Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 116 The reservedness of the steel-armored crow! The vicious beast appears!

What a fierce battle! Player Nemo's Great Blacksmith used his majestic hammer blows to press forward step by step against the steel armored crow.

Contestant Su Yi's Steel-Armored Crow calmly took advantage of its own advantages and dealt a huge blow to the giant blacksmith!

The host explained passionately.

The exciting and confrontational battles also made the audience hooked.

That man and his steel-armored crow have two brushes. Qibana nodded.

Caidou shook his head and said, That shouldn't be Su Yi's steel-armored crow. It should be his first time commanding that Pokémon.

You mean, that person suppressed the champion's Pokémon with a completely untrained Pokémon? Lurina said in surprise.

Although she is the champion, the little girl and her Pokémon still need to settle down, and the steel-armored crow is not simple either.

But to be able to play like this, the man named Su Yi is very good in terms of command ability and on-the-spot performance. Chibana said.

The smoke dissipated, and the giant blacksmith was leaning on the giant hammer, panting with wounds all over his body, but there was still a high fighting spirit in his eyes.

The Steel-Armored Crow, who used Brave Bird's fierce attack, also suffered a lot of damage, but the situation was better than that of the Great Blacksmith.

What are the attributes of this Pokémon? Su Yi said unexpectedly.

After this round of fierce attacks, even if he was not on the verge of death, he would be seriously injured, but it seemed that the giant blacksmith still had some strength left.

Obviously the output just now was resisted.

Great Blacksmith, prepare to use all your strength! Sword Dance! Nemo said excitedly.

Then let's use the iron wall here! Su Yi immediately ordered.

Crack! The giant blacksmith swung the giant hammer twice, then hit the ground with the handle of the hammer, making an imposing sound.

The steel-armored crow stretched his body, the black armor flashed with metallic luster, and his defense became more powerful.

Use Sword Dance again to increase the attack to the maximum!

! Su Yi was stunned, is he so greedy?

Gah! The steel-armored crow spread its wings and neighed, looking at Su Yi with firm and fighting eyes.

Steel Armored Crow, is this the kind of battle you want? Su Yi understood that look.

Then we will continue to use the iron wall!

In this way, both sides increased their attack and defense to the maximum respectively.

And through the host's explanation, the audience knew that the giant blacksmith and the steel-armored crow were preparing for their strongest blow, and they all held their breath, looking forward to that shocking blow.

Crack! The giant blacksmith gripped the giant hammer tightly with an astonishing momentum.

Steel-armored crow! Soar into the sky! Su Yi laughed and raised his hand to point to the sky.

The steel-armored crow, which has raised its defense to the maximum, spreads its wings and flies high, with great ambition!

Steel Armor Crow! \u0026 Great Blacksmith!

Pounce! \u0026 Mighty Hammer!

Su Yi and Nimo shouted loudly at the same time.

Gah! The steel-armored crow flapped its wings with all its strength and swooped down from the sky. Its metallic body fell from the sky like a steel meteor.

Crack! The giant forger lifted up the giant hammer and took a stance, raising his power to the extreme and accumulating it to the limit, like a volcano about to erupt.

The audience present opened their eyes wide and stared at the collision like a meteorite.



First there was a deafening roar, and then there was the wail of the earth shattering.

The battlefield suddenly sunk into a large area, and countless gravel and dust rose high. Su Yi and Nimo stepped back, blocking the flying soil with their hands.

Which Pokémon won? the host exclaimed loudly.

The referee drove the Shield Sword Monster to fly towards the center of the pit. The smoke dissipated. The giant blacksmith fell to the ground, his eyes circling, while the steel-armored crow barely stood up with its wings drooped.

It's the Steel-Armored Crow!

After that amazing collision, the steel-armored crow is still standing! It's so strong! the host shouted excitedly.

The audience cheered and cheered for the steel-armored crow.

The depressed red eyes of the steel-armored crow slowly turned and scanned the people in the audience cheering for it.

Maga. The steel-armored crow's body shook and was about to collapse.

Steel Armored Crow! Well done, please come off and take a rest! Su Yi said quickly.

Gah! Unexpectedly, the steel-armored crow opened its scarred wings like a flashback, and then waved, a powerful wind swept past, and the invisible rocks scattered by the giant blacksmith appeared one after another, and then shattered and dissipated.

Clear the thick fog? Su Yi asked in surprise.

This is my last attempt to clear the fog!

The steel-armored crow's eyes dimmed, and he lost his fighting power while keeping his wings spread.

Oh oh oh oh! So handsome! On the verge of losing his fighting power, the steel-armored crow resolutely chose to use his last strength to clear the thick fog and clear the trap for the Pokémon behind him! the host shouted in amazement.

Doctor! Quick! Take the steel-armored crow down for treatment! Su Yi shouted.

The treatment team quickly ran from the player tunnel to check the Steel Armored Crow's injury.

It needs to be treated quickly, especially the wings, otherwise it will cause hidden dangers. The medical staff said.

Take it back and give us the Poke Ball.

Su Yi shook his head and said: It is not my Pokémon, but my friend.

Isn't it actually your Pokémon? Dandi walked over and said in surprise.

The Steel Armor Crow may have been looking forward to such a stage and battle, and it did a great job. Su Yi said seriously.

In this case, let's subdue it temporarily and put it into the ball so that it can receive treatment. What happens next, let's wait until it wakes up. Dan Emperor suggested.

Su Yi nodded, used the elf ball to subdue it, and then handed it to the medical staff.

Oh? What a surprise! This steel-armored crow is actually not Su Yi's Pokémon, but their cooperation is wonderful! It's really curious. The host looked at this scene and said in surprise.

It's really not his Pokémon!? Qibana said in surprise.

Are you going to do your best for a meal? Caidou murmured.

The handsome steel-armored crow, pounced with all his strength, and finally cleared the thick fog~ Dr. Omu said with admiration.

What a surprise, the Steel-Armored Crow is so strong! Nimo took back the Great Blacksmith and said with a smile.

Yes! Su Yi nodded. The Steel-Armored Crow did a very good job indeed. Under the situation of being at a slight disadvantage, he replaced the champion's Pokémon one by one. If it was the Pokémon originally planned to be sent, at most You can only do the same thing.

Su Yi took out the capture ball with a serious look in his eyes: Be prepared to make your debut in front of the world for the first time!

Nemo also took out the Poké Ball.

Go! The fierce jackal dragon!

Go! Gyarados!

A dark green predator warrior appeared on the field, and a huge ferocious dragon lay across the field, roaring ferociously.


A menacing roar swept over him, and the big ferocious jackal was startled subconsciously, and then roared ferociously in annoyance.

Intimidating. Su Yi frowned.

Even though the monsters were equally vicious, under the influence of the Pokémon rules, intimidation still worked, causing the Great Ferocious Jackal's physical attack to drop by one level.

Sure enough, since you have accepted the power of Pokémon, you must abide by the rules of Pokémon. While gaining power, there is also a corresponding price.

Oh!! Nemo sent out a particularly strong Gyarados, and player Su Yi also released a ferocious but huge Pokémon, but the official information could not be found! It is a new unknown Pokémon Really? the host exclaimed.

Is it here? A new unknown Pokémon. Roz sat up slightly and observed the ferocious and huge monster.

This Pokémon has an indescribable feeling, or is this really a Pokémon? Dr. Oki frowned in front of the computer.

Su Yi's powerful Pokémon are coming. Caidou began to look forward to it.

Vicious! Powerful! Ma Li clenched her fists and exclaimed.

What a guy! What a big Gyarados! Su Yi exclaimed.

The official body length data of Gyarados is 6.5 meters, and this Gyarados is nearly 10 meters in length, which is only a little short of the 13 meters of the Big Dire Jackal.

Like most monsters, part of the length of the Gyarados is due to its slender tail. Compared with its size, this Gyarados is not weak at all, not to mention that Pokémon is not a creature that can be measured by common sense, and its size cannot be measured. Says it all.

As for the size of Gyarados, it can basically seal away the big mouth of the fierce jackal dragon.

Because it is so big, although the ferocious jackal dragon can also swallow a herbivorous dragon that is about the same length as it, but that can only be accomplished when the herbivorous dragon dies.

What's more, Gyarados is much stronger and more powerful than herbivorous dragons, and a living Gyarados will struggle. If it fails to swallow it, it will be severely injured.

Both sides are giants! The next battle will be more intense! The host once again aroused the audience's enthusiastic atmosphere.

Su Yi, is this your other Pokémon? It's indeed very strong! The smile on Nimo's face never dissipated.

Big Ferocious Jackal Dragon! Calm down! Su Yi comforted him immediately when he saw that the Big Ferocious Jackal Dragon was a little restless under the influence of the wide space and noisy people.

Ouch! The fierce jackal dragon believed in Su Yi and quickly filtered out other interference and focused on the opponent in front of him. His expression became fierce and he entered a fighting state.

Gyarados, use Waterfall! Nimo launched the first attack again.

Roar! The Gyarados raised its body ferociously, and a burst of torrent surged out from its side, rushing towards the big ferocious jackal. At the same time, it rode the torrent straight up and crashed away.

The fierce jackal dragon, use it to defend! Su Yi said calmly when he saw the huge climbing waterfall.

The big ferocious jackal stood firmly, and a barrier appeared in front of it. The rushing rapids were separated, and the ferocious climbing of the Gyarados was blocked. Then, the barrier it held shattered and dissipated.

Staying in the battle is indeed a magical skill, but unfortunately, among Su Yi's accompanying beasts, only the ferocious jackal dragon and scratching bird can learn it.

Fight back! Thunder Fang! Su Yi shouted.

Like the Farmer’s Three Fists (Fire Fist, Freeze Fist, and Thunder Fist), the Three Fangs (Thunder Fang, Freeze Fang, and Fire Fang) are also common moves that expand the strike surface, and are a move learner that can be used multiple times, Su Yi A wave of attack surface was added early to the accompanying beasts that can learn.

The big ferocious jackal showed its sharp fangs at the Gyarados that was right in front of it. Thunder and lightning flashed, and two rows of thunder and lightning teeth emerged from its mouth and bit the Gyarados.

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