Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 144 New and old grudges!

After eating the cat meal and carrying support supplies, the steel-armored crow carried four people and flew to the camp set up by Su Yi in the seaside woods.

Two receptionists were on standby at the camp, serving as relay stations to deliver radio messages from the star base.

Su Yi and Aiden, on the other hand, took the Cuckoo and Xia respectively to the locations mentioned in the information.

Because according to the intelligence, during this time period, the fire dragon couple would most likely not come out to patrol the territory and hunt for prey, so the steel-armored crow could fly in the air and look for traces.

In the early morning, in the ancient tree forest, the sun shines through the dense branches and leaves, casting mottled tree shadows.

Da da……

Leaves are flying, dirt is flying, and claws are trampling on dead branches.

The two accompanying beasts relied on their excellent foot strength to travel through the forest with complex terrain.

Gah~ The steel-armored crow in the sky chirped, guiding Su Yi.

Soon, in a big tree, the guide insect was attached to a ball of mucus.

This is the mucus ejected from the nasal cavity of the Mangnathus, which is a mark of territory.

I found traces of the Barbarian jaw dragon. Su Yi said into the radio.

Understood, we have started patrolling the perimeter and have found no traces of other monsters. Don't worry and go hunting. The leader of the investigation team said on the radio.

Then let's start tracking.

Su Yi and his party began to walk through the forest following the guidance of the guide insect.

According to the information, the Barbarian Jaw Dragon will first come to the coast outside the forest to bask in the sun in the morning, and then enter the plain outside the forest to hunt for herbivorous dragons.

Su Yi and the others wanted to capture the Barbarian Jaw Dragon while it was not eating.

And that time coincided with the activity time of the Thunderjaw Dragon and the Fire Dragon couple.

If the Barbarian Jaw Dragon enters the forest after hunting, the surrounding environment will become more complicated and the variables will increase.

We've arrived at the outer coast. The scene in his sight lit up, and the sunny coast appeared in front of him.

Gah! The steel-armored crow in the sky reminded again.

Have you found the Barbarignathosaurus?

Su Yi was not surprised. The steel-armored crow had a broad field of vision in the sky, and with the sparse trees on the outside of the forest, the field of vision was unobstructed.

Su Yi put away the accompanying beasts and Pokémon, and then moved forward cautiously with Aiden.

Walk through trees and tall grass to the shore.

On the cliff extending out, a black-furred, pink-skinned Tyrannosaurus rex squatted on the rocks on the shore.

The Mangnathus opened its back membrane, squinted its eyes, and basked in the sun comfortably. In this way, it adjusted its body temperature and started to become active.

This guy looks a little bit cute when he's basking in the sun, Aiden said.

It's not cute when it's angry and chasing you. This guy has a well-developed sense of smell and can lock you firmly. Su Yi curled his lips and said.

And he is a very persistent guy, nya. Lucao added.

The first person and cat who experienced the pain of being chased by the Barbarosaurus has the most say.

Of course, a sensitive sense of smell can sometimes be a weakness, such as stink bombs.

It's starting to move!

While speaking, the Barbarian Jaw Dragon stood up, shook its body, as if stretching, and then walked directly towards the plain.

It's going to start hunting.

Su Yi immediately followed. The wide plain was more conducive to the performance of the accompanying beasts.

The Barbarian Jaw is a monster with a strong sense of territory. Its territory is very wide, and it marks its territory about thirty times a day.

Frequently patrolling the territory requires a lot of energy, so the Barbarosaurus needs to hunt and drink at least five times a day.

Hunger drove the Barbarognathus, and it quickened its steps and trampled through the bushes.

On the coastal plains, herbivorous dragons feasted on the fresh, dew-laden plants.

They strolled leisurely on the plains in twos and threes. For the Barbarignathus, this was a delicious meal at their fingertips.


The Mangnathus exhaled through its nose, its eyes showing its desire for food.

Dong dong dong...

The Barbarian Jaw Dragon rushed forward impatiently, and the movement disturbed the herbivorous dragon.

The moment they looked at the Barbarian Jaw Dragon, the thug let out a violent roar, frightening several herbivorous dragons.

Then, it brutally knocked over a herbivorous dragon, and then bit it fiercely with its brutal jaws, killing the herbivorous dragon.

Just when the Barbarian Jaw Dragon was about to enjoy the meat feast, a smoke bomb was shot at its face.

With a bang, gray-white smoke exploded, covering the sight of the Barbarian Jaw Dragon.

Roar?! The Barbarian Jaw Dragon shook its head in shock and tried to escape from the smoke, but more smoke bombs exploded one after another.

It roared angrily, and at that moment, a whistling sound came from far away. With rich combat experience, it relied on instinct to avoid in one direction.

next moment……


A ten-edged claw cut through the smoke and grabbed the forearm of the Barbarian Jaw Dragon. In an instant, blood spattered, and the tragic scars made the Barbarian Jaw Dragon roar loudly in pain.

Before the Barbarian Jaw Dragon could recover, a dragon-shaped energy wave burst through the smoke, and at the same time there was a solid rock.

boom! Bang!

Continuous heavy blows caused the Barbarian Jaw Dragon to stagger back at a high speed. At the same time, the smoke dispersed due to the attack.

Roar! The Barbarian Jaw Dragon roared furiously and looked forward.

But after the faint smoke dissipated with the breeze, the sight in front of him made him extremely surprised.

The Claw Dragon tensed its body, opened its Claws, and opened its sharp white mouth.

The ferocious jackal dragon roared and stood ready.

The scratching bird hugged a rock, its eyes furtively aiming at its weak point.

The Flying Thunder Dragon stared closely at the Barbarian Jaw Dragon, its big tail shaking rapidly and slightly to accumulate electricity.

The Barbarian Jaw Dragon was surprised: Why did so many enemies appear at once?

Remember us? Su Yi shouted loudly.

Meow! Lucao, wearing a flying thunder dragon suit, made a fierce expression.

Roar! The Barbarian Jaw Dragon looked at Su Yi and Lu Cao and roared angrily.

Then you should still remember them. Su Yi shouted.

The big ferocious jackal dragon tickles the birds, and the flying thunder dragon makes a loud roar.

The ferocious jackal dragon and the scratching bird were seriously injured by the barbarian jaw dragon.

The Flying Thunder Dragon was driven out of its territory by the Barbarian Jaw Dragon.

Not to mention Su Yi, as soon as he arrived in the New World, it was the Barbarian Jaw Dragon that made him experience the warm welcome of the New World.

Not to mention that there was a conflict between a Swift Meow and a Brutal Jaw in the ball.

It can be said that more than half of the accompanying beasts that Su Yi has conquered have had grudges with the Barbarian Jaw Dragon.

Now let's settle all the old and new grudges together!

Roar! The Barbarian Jaw Dragon didn't care so much. The hunger after getting up in the morning spurred it to eat. But now that there are creatures blocking it, it can only vent its rage.

The Barbarian Jaw Dragon stepped back to accumulate strength, then leapt and trampled over.

The accompanying beasts quickly dispersed.


As soon as the Barbarian Jaw Dragons landed, they were greeted by the overwhelming pressure of the Big and Ferocious Jackal Dragon.


The Barbarian Jaws savagely butted it with its head.

With a bang, the ferocious jackal dragon took two steps back, and the barbarian jaw dragon gained the momentum and stepped forward again.

At this time, the Dragon Claw leaped onto its back, clasping its sharp claws on the fur and biting at the same time, its sharp teeth instantly embedded deeply into the flesh.

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