Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 53 Entering the Military

The process of applying for early graduation from the college was smooth and without any ups and downs.

Of course, everyone was quite surprised that Ling Yi successfully hunted for a soul ring in just ten days, and it was a century-old soul ring.

All along, Ling Yi has been an inspirational model and a child of other people in the eyes of all the teachers and students in [Greenleaf Junior Soul Master Academy].

With only half a level of innate soul power, the qualification of the useless martial soul "Blue Silver Grass", and a background that is far lower than the living standards of an ordinary soul master's family, he was able to survive all the way in the "Mizhi City", the capital of the "Shuimu Principality". In the Junior Soul Master Academy, it is really quite impressive to become a man of the hour!

In addition to relying on his forging talent to become the 13th disciple and senior blacksmith of Master Jin, one of the three major craftsmen in the principality, he also became a soul master at the age of ten, completely overturning everyone's expectations of him. Cognition of innate soul power and martial soul.

That is to say, the inherent understanding of "Blue Silver Grass" is really unbreakable, otherwise... otherwise it would be nothing~

In the huge Douluo Continent, soul masters are awakening every day, and every day there are some lucky ones whose martial souls mutate.

Compared to those true geniuses and prodigies who have innate soul powers of level 8, level 9, or even full innate soul power, whose martial souls have dragon blood, phoenix blood, and powerful attributes, a mere Ling Yi is really worthless. carry!

"Blue Silver Grass" martial spirit, so what if I become a soul master?

Not to mention that the "Blue Silver Grass" martial spirit has never appeared at the soul master level... No, it is a soul master above the great soul master level. He just got lucky and became a soul king or soul emperor. He can beat him. A soul sect with the martial spirit "Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus" or "Clear Sky Hammer"?

It is true that there are seven or eight types of path choices for soul masters. The "Blue Silver Grass" martial soul cannot take the power attack system, agility attack system, defense system and other combat routes. In the control system, treatment system, auxiliary system, food system, etc. There is still something to be done on the system and other lines.

But it's still the same sentence, the quality of martial arts is too low. Compared with high-quality martial arts of the same type, the "Blue Silver Grass" martial spirit is still uncompetitive.

In terms of control system, let alone the top-quality "Thunder Hell Vine" that can compete with "Clear Sky Hammer" and "Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus", let alone the mid-to-high-quality "Ghost Vine", even the low-quality " "Iron Vine" and "Golden Creeper" have stronger potential than the "Blue Silver Grass" spirit.

Others, in the healing department, there is the mainland's number one "Nine-Hearted Begonia" standing proudly in the clouds, and under it "Purple Moon Orchid", "Holy Light Rose", and "Purifying Water White Lotus" are famous. In the civilian soul master team, "Yuanyuanhua", "Bleeding Grass" and other martial spirits are common.

The auxiliary department includes "Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda" and "Star Crown", and the food department includes various rice, flour, cereals, pastries, fruits, sugars, meats, etc...

Therefore, you, Ling Yi, should continue your relatively promising career as a blacksmith~

The path of a soul master is not suitable for the lucky ones whose martial soul is "Blue Silver Grass"~

This is the unanimous view of everyone in "Muzhi City" who knows Ling Yi and knows Ling Yi's situation.

So, when Ling Yi said goodbye to the classmates who had been sleeping with him in the college for more than three years, and the teachers who had consulted and discussed martial arts and soul beast-related knowledge many, many times in the past three years, he came to the [Jin Geng Blacksmith Shop]. When he made a request to his master, Mr. Jin, Mr. Jin, as well as the ninth senior brother and others accompanying him, all fell into a state of confusion.

"What did you say--?!"

Mr. Jin held the teapot in one hand and forgot to bring it to his mouth to drink. He looked at Ling Yi in front of him in astonishment.

At this time, Ling Yi had already taken off the school uniform of the [Greenleaf Junior Soul Master Academy], and instead wore a light blue cloth. The style was simple and natural, with a small, round metal badge on the chest as an embellishment, matching the tall and straight figure. His figure, handsome and fair face, and his extraordinary temperament make him impossible to ignore.

Ling Yi, who stood in front of Mr. Jin, bowed slightly, spoke sincerely, and said again with respect: "Master, I would like to ask you to help me introduce Master Fu Shanfu."

"That's not what you said~" Mr. Jin waved his hand and asked again: "I'm asking you, you just said, what do you want to do with Xiao Fu?"

Facing the old man's questioning, Ling Yi responded calmly and forcefully: "I would like to ask Master Fu to help me write a letter of recommendation to enter the Logistics and Supplies Department of the Principality's military..."

Master Fu Shanfu, one of the three major craftsmen of the Shuimu Principality, works in the Principality’s Military Logistics and Supplies Department. He is now fifty-eight years old, nearly twenty years younger than the seventy-year-old King Kong Jin, and older than the palace enshrinement officer. Master Li Qiang is seven years older.

The most important thing is that when Master Fu broke through the blacksmith level, he received the guidance of Mr. Jin!

Similarly, Master Li in the palace was more or less given some advice by Mr. Jin.

Or it can be said that in the entire [Shuimu Principality], apart from Li Qiang’s own inheritance and Fu Shan’s integration of various families, each with a series of disciples, Mr. Jin has spent more than 40 years since he returned from studying skills in the metal capital "Gengxin City" Here, countless people have been taught and given guidance. Even the other two of the three great craftsmen have received verbal guidance from the old man.

This verbal guidance, in the past ten or twenty years, can only make the relationship between the two parties relatively friendly, leaving a bit of humaneness while competing with each other.

Neither Mr. Jin himself nor the twelve senior brothers in front of Ling Yi had ever thought that in addition to comparing and competing with those two men and their disciples in forging weapons and armor, there would be other deeper interactions.

Even when they were invited to the palace of Grand Duke Mufeng to attend a banquet, Mr. Jin and Master Li Qiang only smiled and exchanged pleasantries and chatted for a few words, but nothing more happened.

And all this, in Ling Yi's eyes, is a huge waste of human resources!

When communicating between people, you are not afraid of owing favors, but you are afraid of not having any contact!

How many friendly relationships have become distant and dull while being polite and courteous?

As long as you keep a certain degree of control and go back and forth, sometimes, the more favors you owe, the closer and stronger the relationship between the two parties will become.

Now, while Ling Yi is planning for his next life plan, he is also making the first step of exploration for a more harmonious relationship between Mr. Jin's lineage and the other two master craftsmen's disciples in the future.

You know, for the outside world, for the soul master system, and for the old and new aristocratic groups, the three master craftsmen and their disciples who are all blacksmiths are natural allies standing on a united front!

Ling Yi is no longer satisfied with his status as the thirteenth direct disciple of Master Jin~

Having broken through the tenth level of soul power and possessing the first soul ring in a century, he wanted more at this moment!

In addition, there are also various conveniences in the military that Ling Yi wants to plan next.

That is related to whether his strength can improve rapidly again, and whether the future road can go farther and smoother——

Thanks to book friend [Gone together], book friend [time is like a passerby], book friend [IQ], [book friend 151208143344800], book friend [Ye Luole], [book friend 20210713095628435], book friend [touch upstream] [Feng], book friend [Go with the flow], book friend [Mo Wuyou Book Friend], book friend [White Night 2012], and book friend [Guihua Pi] for your monthly votes. Thank you all for your recommendation and follow-up reading, thank you all! ! ! (*^▽^*)

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