Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 143 Cat’s new ability is ready

The Commander-in-Chief attaches great importance to these Pokémon because they can bring considerable changes to the way of hunting. As long as it is beneficial to the exploration of the New World and the hunting of hunters, he is willing to try and promote it.

After that, Su Yi talked a lot with the Commander-in-Chief, mainly to help the chicks integrate into the life here, and also to prepare for the possible arrival of other Pokémon in the future.

Will you also evolve into a strong and handsome steel-armored crow? Aiden knelt down and looked at the tiny chickadee curiously.

Chirp~ The chickadee flew to Aiden's head, pecked at his mohawk, and then squatted down in a nest.

Hahaha, that's really interesting. Aiden was not annoyed, but smiled and touched the chickadee on top of his head.

How about it? Do you want to be my partner? Let's become stronger together! Aiden said hopefully.

After arriving in the New World, many novel things always attracted Aiden, and he was willing to try it.

For example, he tried to use various hunter weapons and finally became a master of all hunter weapons. This new form of partnership also attracted him.

While operating with the Steel Armor Crow, he envied Su Yi for having such a partner who could communicate with each other, and the Pokémon's evolution and moves also made him very curious.

Chirp? The chickadee flew down, looked around Aiden, and then stopped on his shoulder.

Did you agree? Aiden asked.

Chirp! The chick tit nodded, stretched out its wings, and touched Aiden's shoulder.

Hahaha! Take care of me, partner! Aiden smiled and touched the chick's wings lightly with his fist.

It seems that you have become friends. Su Yi came over after talking to the Commander-in-Chief and handed Aiden the elf ball.

This is its Poké Ball. You need to take good care of it. I will explain to you in detail how to take care of and train it later.

In the Star Stronghold, Su Yi was most at ease with the contact between Pokémon and hunters with Sunshine Brother Aiden. After all, he was a real man who would risk his life to push the hunter to a safe area under the breath of the black dragon.

And if you accompany hunters to hunt in the New World, Pokémon will grow much faster.

I will definitely take good care of it! Aiden solemnly took the elf ball, then curiously took the baby tit in and then released it.

At night, Su Yi temporarily stayed in the dormitory in the stronghold.

Since the dormitory was transformed from a ship's cabin, the surrounding components are made of wooden boards, and the furniture is also very simple. Because the cabin is located against the rocks and is close to the seaside, you can hear the sound of the waves.

Surrounding Su Yi's dormitory were the rooms of the fifth group members, and Aiden was right next to his dormitory.

Su Yi meow! Which outfit should I wear tomorrow?

Beside the bed, Lu Cao looked at the four sets of equipment in front of him, not knowing how to choose. He liked every set.

That's right, Lucao's equipment has been completed.

A total of four sets are made using the materials of the floating dragon, flying thunder dragon, miserable claw dragon and wind drifting dragon.

Logically speaking, the suit should have one weapon, but since Maomao has decided to specialize in Tai Sword, those weird weapons are no different from toys, so they simply leave some materials.

The tachi has also been built. It is a bone-based tachi called the Elegant Scimitar, specially adapted to the body shape of cats.

At this moment, Lucao's abilities became diversified.

[Name: Lucao

Race: Elu cat (male)

Properties: General

Characteristics: Cat Attack (Elu Cat will change its attributes according to the suit it is wearing)

Thundercat: Electric type, static electricity (there is a 30% chance of being paralyzed when using contact moves to attack Pokémon with this characteristic)

Floating Meow: Flying type, fur coat (the damage of physical moves given by the opponent will be halved)

Meow Claw: Fighting type, Secret of the Meow Claw Dragon (increases the power of cutting moves by 50%)

Feng Piao Meow: Ice type, Feng Piao Dragon's Favor (the appearance rate of additional effects when using moves × 2)

Move: Cat attacks (changes according to equipment),

Moves that can be performed after wearing the corresponding suit (can be learned):

Fei Lei Meow: Lightning

Floating Meow: Air Blade

Miserable Claw Meow: Split Tiles

Feng Piao Meow: Fine Snow

Catching, shouting, seeing through (seeing cut), sword dance

Special moves (instrument required) to encourage playing: omitted. 】

Because of Lucao's characteristics, he can cope with a lot of scenes, but it should be noted that fully activating the characteristics requires a complete set of equipment, except for weapons, all of which are indispensable.

After putting on the corresponding suit, the exclusive move Cat Attack becomes a move of the corresponding attribute, and you can also learn other moves of the same attribute in the future. However, if you want to use it, you must wear the corresponding suit.

It is equivalent to Lucao gaining attributes and corresponding power through equipment, and the equipment also improves Lucao's attack and defense capabilities.

If the opponent is the Barbarian Jaw Dragon, the electric or ice type is slightly better, but the Barbarian Jaw Dragon can use fire to restrain the ice system, so it is better to use the electric-type Flying Thunder Cat suit. Su Yi analyzed.

That's it, meow! Lucao put on the furry suit and jumped on the bed.

Uh, Lucao, are you going to sleep with your equipment on? Su Yi was stunned.

The warmth is just right, meow~ Lucao hugged herself with a comfortable expression on her face.

Su Yi said funnyly: That's up to you.

Su Yi, who was lying on the bed, opened the Hunting Guide and looked at the [Task] page.

[Mission: Forest Thug · Barbarian Dragon (Hunting Barbarian Dragon)

Mission support: none

Mission reward: 10 captured balls and 5 target materials.

Limited time: 5 days]

This mission is somewhat special, because it is not triggered during the pursuit of the traces of the Barbarus, but when the commander-in-chief agrees to the battle plan after he has customized the plan.

No wonder I didn’t trigger the mission when I met the Barbarian Jaw Dragon before. This is where my feelings lie.

And this mission name, this is not an investigation mission. This is clearly the main mission, right?

It's broken, it's really become a 'Blue Star' now. Su Yi said with a wry smile.

The timeline has changed, the future Blue Star will arrive in the New World, the golden finger with the Blue Star drawn on it, and the hunter's business card with his name and portrait recorded. At this moment, coupled with this mission, it is difficult for Su Yi not to think about it.

Sleep! Su Yi thought so hard that his head hurt, so he simply lay down with an empty mind, and then quickly fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Su Yi and Lu Cao came to the Weapon and Bobcat Pavilion and met aibo who was eating food.

At the dinner table, Aiden fed the chicks some of his cat's rice while his receptionist was confirming the next task.

After a brief greeting, Su Yi and Lu Cao purchased a hearty cat meal with the meal coupons issued to them.

Hey, everyone is getting ready. Next, we will support you from the outside.

The captain of the investigation team came over with a smile and several hunters. At the same time, he had a radio walkie-talkie hanging on his chest and a blue jay parked on his shoulder.

Oh? Have you gained the approval of this blue jay? Su Yi asked curiously.

The captain smiled and touched the blue jay on his shoulder and said, I tried to touch it, and then it seemed to agree with my idea.

Then take good care of it. Su Yi nodded. Conquering Pokémon does not necessarily require fighting. Having the same ideas can also bring Pokémon and trainers together.

I will.

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