Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 67 Thousands of Miles Away

In the center of Douluo Continent, deep in the main vein of the "Tianling Mountain Range", there is an inaccessible valley hidden in this vast mountain.

No one knew that the valley, which had remained unchanged for thousands of years, had undergone tremendous changes on this day.

The scorching sun was shining in the sky, and the steady stream of light dispelled the cold wave from the north, making the valley, which was already spring-like all year round, even more full of life.

At a certain moment, all the green plants inside and outside the valley, within a radius of dozens of miles, rustled together.

The strongest reaction was the "Blue Silver Grass" all over the ground, all of which fell down towards the middle of the valley, as if the people were worshiping the emperor.

One breath, two breaths, three minute...a quarter of an hour...

From the time the sun hung in the east until the sun turned west, all the green plants returned to their normal appearance.

That is to say, this place is far away from the range of human activity, and there are very few soul beasts. Therefore, no one has noticed the abnormality for so long.

At some point, a figure suddenly appeared in the valley that should have been empty. A small and exquisite figure that seemed to have gathered the aura of heaven and earth.

This is a little girl with pink makeup and jade, with waterfall-like blue hair hanging down in front and behind her body, delicate facial features, picturesque eyebrows, and skin as clear as chalcedony.

The girl raised her hands and looked at the palms and back of her hands curiously. She clasped and spread the fingers of her left and right hands together, as if she was observing something interesting.

For a long time, the girl checked and groped herself from head to toe, tilted her head and thought about it, then waved her hand in front of her.

A magical scene appeared.

I saw that the air seemed to be stirred by the wave of the hand, an invisible whirlwind appeared out of thin air, and dots of blue-green stars appeared in the air, falling towards the "Blue Silver Grass" plants on the ground.

The originally mediocre "Blue Silver Grass" on the ground suddenly swelled up after the dots of starlight merged into it, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into super-large "Blue Silver Grass" vines as tall as a person.

Before this was over, after hundreds of "Bluesilver Grass" turned into huge vines, the little girl had a thoughtful look in her eyes, and immediately stretched her right hand forward, twitching her fingers slightly.

The next second, blue silk threads one after another were pulled out from the super large "Blue Silver Grass" vines and intertwined in mid-air.

Soon, a blue dress appeared in front of the little girl.

Turning her head to look at the strange-looking dress, the little girl opened her lips lightly and uttered an ethereal voice: "What I feel... and what I see... are a little... different... Woolen cloth……"

In her memory, a long time ago, she saw through the perspective of the "Blue Silver Grass" plants thousands of miles away outside the mountains. The clothes of those humans looked like this, but the dress in front of her looked like this. Some details are a little skewed and irregular.

With her little finger tapping on her chin, the little girl thought for a while, waved her hand again, and transformed the dress into blue silk threads, and then intertwined them again: "Again...again, The remaining soul power...and domain power are quite sufficient..."

While controlling the interweaving of the threads, the words in the little girl's mouth became smoother and smoother as she spoke.

After a while, a little girl in a blue dress walked slowly deep into the "Tianling Mountains", walking towards the outside of the mountain step by step.

Half a month later, in the southwest of the [Tian Dou Empire], in Fasnuo Province, there was a small city called "Luyin City" near the "Tianling Mountains". Under the west city gate, a petite blue figure walked into the city along with the flow of people.

[Lu Yin Junior Soul Master Academy].

In the first-grade classroom, a female teacher with short green hair stood on the podium, looking down at the freshmen below who had only been in school for a few months, and said softly:

"Students, a new work-study student has arrived today. The teacher hopes you can get along well..."

After saying that, the female teacher turned to look in the direction outside the classroom door: "Come in, say hello to everyone, and introduce yourself~"

As soon as the sound fell, a blue and exquisite figure stepped into the classroom under the curious eyes of pairs of eyes, and came to the podium. Without any stage fright, Luo Luo said loudly:

"Big guy, my name is A Yin, Yin from "Lan Yincao".

My martial spirit is "Blue Silver Grass" and I am now a level 12 first-level weapon soul master."

A melodious voice sounded like a ring. Ayin placed his right hand in front of his face. A "Blue Silver Grass" looked more delicate than the ordinary one. It was as clear as a sapphire and there was a large "Blue Silver Grass" with golden texture inside. "Silver Grass" appears.

At the same time, a bright yellow soul ring rose from the girl's feet, hovering around her petite and exquisite body, moving up and down rhythmically.


For a moment, the sound of breathing sounded one after another in the spacious classroom, and the air seemed to become thinner.

"Level 12——!?"

"One ring!? Soul Master——!?"

"Yellow...yellow...soul ring——!?"...

When the students below looked at the little girl named A Yin on the podium with dumbfounded eyes, the female teacher with short green hair next to her also looked at her with a complicated expression.

A century-old soul ring, a six-year-old twelve-level first-level soul master, what this meant, she couldn't help but think about it at the moment.

Such an age and such strength have never been seen in the entire history of [Lu Yin Junior Soul Master Academy]. Not to mention the century-old soul ring, and the cultivation of the useless martial soul "Blue Silver Grass" to the tenth level at this age, which all means that behind this little girl, there is definitely a powerful soul master, or even a soul master family.

As for why you come to an ordinary college like [Luyin Junior Soul Master Academy] despite having such a background?

The female teacher glanced at the "Blue Silver Grass" in A Yin's hand, and shook her head secretly: 'Maybe it's the illegitimate daughter of a big shot, right?

Although he inherited the great talent from the big shot, his martial spirit was inherited from the other party's useless martial spirit "Blue Silver Grass", so he is not recognized by the people around the big shot, right? ’

In the following days, while all the teachers and students in the [Luyin Junior Soul Master Academy] were speculating on the origin and background of the little girl A Yin, the new student turned a deaf ear to what was going on and studied seriously. .

"..., [Tian Dou Empire] occupies the northern part of the continent, and our Fasnuo Province is located in the southwest of the empire, bordering the [Star Luo Empire] in the south... "Luyin City" is located in the north of the province, so it is exempt from the Less interference from the war... Of course, there is also less profit on the frontline of trade between the two countries... In addition, due to the proximity to the branch of the "Tianling Mountains", there is very little cultivated land here, and food comes from the east of Fasno Province. The [Kingdom of Barak] shipped..."

In the mainland general history class, when the teacher introduced the major countries on the Douluo Continent and their corresponding geographical locations, A Yin raised his hand and asked:

"Teacher, our current location is the southwest of [Tian Dou Empire]. Then where is the northeast of 'Luyin City'?"

After hearing Ah Yin's question, the teacher recognized this girl who seemed to have a rich background, and immediately answered with a smile: "The closer one is the Ionian province 'Asuo City', one of the five major provinces of the empire. Our "Luyin City" is about three hundred miles away..."

"Then..." Ah Yin raised his little head, looked at the teacher with a pair of big eyes, and asked again: "What about a farther place? Thousands of miles away, or even tens of thousands of miles away?"

"Further?" The teacher raised his eyebrows when he heard this, secretly guessing whether the force behind the opponent came from there, and he did not forget to answer: "If it is further, it is about 1,700 miles away, northeast. To the east is the capital of the Kingdom of Silvis, "Silves City"; almost 2,800 miles away, to the north-northeast, is the imperial capital of our "Tian Dou Empire", "Tian Dou Empire". Dou Cheng!"

"As for thousands of miles away..." the teacher stopped, thought for a moment, and replied to A Yin: "That is where the principality affiliated to the empire, the Shuimu Principality, is located."

"[Shuimu Principality] -" Ah Yin murmured in a low voice, stood up and bowed slightly to the teacher, thanking him with a happy face: "Thank you, teacher -"

Next, Ah Yin continued to listen and thought about it in his heart.

'Starting from five or six years ago, according to the direction and distance mentioned by the teacher, the place called [Shuimu Principality] began to have the aura of "Blue Silver Grass" appear on a large area. Someone was specifically cultivating "Blue Silver Grass" --? ’

Thank you book friends [Ghost Sword v Aidas, Qingsi Haoxue, Don’t Chase Me, Your Majesty Wei Wu, Taichu Demon Lord, I’m Not a Panda, Ignorance and Lost, Happy Luffy, Fighting Swordsman] for your monthly votes. Thank you for reading. Thank you all for your recommendation votes and follow-up reading! ! ! (*^▽^*)

There is something going on at home, so I only have time to type out one chapter. I will find time to type out the second chapter in the morning. I will try my best to type it out before noon, and no later than one o'clock in the afternoon!

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