Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 54 Military Medical Report

[Shuimu Principality] North, "Cold Wind City".

Ten miles northeast of the city, a large camp stretching for several miles was stationed here.

It was noon, and the smoke rose straight into the sky. When it reached an altitude of more than 100 meters, when it was blown by the cold wind from the north, it dispersed and merged into one, swirling and flying towards the south.

At the gate of the camp, a big man with a Chinese character in armor and a resolute face walked forward with vigorous strides. Behind him, Ling Yi, dressed in light blue cloth, carrying a parcel and a wooden box on his back, followed step by step. superior.

Not long after, two figures, one behind the other, stood in front of a tall and wide tent.

"Little brother Ling, wait a moment, I'll go and report to the general~" The big man with the Chinese character face turned to Ling Yi and said.

There was a warm smile on Ling Yi's face from beginning to end, and he nodded gently: "Excuse me, Captain Jiang~"

Jiang Yuan nodded to Ling Yi, then looked at the guards on duty at the camp entrance and asked, "Is the general here?"

Before the two guards could reply, a deep voice sounded from inside the camp: "Jiang Yuan is here? Come in directly -"

"Yes! General -" Even though it was through the door curtain, the moment Jiang Yuan heard the voice, he immediately puffed up his chest, stood up straight, and responded loudly.

In response, without hesitation, he raised his hand to push aside the thick curtain and walked into the tent.

As Jiang Yuan entered the camp, Ling Yi, who was four or five meters outside the door, smiled at the two guards on the left and right, and waited patiently.

The two guards looked at Ling Yi's smile, and were both slightly startled, and then they both nodded imperceptibly in response.

Ling Yi's eyes were lowered, his mind was as calm as an ancient well, and his five senses were sharp. Although his eyes did not patrol everywhere, he still had a preliminary impression of the environment of the camp with his strong sense of hearing and smell.

At this moment, a conversation that was not loud but had a real and clear content came to Ling Yi's ears.

The two parties in the conversation were four or five meters away from Ling Yi, behind the thick curtain of the tent, once again spanning a distance of about ten meters, two figures sitting and standing.

The person standing is Captain Jiang Yuan who just entered, and the person sitting is naturally the person in charge of this camp, one of the five generals of [Shuimu Principality], Marquis of Cedar - Song Yao!

"A little guy has just broken through to become a soul master. His martial soul is still a useless martial soul like "Blue Silver Grass". You actually brought him here in person. Tell me, what is this little guy's background?" "Song Yao sat firmly on the big chair. Although he raised his head and looked at Jiang Yuan, his eyes were as bright as a torch, but he seemed to be looking down at him with a very oppressive look.

Under the gaze of his immediate boss, Jiang Yuan didn't waste any time. He took out a letter from his arms, held it up in front of him with both hands, and bowed slightly as if to present it.

Seeing this, Song Yao's eyes flashed slightly, and with just a gesture of his hand, the letter seemed to be held by an invisible hand and moved towards Song Yao.

Song Yao, the Marquis of Cedar, has the martial soul "Thousand Ice Cedar Sword" and is the sixty-ninth level agility attack type battle soul emperor!

Looking up at the cover of the letter, Song Yao raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh? A letter of recommendation from that old boy Fu Shan? Let me take a look..."

With that said, he opened the letter and read it.

After reading ten lines at a glance, Song Yao put the letter on the table in front of him and said:

"Hey~ This kid is a bit interesting. His first soul skill has the effect of healing injuries. He is actually a high-level blacksmith who can forge five hundred forged weapons. It's interesting, it's really interesting -"

"Together these two identities, in my camp, not to mention how valuable he is, he is also a talent worthy of attention. This little guy actually has a letter of recommendation from Fu Shan, which is quite heartwarming—— "

Song Yao was born in a well-established soul master family. His ancestors followed Grand Duke Shuimu's grandfather to the [Shuimu Principality] in the northeastern corner of the continent, which was entrusted by the [Tian Dou Empire].

Although he devoted most of his energy to martial arts training in his early years, his strength has slowly improved since then. He inherited his uncle's position as marquis and became one of the five generals of the principality. Song Yao commanded an army of more than 40,000 in the northern part of the principality. , and also met many kinds of characters.

Among these characters, there are the old nobles and soul master families in the capital, there are local snakes and tigers in the nearby "Cold Wind City", and there are also all kinds of speculators and strivers at the bottom who want to climb up.

In this letter, Ling Yi's image in Song Yao's eyes has become more like that of a speculator who wants to gain privileges and care.

Of course, Song Yao, who is now nearly 60 years old, has passed the stage of contempt and disgust for this kind of speculation, and has become accustomed to it.

He pressed the letter with two fingers, pushed it forward, and said nonchalantly: "He disappeared when he saw me. You can take that kid to the logistics office to report~

Put his name in both the military medical and military industry battalions and count him in the establishment. The next time the provincial government sees that old boy Fu Shan, he will say that I won't give him face - "

"Yes -!" Jiang Yuan listened to Song Yao's words and ignored the last half of his muttering. He made a fist with his right hand and hit the upper part of his left chest. The metal armor immediately made a sound of gold and iron in response to him. A sonorous and powerful breath from the mouth.

Song Yao waved his hand and said nothing more. He picked up a book of documents and started reading.

Next, amid the aroma of the big pot of rice cooked by the Huotou Army, Ling Yi followed Jiang Yuan to the military medical camp and the military industrial camp respectively to log in his information.

After some weighing, Ling Yi chose the tent area provided by the military medical camp and picked a vacant one among them as his next dormitory.

After sincerely expressing his gratitude to Colonel Jiang Yuanjiang and watching him leave neatly, Ling Yi followed several colleagues in the military medical camp to the dining place.

Two steamed buns the size of an adult's fist, a bowl of vegetables, potatoes, and kelp stewed with only salt, including soup and water, the portion is not small.

On several wooden blocks, Ling Yi and others were separated by a few meters, lowering their heads to eat the food in their hands.

Different from the dried and thin ones in the hands of the big-headed soldiers in the distance, the large stew in the hands of Ling Yi and others also contained good things such as egg drop, shrimp, minced meat, etc. In addition, everyone had a chicken drumstick.

Under the longing gazes in the distance, Ling Yi slowly turned his head and looked back in all directions while eating, as if he was adapting to the new environment here.

"Mr. Ling~"

Next to him, a young man with long arms and legs cast his eyes on the round metal badge on Ling Yi's chest. Seeing Ling Yi looking around, he said with a smile, "It stands to reason that, like you, Such soul masters can go to the small canteen and eat the specially prepared dishes there. There is no need to eat from this big pot like us ordinary people..."

As the young man spoke, he paid attention to Ling Yi's facial expression.

Including the young man, there were four members of the military medical battalion around Ling Yi, one old and three young.

The only difference from Ling Yi is that these four people are either ordinary people without soul power, or soul warriors with only second or third level soul power. They are almost the same as ordinary people.

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