Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 102 The Adventure of the Single Sword Scabbard, Meeting Ma Li Again

Eh? The girl was a little surprised when she saw the prompt on the illustrated book.

Meow? Lucao raised his head and looked at the girl who made a confused sound.

It turns out to be a Pokémon wearing Eevee clothes. The girl whispered to herself, thinking she had met some special Eevee that could meow.

Hahaha, aibo, how should I put it, it's a bit subtle. Su Yi looked at Lucao's Ibrahimovic cosplay with an indescribable feeling.

The face of the cow cat doesn't seem to match the brown Eevee.

Meow? I feel very comfortable, meow, warm meow. Lucao shook his body, and then looked at himself in front of the mirror.

A talking Pokémon?! the girl said in surprise.

Not only can it talk, but it's also a Pokémon that has never been recorded in the Alliance database.

Due to some technology, her Pokémon Pokédex is an Alliance-wide Pokédex. Since the Pokédex shows no information about this Pokémon, it means that this Pokémon has never been discovered and recorded by the Alliance.

Su Yi glanced at the girl, who reacted, pushed up her round glasses and said, Your Pokémon is very cute.

However, I think the cutest one is Eevee.

Meow~ Lucao proudly put her arms on her hips and raised her chest when she heard that she was praised for being cute.

Su Yi nodded and said, Ievee is indeed a very cute Pokémon.

The girl nodded in response, thinking this was natural.

aibo, why don't you change into this set? Su Yi didn't think much, turned around and picked out a set for Lu Cao to change into.

The girl walked to the display case of the Eevee series backpacks and decisively bought several Eevee backpacks with different attributes.

Su Yi looked a little sideways. He glanced at the price before and saw that this Ibrahimovic series backpack was not cheap, but the little girl decided to buy it without thinking.

Su Yi couldn't help but sigh secretly: Young people today are really rich.

Have changed, meow! Lucao walked out of the fitting room, changing into a light blue ninja outfit, with a light pink scarf wrapped around his neck.

This is a style inspired by the Koga Ninja frog.

Meow! Lucao cooperated and made the ninja seal gesture, although the seal was completely crooked.

That's it. Su Yi said with a smile.

Just for children's clothing, the price is not low. It can only be said that children's money is really easy to make.

Let's go, aibo. Su Yi said. The prices of other products were so pricey that they would explode if he took another look at them.

Meow! Lucao couldn't put it down and held the bag containing the clothes. This was his first such beautiful clothes.

After shopping around for a while, Su Yi bought necessities such as adventure supplies and Pokémon medicine in a store with discounts.

After that comes the skill machine.

Customer? If you have any questions, you can ask me. The shopping guide said helplessly.

The customer in front of them asked them to take out all the move records and learning tools, and then one person picked up the CDs one by one and put them down again, while staring closely at a book.

Those who don’t know better think their products have quality issues.

In all her years as a shopping guide, she has never met such a strange customer.

Su Yi rolled his eyes, you would be crazy if you knew what moves those accompanying beasts can learn.

There is no way, Goldfinger's Hunting Guide can only put skill machines in your hands one by one, and then show which companion beast can be learned.

After finally checking it, Su Yi took out several skill machines and said: This, this, and this, pack them up.

Okay. The shopping guide breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he wasn't looking for trouble.

Su Yi looked at the several move CDs being packed and began to think in his mind.

After he checked most of the skill machines, he found that the moves that the accompanying beasts could learn were as varied as Pokémon, but there were also some good moves that couldn't be learned.

Therefore, the biggest function of the skill machine is to expand the strike surface (moves with multiple attributes) and increase attack methods (melee, long-range, physical, special).

If you want to learn more practical and suitable moves, you may have to do what the great ferocious jackal dragon did when he asked Alchemy Emperor's fire-breathing dragon to learn Dragon Tail.

In short, the accompanying beasts have to learn their moves slowly.

However, this time we have expanded a lot of attack methods. Su Yi was satisfied.

It's just that the money has shrunk again. Su Yi sighed. The move learner is okay and can be used repeatedly. The move records are gone after use, so some have to buy a few more.

The training of Pokémon is really a costly affair.

Ding Yin! The single scabbard hid behind the trash can and carefully observed the humans and Pokémon coming and going on the street.

After the initial panic, Scabbard learned to observe the actions of people on the street and wait for opportunities to act.

Yin~ After seeing the green light on the sidewalk across the street, he rushed out with his single scabbard and followed the flow of people to the other side of the street.

Pedestrians coming and going were like a moving forest, causing the single scabbard to dodge left and right, feeling a little panicked for a while.


The single scabbard body paused and bumped into a caller barker.

Woof woof! The caller turned his head and growled with his teeth bared, and his body began to generate electrical energy.

Yin! The single scabbard shouted in panic, while retreating in panic.

Caller Paw, come here and don't pay attention to the Pokémon wandering on the street! The owner of the Caller Paw looked back, stopped the caller, and looked warily at the dilapidated and dirty scabbard of the single sword.

When the caller dog saw his owner, he barked happily, and then continued to walk forward with him.

Seeing humans and Pokémon shopping together inseparable, the single scabbard's mood suddenly dropped, and the whole sword floated feebly.



In the shadows of the alley behind the single scabbard, the figures of several Pokémon emerged.

Yan! The single scabbard was startled again, and it floated back in panic.

Jilu. Two figures poked out from the darkness, a Galar Snake Bear and a Galarian Meowth.

There were other Pokémon in the shadows behind him, all of them seemed to be wandering Pokémon.

The single scabbard was so panicked.

At this time, a cat leader came out and opened his palm, with an orange fruit on it.

Yin? Du Sword Sheath was confused.

Nia gin. The meow leader nodded and handed over the orange fruit.

Groan! The single sword scabbard took it with a streamer, and then ate it quickly and impatiently. After getting out of the ghost train, it hadn't eaten anything yet.

Nia. The cat leader smiled, then turned and walked back to the shadowed alley.

The single scabbard hesitated for a moment, then eagerly floated forward and said something.

The leader of the cat was puzzled. After hearing this, he nodded: nia!

After Su Yi finished shopping, he brought Lucao to the park.

Compared to the streets, there are many fewer people here, but there are also many trainers and children, engaging in Pokémon battles on the public battle field.

It can be said that in the aftermath of the Gym Challenge Festival, the atmosphere of Pokémon battle is particularly strong.

Well done, Bad Frog. The girl praised calmly, and then took back the Bad Frog.

That's awesome, big sister. On the other side of the battlefield, a child took back his Galar Snake Bear and praised it.

Yes. The girl nodded, her face still showing an indifferent expression.

Oh? Isn't that Ma Li? Su Yi was surprised when he saw a girl from Molubek standing next to her, carrying large and small bags.

Among Marli's Pokémon, only Bad Frog has no evil type, and in the team, only Hairy Troll is male.

Among Caidou's team, only Wei Li is female.

Damn it! Hairy troll!

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