Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 39 In the blacksmith shop

Find problems, solve them, and avoid similar problems in the future.

Human beings slowly grow up in this step until they become the most dazzling cub in nature.

Ling Yi's problem is not big, it's just because Master Jiang's master is not good at studying, which leads to the upper beam being crooked and the lower beam crooked.

If this kind of problem is faced by ordinary apprentices, it may take some effort to correct bad movement habits one by one.

After all, when it comes to forging, muscle memory still plays a big role.

According to some sayings in Ling Yi's previous life, it takes twenty-one days to develop a habit and ninety days to consolidate it, but if you change a bad habit, it may take longer.

As for Ling Yi, he only needed it once.

Yes, not a month, not a week, not a day, just once!

When the fifth senior brother Wang Meng taught Mr. Jin to these senior brothers from the metal capital of the Douluo Continent, "Gengxin City", the [Blacksmith Association General Assembly] summarized the most standard forging movements from generation to generation of blacksmiths over thousands of years. , after demonstrating it one by one, Ling Yi followed it awkwardly, and then...

Every movement he made after swinging the small forging hammer again was the most standard!

This scene can be called the "Kakashi Sharingan Copying the Water Release and Great Waterfall Technique" in the world of soul masters, "Zhang Wuji's Nine Yang Divine Art + Great Shift of the Universe Now Learning the Dragon Claw Hand", "Wukong Instantly Learning the Turtle Sect" qigong'……

Wang Meng was shocked by Ling Yi's learning speed. After taking a deep breath, he continued:

"Xiao Yi, what I just demonstrated to you is the standard action of picking it up again at the master's these two days.

But because everyone’s body height, shortness, fatness, arm span, and hand length are different, you need to transform these standard movements into the most comfortable look according to your own situation.

Jiang Kai, who taught you how to get started with blacksmithing, also learned this way back then. The same is true for us senior brothers, but everyone’s situation is different. If you don’t understand the core principles of certain movements and make unauthorized changes in a hurry for success, it will cause The opposite effect..."

"Many of the master's students have only learned how to forge, but they have not systematically learned how to teach the forging skills to their apprentices——"

"Even the twelve of us, after we became senior blacksmiths, fell into a bottleneck period in improving our skills. The teacher asked us to learn how to teach disciples. By teaching others, we can review the past and learn the new, and draw parallels to create new insights. …”

Word by word, Wang Meng showed Ling Yi his heritage from the metal city of Gengxin City and the Blacksmiths Association, which gave Ling Yi a new understanding and perception of the blacksmith profession.

It has to be said that in the beginning, the blacksmith's identity was just a tool in Ling Yi's eyes.

So what if I become a master craftsman?

In the original timeline, Lou Gao, one of the 'Three Great Craftsmen', was the president of the [Blacksmiths Association] and a Soul Saint himself, but he still often suffered defeat in front of various forces.

And what about the other two master craftsmen?

A clan leader of the [Force Clan], Titan Soul Douluo; a young master of the [Haotian Sect], Tang Hao, a genius who is expected to inherit the name of 'Haotian Douluo'.

Of these two, which one is world-famous as the ‘Master Craftsman’?

Master craftsman is just the icing on the cake among these two identities.

But now under Wang Meng's introduction, Ling Yi suddenly discovered that it turned out that the blacksmith's inheritance... To be precise, it was the blacksmith's inheritance from the metal city "Gengxin City". A martial arts sect with distinct order and hierarchy.


A low muffled sound sounded. Wang Meng held his own large forging hammer, struck it on a dark iron ingot the size of a human head, and explained:

"Xiao Yi, this is what you will practice next, temper it to one-third of its current size..."

"One third?" Ling Yi heard this and nodded to Wang Meng to show his understanding.


As soon as Ling Yi stepped on the lever pedal of the bellows at his feet, fierce flames spurted upward, making the temperature in the furnace three points higher. Seeing that the bottom of the iron ingot was slightly red, he immediately grabbed the iron ingot with long-handled iron pliers and turned it over. It is fully heated and softened.

At a certain moment, Ling Yi clamped the red-hot iron ingot onto the iron pier, raised the small forging hammer in his hand and started forging.

"Dang——! Dang——!" "Dang——! Dang——!" "Dang——! Dang——!"...

In the huge blacksmith shop, the sounds of gold and iron echoed one after another, spreading towards the streets outside.

At this time, the sky is bright, and there are more and more people walking on the street. When they hear the knocking, some people turn their heads to look at it out of curiosity, while some people are accustomed to it, and all living things are different.

More than half an hour later, with a slightly noisy clang, Ling Yi weakly put down the forging hammer in his hand, sweating profusely, and his breathing became slightly heavier.

After all, he is just a seven-year-old child. Even if he has soul power to warm and nourish his body, his soul power of more than three levels obviously cannot take care of his whole body.

During the forging process, it is not just about exerting force on the arms. Under the careful instruction of Master Jiang and Fifth Senior Brother Wang Meng, Ling Yi's movements start from the soles of his feet on the ground, exerting force on his calves, to the waist, back muscles, arms, and then through the forging in his hands. The hammer releases this force.

At the same time, you have to withstand the reaction force from the hammering of the iron ingot, which is extremely physically demanding.

After half an hour of continuous tapping, not only Ling Yi was exhausted, but even Wang Yao, a thirteen-year-old boy, could no longer hold on.

The two of them smiled at each other and glanced at Wang Xin's three brothers who were still working hard. Wang Yao took Ling Yi to the rest area in the corner and poured a cup of warm salt water for Ling Yi and himself with trembling hands.

"Guest, for the batch of fifty-forged long knives you need to make, I suggest you go to the Gao's blacksmith shop at the end of the street to order them..."

At this moment, Wang Meng's words came, attracting the attention of Ling Yi and Wang Yao.

After hearing what Wang Meng said, a middle-aged man who looked a little rich frowned and was unhappy at the door of the blacksmith shop: "Master Wang, since I have come to order from you, I also trust your craftsmanship. , how can anyone push away the customers and business that come to the door——!"

"Guest~" A look of helplessness appeared on Wang Meng's face, and he explained in a gentle voice: "It's not that I'm pushing you out. It's actually that the store's orders have been queued up to next month. You just said that these batches are long. I need the knife urgently, I have to get it by the end of the month..."

"I can add money!" The wealthy middle-aged man waved his hand and interrupted.

When Wang Meng saw this, the helplessness on his face became even stronger: "Guest, this is not about money, but it is not necessary~"

Rich middle-aged man: "I..."

Without waiting for the wealthy middle-aged man to raise the price again, Wang Meng quickly continued: "Guest, the fifty-forged long sword you want is definitely more than enough with the skill of the powerful boss of Gao's Blacksmith Shop!

Boss Gao Qiang Gao also learned skills from my master, and became an intermediate blacksmith seven or eight years ago. I met and chatted with him last time, and he is now just a little bit away from becoming a senior blacksmith..."

"It's not even close to that!" The rich middle-aged man muttered, still somewhat dissatisfied.

Wang Meng smiled, pointed at the three eldest sons who were still swinging hammers while sweating like rain, and said: "Guest, to tell you the truth, even if the shop accepts your order, the fifty-forged utensils will be made by my sons. Build…”

"Them?" The rich middle-aged man frowned.

"Yes!" Wang Meng nodded, with a look of pride on his face: "Except for the third child, who is still barely qualified, the eldest and second child are already intermediate blacksmiths. Generally, orders under eighty forge in the shop are given to them. Do……"

Watching the wealthy middle-aged man leave towards the end of the street, Wang Meng turned back to look at Ling Yi and his fourth son Wang Yao in the rest area. He walked over and arrived before anyone else arrived: "Xiao Yi, Ah Yao, we just worked out." During the beating, were there any movements that felt awkward—?"

I won’t take a nap at noon. I’ll continue coding. I promise to continue tomorrow.

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