Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 68 Gengxin comes

Winter passes and spring comes, and everything revives.

Because "Cold Wind City" is close to the "Frozen Forest" in the northern part of the mainland, even in May, there are still cold winds carrying snow foam coming from the north.

Hanfeng Camp, among the black, white, and yellow colors of the sky and earth, suddenly showed a vibrant blue and green color, which made people stop and take a few more glances.

‘The first soul skill: full of vitality——! ’

Active energy containing rich vitality emitted from the palm of Ling Yi's right hand, covering a young man in front of him who was slumped on the seat.

Under Ling Yi's fine control of soul power, almost all of the green active energy was confined to the young man's left calf.

There, there were two rows of hideous blood holes, with black and red blood pouring out on both sides of the calf.

Under the infiltration of active energy, the blood flowing out of the blood hole gradually turned from black to bright red, and finally stopped flowing, and even the wound of the blood hole shrank slightly.

Seeing this, Ling Yi stopped the supply of soul power in his body, and the "Blue Silver Grass" martial spirit in the palm of his right hand also stopped projecting green light that seemed to be endless.

The soul skill ended, but Ling Yi's treatment was not completed. As soon as the supply of active energy stopped, his left hand suddenly grabbed the dark green 'wet mud' in a pottery bowl next to him, and smeared it on the young man's face in front of him. On the calf wound.


"Hold it-!"

When the young man took a breath of cold air, Ling Yi gave a soft drink, which immediately made the other person hold his breath. His legs, which were originally somewhat contracted, froze and stopped moving.

Taking a roll of white gauze, he wrapped the wound on the young man's calf with the dark green 'wet mud' and wrapped it. Ling Yi stood up, walked to the wooden table aside, and reached out to clean it in the wooden basin on the table.

"Okay, you can train for a few more days. Come here every day and find me or Brother Banner to perform a healing soul skill on you. Basically, you will be fine -"

Ling Yi said, taking a clean white towel and wiping his hands clean carefully.

"As for the medicinal mud on your leg, don't touch it when you get back. Come over tomorrow morning and let me take a look at the effect..."

After explaining a few more things to pay attention to during training, Ling Yi helped the young man to the outside of the camp, handed him to his comrades in the same team, and glanced at the back of the other man as he staggered away, looking at the white gauze wrapped around him. He paused for a few breaths on his calves, then turned around and walked back into the tent.

Coming to the pottery bowl where the medicinal mud was previously placed, Ling Yi looked at the bottomed pottery bowl with undisguised joy in his eyes.

"Safflower", "red peony root", "white peony root", "gardenia", "peach kernel", "frankincense", "myrrh", plus "rhubarb", this recipe of "blood circulation and pain relieving ointment", Finally developed it together with Yao Laotou...'

Ling Yi started to put away the pottery bowls, white gauze, wooden basins and other items, thinking silently in his heart: "The prescription provided by the old man Yao at the beginning was missing the most critical "rhubarb", but also, who would have thought that with diarrhea Can a slightly poisonous substance with effective effects also be used as the main medicine in promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, reducing swelling and relieving pain?

Cold herbs still need to be neutralized by compatibility. In addition, I also added "Blue Silver Grass" to act as a universal blender similar to the "licorice" in the previous life. Not only is the effect better, but it also causes less irritation to the human body -'

Thinking of this, Ling Yi narrowed his eyes and thought again: "With this recipe for "blood-activating and analgesic ointment", [Shuimu Principality]'s "Blue Silver Grass" planting that had been slowed down in the past few years has now been arranged again. .

Sure enough, interests are the greatest driving force for mankind! ’

Feeling the fragrance of "Blue Silver Grass" filling the air, the warm smile on Ling Yi's face that had almost never disappeared became even brighter.

Suddenly, Ling Yi's smile faded slightly, and he turned to look in the direction of the camp door. Although there was a thick curtain blocking it, the "Blue Silver Grass" on the ground was still there, conveying a feeling to him. : Someone is walking quickly this way.

Thirty breaths later, a shout was heard outside the camp: "Brother Ling——! Brother Ling——! Someone is looking for you——!"

A quarter of an hour later, the forging area of ​​the military industrial camp.

"Hello, my name is Ling Yi. I heard that you were looking for me. I don't know what to call you. Is there anything I can do for you?"

Ling Yi looked at the short, fat middle-aged man in front of him with a smile, greeted him politely, and asked his questions more directly.

However, after Ling Yi asked, the short, fat middle-aged man did not answer directly. Instead, he looked at Ling Yi up and down with great interest, tutting his tongue from time to time.

To be honest, the short, fat middle-aged man looked a little rude, but Ling Yi remained calm and looked at the other person with a smile on his face. He also let the short, fat middle-aged man look at him rudely.

After a while, the short and fat middle-aged man looked at Ling Yi still standing there patiently, with a calm look on his face from beginning to end, without any trace of impatience, anger or other emotions. He nodded secretly in his heart and emerged. A hint of appreciation.

Raising his hand to stroke the knotted beard on his face, the short, fat middle-aged man patted his ball-shaped belly again and finally said:

"My name is Lou Gao, from [Gengxin City] of [Xingluo Empire]..."

Hearing this, Ling Yi said 'Sure enough' in his heart, but there was a bit of surprise and astonishment on his face: "'Gengxin City'? The metal city 'Gengxin City'——?!"

Seeing that Ling Yi's expression finally showed some fluctuations, the pudgy middle-aged man also showed a smile on his face and nodded: "Yes, it is the 'Gengxin City' known as the 'Metal City'!"

Hearing the words of the short, fat middle-aged Lou Gao, the surprise on Ling Yi's face subsided, and he turned to a thoughtful look. He spoke again and asked: "Then... I don't know, Mr. Lou Gao, and the one below What do you call Master Jingangjin?"

Hearing Ling Yi's question, Lou Gao paused while stroking his beard. His eyes flickered towards Ling Yi. After a few breaths, he chuckled: "That's right, that's right. I heard them say that your kid is a very smart guy. Now, It’s hard to say how smart he is, but his mind does move very quickly——”

Having said this, Lou Gao paused and continued to Ling Yi: "My master, Tiefutu, the only master craftsman in the world and the president of the [Blacksmith Association], was in the same place as your master fifty or sixty years ago. A blacksmith who studied under a teacher..."

When mentioning words such as 'Iron Buddha' and 'the only master craftsman in the world', Lou Gao's pride in his words was beyond words, and at the same time he was also very high-spirited, as if to say, before long, he will be To be able to become another master craftsman like the master!

"That's it~"

Ling Yi nodded, then with Lou Gao's astonished expression on his face, he straightened his neat clothes, bowed to him, and said loudly:

"Ling Yi, the thirteenth disciple of the Blacksmith Master Vajra Sect, pays homage to Senior Brother Lou Gao——!"

I was still a bit tight in the morning, so I took the time to code it intermittently. There may be some flaws. I will check back later when I have more time. Please forgive me~

Finally, I would like to thank all book friends for your monthly votes, recommendation votes, follow-up reading, and comments. Thank you all! ! !

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