Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 146 I am both elegant and full of conscience

In the wide clearing in the forest, a bird-dragon monster wearing black and purple scales screamed excitedly.

This bird-dragon monster is not that big. It is estimated to be about fourteen meters long, which is about the same length as the poisonous demon bird, which is also a bird-dragon.

It has a broad beak shaped like a shovel with sharp teeth on the front edge. It has silver-white fluff on its neck, a pair of lavender ears on its head, and multiple purple venomous spines on its tail.

And at its feet, the corpse of a herbivorous dragon was chewed to pieces.

Roar! The Barbarian Jaw Dragon roared threateningly when it saw that its second hunting ground was invaded by other monsters.

I didn't expect it to be this monster, the black fierce wind - the black wolf bird! Su Yi frowned, secretly thinking it was tricky.

There is actually a black wolf bird in the New World. This warlike guy is not easy to deal with. Aiden said in surprise.

In the world of Monster Hunter, the ecological niche of bird and dragon monsters is generally in a relatively low position.

However, there is an exception to this type of bird-dragon monster, and that is the black wolf bird.

Monsters generally fight for survival, such as competing for food, territory, and mates.

But the black wolf bird is not. It fights just because it likes to fight and enjoys fighting.

Black wolfbirds are often either fighting or on the way to a fight.

Moreover, they are not afraid of death, and they are crazy and fearless when fighting.

Even if it is the destroyer of the food chain, the gluttonous king of terror - Tyrannosaurus rex, it will have to be slapped twice in front of it.

Therefore, it is also known as the Black Madman.


When the hungry Barbarian Jaw Dragon saw the arrival of the black wolf bird, it frightened away the herbivorous dragon that was supposed to be here. It immediately rushed over angrily and bit it with its Barbarian Jaws.

Gah wow! The black wolf bird was not afraid, but charged forward with high fighting spirit.

The Barbarian Jaw Dragon had the advantage in size and bit the black wolf bird in one bite, then turned its head and threw it up.

The black wolf bird is not afraid. Even if it is caught in its mouth, it still stretches its neck and pecks fiercely with its hard and sharp beak.

Soon, the ferocious combos pecked out several bloody marks on the head of the Barbarian Jaw Dragon.

The Barbarian Jaw Dragon roared in pain and opened its mouth.

But the black wolfbird would not give up. It flapped its wings and flew up. In the midst of its high-pitched and excited neighing, it used its sharp claws to claw at the Barbarian jaws crazily.

Black Wolf Bird: Dare you bite me? Do you think I'm a ferocious jackal, or do you think you're a tyrannosaurus? Did I give you face? !

When the Barbarian Jaw Dragon was caught and kept retreating, the black wolf bird flapped its wings violently, and suddenly flipped its body. Its tail was rotating and accumulating force, and suddenly hit the Barbarian jaw dragon's lower jaw from bottom to top.


The 16 to 17 meter long Barbarian Jaw Dragon was knocked to the ground by the 13 to 14 meter tall black wolf bird.

Xi'an and Zhao Niao, both of the bird-dragon species, were dumbfounded.

The Barbarian Jaw Dragon fell to the ground and roared in pain. There was a torn wound on the lower jaw, and blood and purple venom flowed out. The skin near the wound began to turn purple, and it was obviously poisoned.

On the other hand, the black wolf bird only had a few white marks on its scales, and it didn't even break its defense. It still looked lively and vigorous.


Looking at the struggling Manjasaurus lying on the ground, the black wolf bird let out an excited roar of victory, and then turned its head towards Su Yi and his party who were watching the show.

Oh! Su Yi took out the capture ball and stood ready.

Want to fight? Aiden asked.

No, I want to find a chance to conquer the Barbarian Jaw Dragon first.

Su Yi didn't want to give up this good opportunity.

And it's not like we can't deal with the black wolf. There are no scars on this black wolf. It looks like a young black wolf.

Su Yi judged this after carefully observing the black wolf bird.

The strength of an individual monster like the Black Wolf Bird mainly depends on the battles it has experienced.

Only after experiencing countless brutal battles with near death can the Black Wolf Bird hone its physical strength and combat ability to become extremely powerful.

It can be said that the fighting capabilities of the black wolf bird covered with battle scars and the brand new black wolf bird are like two species.

The one in front of me is obviously a young bird with little experience.

Get ready to fight, be careful! Su Yi quickly sent out the accompanying beast.

The Claw Claw and the Flying Thunder Dragon appear on the field.

It wasn't that Su Yi didn't want to send out other accompanying beasts, but that he was afraid that the black wolf bird would go crazy and catch one of the accompanying beasts and beat it up, which might cause casualties.

The Claw Dragon itself is strong enough, while the Flying Thunder Dragon can dodge flexibly by relying on its ability to glide through the forest.

It's okay for Black Wolf and Bird to use their advantages to deal with each other for a while.

The Brutal Claw Dragon spreads its brutal claws and prepares for the attack.

But the Flying Thunder Dragon shrank its pupils and acted as if it was facing a formidable enemy.

What's wrong? Su Yi looked at the flying thunder dragon strangely.

His, boom, boom! The flying thunder dragon roared.

What? It said this is the fire-breathing, domineering guy, Meow! Lucao said in surprise.

...!? Su Yi was stunned.

Aiden looked at the Flying Thunder Dragon, and then looked at Su Yi.

What you were talking about wasn't the Fire Dragon couple, but the Black Wolf Bird!? Su Yi and Aiden said in unison in surprise.

Siha? Fei Leilong looked back at Su Yi in confusion.

if not? I don’t recognize this guy, how can I not recognize the Fire Dragon couple?

This information is false! Su Yi was so angry that he pulled out a few hairs on the tail of the flying thunder dragon.

The flying thunder dragon immediately let out an angry roar.

Just tell me whether it can spit fire! ?

Gah wow! the black wolf roared angrily.

As if I don't exist, right?

The black wolf bird raised its head slightly, and flames instantly accumulated in its mouth.

Get out of the way! Su Yi shouted.

Cainiao and Qia immediately took Su Yi and Aiden to avoid the front range of the Black Wolf Bird, while the Misty Claw Dragon and the Flying Thunder Dragon bypassed from one side.

After a short period of energy accumulation, there was a bang, and the explosive flames exploded and spread, burning a large area of ​​the ground to black.

This power is no less than the fire dragon's breath.

Hard shell, powerful toxins, powerful fireballs, fierce fighting style...

These constitute the main offensive methods of Black Wolf Bird, a fighting madman.

The Barbarian Jaw Dragon is leaving, meow! Lucao reminded.

Taking advantage of Su Yi and his entourage to attract the attention of the Black Wolf Bird, the Barbarian Jaw Dragon stood up and ran out panting and drooling.

Without food and seriously injured, the Barbarian Jaw Dragon is not a monster that fights to the end. It is obvious that it urgently needs to find food and then take a good rest.

Ignore the Black Wolf Bird, let's chase the Barbarian Jaw Dragon! Su Yi shouted.

Gah wow! The black wolf bird spread its wings and flew into the air, rushing towards Su Yi.

Bah! Su Yi shouted.

Xia turned around suddenly, and the dazzling flash that had been prepared emitted immediately.

With a crash, the black wolf bird fell from the sky in embarrassment.


The wind howled.


Fireballs explode.

Su Yi suddenly gritted his teeth and raised his head, and the green figure roared at him.

Blue Fire Dragon! Aiden frowned.

Encountered the black wolf bird and the blue fire dragon! Requesting support! Su Yi shouted into the walkie-talkie.

What? Black wolf bird? the leader of the investigation team asked in surprise.

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