Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 117 A fierce battle!

Earthquake! Nemo reacted quickly.

Roar! The Gyarados angrily struck the ground with its long and powerful tail. There was a loud rumbling sound, and the ravaged venue shook again.

The feet of the charging big ferocious jackal dragon were unstable, and its four legs fell into the cracked gap. As the ground shook, the ground wrapped with shock waves and bombarded the big ferocious jackal dragon's body.

Ouch! The ferocious jackal felt the shock of its internal organs and was in great pain.

Get out! Su Yi clenched his fists and shouted.


The ferocious jackal dragon bravely pulled out its sharp claws from the crack, crawled hard, and flew towards it with its huge body, biting with lightning teeth.


The four times restrained move, even without the bonus of this system, and the physical attack was reduced by one level due to the intimidation characteristic, still caused considerable damage.

Roar! Gyarados roared in pain, but the fierce look in his eyes was even worse.

Ferocious? The fierce jackal dragon, bite it! Use the dragon claw! Su Yi said with high fighting spirit.

After hearing this, the ferocious jackal dragon kept biting tightly, its claws in its hands lit up, and then it used all its strength to swing its claws and overwhelm it.

Gyarados, fight back with frozen teeth!

Gyarados opened its sharp teeth filled with cold air, leaned over and bit the big ferocious jackal on the back of its neck.

Even the thick mane of the Great Fierce Jackal Dragon could not stop the sharp teeth from piercing. The biting cold air invaded the body, and the Great Fierce Jackal Dragon suddenly felt in agony.

The Pokémon on both sides launched ferocious attacks. What a violent attack! the host said excitedly when he saw the two beasts getting into a fight.


The spreading cold air began to freeze the body of the fierce jackal dragon.

As expected of the cruelty. Su Yi frowned, thinking of countermeasures in his mind.

Looking at the tail of the big ferocious jackal dragon, Su Yi had a flash of inspiration.

The fierce jackal dragon, use the dragon's tail to pull it back! Su Yi said quickly.

Ouch! The big ferocious jackal resisted the severe cold that restrained it, swinging its tail wrapped in bright green scales and lashing out at the Gyarados.

Freeze it! Nemo shouted.

Gyarados accelerates the release of cold air from its frozen teeth, and the freezing speed becomes faster and faster.


The slender dragon tail formed, and then it was thrown away fiercely.

Gyarados roared unwillingly and was pulled back into the ball, and then Nemo's next Pokémon was forcibly replaced.


A dinosaur exuding cold air and with a sword blade on its back stood on the field.

Ice Pokémon? Su Yi was surprised.

Contestant Nemo was forced to switch out the third Pokémon because of Dragon Tail!


The ferocious jackal shattered the ice on its body and shook its body in discomfort. The cold Pokémon in front of it caused a thin layer of frost to form on the lawn beneath its feet.

Hmph~ Come and meet my old friend, Styracosaurus! Use the snow scene to create our home court! Nemo waved.

Sai! Styrophysosaur's body trembled, and the cold air around it condensed into snowflakes, and it began to snow in the sky.

Roar! The ferocious jackal dragon moved its body irritably, feeling uncomfortable with the cold snow.

It's not hail that caused damage, but snow? Su Yi wondered, this was a weather condition he had never been exposed to before.

Styrosophora, use the icicle to strike!

The Pokémon named Styrofossor breathed cold air upwards, and instantly condensed into huge sharp icicles that hit the big ferocious jackal.

Isn't this sense of déjà vu the single version of Ice Dragon's Ice Crash Strike?

Crush it with dragon claws! Su Yi said hurriedly.

Roar! The ferocious jackal stood up despite the cold and waved its claws.


The dragon's claws shattered the icicles, but the exploding ice crystals still caused some damage.

Dance of Dragons! Taking this opportunity, Nemo immediately asked the Styrophosaurus to strengthen its abilities.

Don't even think about it! Charge forward and use the dragon claw!

Cancel the Dragon Dance! Attack with the giant sword! Unexpectedly, Nemo suddenly changed her tactics.

The Styracosaurus immediately canceled the Dragon Dance, then turned its body upside down and pointed the sword-like thorns on its back at the charging Jackalosaurus. At the same time, it exhaled a powerful breath from its mouth, pushing it to charge away.

What kind of move is this? Su Yi was stunned for a moment when he saw the slightly strange way of attacking the Spinosaurus.

In the past, it was his accompanying beasts that used unique moves to make their opponents unpredictable.

But today, Nimo used a snow scene move and a giant sword attack, leaving Su Yi a little confused.

Stop it!

Ouch! The ferocious jackal raised its claws and fiercely grabbed the flying sword spine.


The sharp claws collided with the spine of the sword, and the fierce jackal dragon's charging body paused, and began to wrestle with the Styracosaurus.

It's just a huge sword attack, let me push it back! Su Yi shouted.

Ouch!!!! The ferocious jackal roared loudly, its strong hind limbs began to exert force, and it took a step forward with a bang.

The Styrophysosaurus, which was constantly blowing out cold air and pushing forward, was immediately suppressed and began to retreat.

What a powerful force! Styrophysosaurus fell into a disadvantage due to the collision of forces! the host shouted.

Go forward with all your strength! Nemo said, clenching her fists.


The Styracosaurus breaks out again and competes with the ferocious Jackalosaurus.

The ground beneath the feet of the ferocious jackal began to break apart due to the force.


The gravel flew away, the ferocious jackal dragon retreated with a low roar, and the Styracosaurus also fell to the ground at the same time.

It's because I was intimidated that I reduced my attack, so I couldn't completely suppress it. Su Yi whispered.

Often the simpler and cruder the features, the more effective they are.

Because it had been injured many times, the ferocious jackal dragon began to pant. Its limbs were injured due to the previous earthquake, and its strength could not be fully exerted.

Change it! Su Yi decisively took back the fierce jackal dragon.

Coming? Nemo said.

Misery Claw Dragon! Please! Su Yi threw the capture ball, the light dissipated, and the crimson beast appeared on the field, its muscular lines looking particularly ferocious.

Oh oh oh! Su Yi once again sent out a Pokémon without information, and this Pokémon is even bigger and more vicious!

Such a Pokémon. Dr. Omu stared at the Mistyclaw intently, and he was puzzled by its strange body.

Howling! The Misty Claw looked up to the sky and roared. After hearing the noisy sounds and smelling the complex smell, it became a little irritable and restless.

Su Yi walked forward and put his hand on the restless head of the Dragon Claw: Dragon Claw, don't panic. This is a stage. There is no pressure to survive, but you have the passion to go all out. Please help me!

The Misty Claw smelled Su Yi's scent and felt relieved.

It slapped the ground with a bang, lowered the six sharp claws on its front paws, and combined with the four sharp claws on the lower level to form ten-edged claws, and then responded with a roar of high fighting spirit.

Let's have a big fight! Brutal Claw! Laceration Claw! Su Yi and Brutal Claw roared with high fighting spirit.

Howl! The Misty Claw Dragon galloped away.

Icicle crashing bursts! Nemo, who had seen the ferocity of the Mistyclaw, did not dare to neglect.

Sai! Styrophysosaurus raised its head and sprayed ice. Thick icicles condensed one by one, and then smashed into the Miscarposaurus.

Nimo, you know this can't stop the Misty Claw Dragon, smash all obstacles! Su Yi shouted loudly.

Howl! The Mistyclaw waved its laceration claw, and the icicles were torn apart one by one in the sharp claw light.

Giant Sword Attack! Seeing that the icicle's falling attack could not stop it at all, Nemo changed her attack method.

Grab it. Su Yi grasped the claw.


Two cruel claws grabbed the spine of the incoming sword, preventing it from moving forward at all.

Throw it out!

The Mistyclaw roared low, moved the Styracosaurus little by little, and then threw it out violently.

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