianjawsaurus's weakness to completely kill it and become the master of the surrounding high-quality hunting grounds.

The Barbarian Jaw Dragon didn't want to look for food anymore and hurriedly ran away in one direction, planning to get out of danger first.

Thunderjaws immediately gave chase.

Are you still chasing me? Aiden asked.

Chase! Whether it's to collect the body or subdue it, we have been preparing for so long, and there must be a result! Su Yi said unwillingly.

Su Yi released the steel-armored crow again, intending to track it in the air.

Su Yi rode on the steel-armored crow, handed Aiden a walkie-talkie, and said: Aiden, you are here to meet the captain and the others.

No problem. Aiden nodded.


The steel-armored crow flapped its wings and flew, and Su Yi carefully watched the pursuing figure of the Thunderjaw Dragon from the gaps in the dense leaves below.

The sky was obviously easier to travel through than the forest, and the steel-armored crow hung slowly behind the Thunderjaw Dragon.

At this moment, a fireball flew through the dense branches and leaves.


Caught off guard, the fireball hit the Steel Armored Crow's wings. The Steel Armored Crow screamed in pain, but thinking that Su Yi was still on its back, it endured the pain and stabilized its flight.

Who?! Su Yi shouted angrily.


With a swishing sound, the black-purple figure with a sharp beak rushed out of the woods like a crossbow arrow and rushed towards the steel-armored crow.

Black Wolf Bird! What the hell are you...!

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