Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 101 Department Store

The steel-armored crow and its tribe flew away under the moonlight.

To be honest, Su Yi had the urge to conquer the steel-armored crow at that moment.

After all, who doesn’t like the handsome and powerful armored crow?

Su Yi would like to call it: Raptor Steel Armored Crow!

However, Steel Armor Crow also shoulders the mission of taking care of the group. They are Pokémon wandering in this city, and they need the leader of Steel Armor Crow to lead them to survive.

Good night, Oonio, Caidou. Su Yi put the idea of ​​conquering the steel-armored crow behind him and said with a smile in front of the hotel room.

Good night.

Onio entered his room, took off his mask, and released his partner Gengar.

Gengar, I have made some good friends. It turns out that gathering with friends and admiring the moonlight is also a good thing.

Ginga! Gengar smiled happily when he saw Onio's smile.

After washing, Caidou put on her regular clothes, lay on the bed, turned on her phone, and looked through the photos taken today.

In the photo, Su Yi happily held up the grilled barbecue, while Lu Cao celebrated happily on the side.

Turning to the next photo, Su Yi was grilling pieces of barbecue surrounded by chickadees and blue jays, and the Pokémon happily surrounded him and cheered.

In the last photo, Su Yi is holding a beer, lying on the guardrail, with a smile of enjoyment on his face, looking at the chickadees and blue jays enjoying the food.

Caidou closed the phone with a smile on her lips.

In Su Yi's room, Su Yi and Lu Cao lay on the bed and slept soundly, leaving no trace of exhaustion and stress.

In the early morning, Su Yi finished washing up refreshed, but heard a clanking sound.

aibo, what are you doing? Su Yi took a look, but it was Lu Cao who was tinkering with something with a short knife.

Meow, I'm making gifts for my friends in the future, meow. Lucao said.

Gift? Su Yi took a closer look and found that Lucao had carved out the patterns of cat claws and meat balls from some bone fragments collected during the adventure. There were also some colorful feathers and ore fragments placed beside them. It seemed that he wanted to give the bones to the bones. Slices are used for decoration.

It looks good. Su Yi said encouragingly.

Lucao touched the cat's ears and said, But it's still a bit rough, meow, and I don't have any tools in my hand.

Come on, let's go shopping today and buy you a set of tools. Su Yi said with a smile.

I didn’t bother Ounio and Caidou today, they both had their own things to do.

After Su Yi sold those pearls, he finally had money. Naturally, he had to buy some things that would be used in adventures, as well as various Pokémon supplies.

Of course, the most important thing is the move record and move learner, which I had planned to buy before.

In a big city like Gongmen City, the most comprehensive range of skill machines should be available for sale.

Su Yi and Lu Cao arrived at the largest department store in Gongmen City under the guidance of Rotom on their mobile phones.

There will be an exhibition match the day after tomorrow, and the flow of people in Gongmen Market today is even worse than yesterday. Merchants who sensed business opportunities have started activities one after another, including promotions and lucky draws.

The atmosphere in the mall is like Chinese New Year.

Meow! So many people meow! So many things I've never seen before, meow!

Su Yi had never visited these places last time he came to Gongmen Market, and seeing such a lively scene and dazzling array of goods for the first time, Lu Cao was mesmerized for a moment.

Su Yi Meow! What kind of cat is this? Lucao stood on tiptoes and pointed at a leather doll on the shelf, with curiosity in his eyes.

Oh, this is a Pippi doll. If you encounter a wild Pokémon in the wild, you can throw it out to attract attention and then escape. Su Yi explained.

But obviously, Pippi dolls can attract the attention not only of wild Pokémon, but also of cats and children.

Lu Cao held Su Yi's trouser leg with one hand and pointed at the Pipi dolls on the shelf with one hand. His movements were consistent with those of the children nearby who were looking at the Pipi dolls.

I want this!

Okay, put it in the shopping cart. Su Yi pulled a shopping cart from the side. Maomao jumped slightly and put the Pipi doll into the shopping cart.

If Su Yi is chased by a monster in the future, I can use this to help attract the monster's attention. Lu Cao said happily.

Su Yi was startled, then smiled and put Lu Cao into the infant seat of the shopping cart.

You should keep this, aibo. When the time comes, I will use flash bombs and stink bombs to greet you, to make sure the monster can't find it.

Su Yi was not in a hurry to buy what he needed, and just pushed the shopping cart and walked around the department store. Lu Cao stood on the child's seat of the shopping cart and looked around curiously.

Many of the products on the shelves have Pokémon elements, such as the Bulbasaur flowerpot with the seeds removed as the pot mouth, the classic Squirtle watering can, the wind chime-shaped wind chime, the Kirby lazy sofa, the night lampshade Mushroom table lamps and so on, rich and diverse.

Many of the products here are inspired by the appearance or abilities of Pokémon and look quite novel and interesting. It is simply a paradise for Pokémon lovers.

Meow! Lucao looked around for a moment, then looked into the window with bright eyes.

Su Yi turned around and saw a wide variety of clothing, shoes, bags and other products placed in the window. Among them, a series of children's jumpsuits based on Pokémon attracted Lu Cao's attention.

Want to try it? Su Yi smiled.

Meow! Lucao shouted eagerly.

Guest, do you want to buy clothes for your child? the shopping guide said with a smile.

Su Yi picked up Lucao and said with a smile, It's my partner who wants to try it.

Meow~ Lucao waved her cat paw.

What a cute Pokémon. If it has this body shape, it will be suitable for this series of children's clothing. The shopping guide praised Lucao's cuteness, and then guided Su Yi to the store.

There are so many clothes with Pokémon elements. Su Yi looked around and found a display cabinet with a series of Eevee bags of various attributes, which looked particularly cute.

Would you like to try them all? The shopping guide took off an ordinary Ibrahimovic jumpsuit.

Try it. Su Yi nodded.

Maomao entered the fitting room by herself, while Su Yi wandered around the store, and the shopping guide also introduced her thoughtfully.

So handsome! Su Yi's eyes lit up and he saw a woolen coat based on the Nightmare God (Darkrai).

This coat has a black background color, with a zigzag pattern outlined in red along the wide edge of the collar. On the back of the coat, there is a smoky white ribbon that surrounds and extends from the neck, like a scarf, which can be said to be perfectly utilized and fitted. The elements of the nightmare god.

The customer has good taste. The shopping guide smiled slightly.

Su Yi came closer, picked up the price tag and looked at it, almost blacking out.

This price can cut his current savings in half at once.

Su Yi recalled that in the game Pokémon Sword and Shield, he diligently collected props, exchanged gold to save money, and spent money carefully to buy props. In the end, after discovering the clothing store, he just bought a set of clothes. The tragic experience of almost spending all his savings.

Are you peeling off the Nightmare God? Is it so expensive?! Su Yi thought to himself.

At this time, Maomao came out in disguise and meowed. Next to him, a girl with short indigo and red hair looked curiously, and then subconsciously opened the Rotom picture book on her phone.

There is no information about this Pokémon.

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