Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 38 Swallowing the jujube in one piece

It's five o'clock in the morning on the seventh day after school starts.

In dormitory 304 of Building 3, on the bed on the right side of the innermost window, Ling Yi opened his eyes and woke up from a deep sleep.

Lying on the bed, he glanced left and right. Under the light of the stars and moon outside the window, a faint blue light and shadow came into Ling Yi's eyes.

After more than ten days of hard work, Ling Yi cultivated more than 100 high-quality "Blue Silver Grass" seeds brought from home into more than 100 "Blue Silver Grass" plants that were thriving and growing happily.

At this time, these more than a hundred "Blue Silver Grass" plants were surrounded by Ling Yi's bed, forming a circle of short walls in an orderly manner. The top row was almost the same height as the bed.

Of course, Ling Yi also left openings for his own entrance and exit at the end and side of the bed to avoid inconvenience.

When she got up and dressed, Ling Yi moved gently without making a sound, so as not to wake up the other eight students who were still sleeping soundly in the dormitory.

After six consecutive days of course study since the beginning of the school year, today the college finally had a rare day of rest.

The vacation time for other students, in Lingyi's case, is time to go to a blacksmith shop in the east of the city to learn blacksmithing skills.

After fetching water from the water storage room next to the middle staircase on the third floor and washing up, Ling Yi walked out of Building Three refreshed and walked out of the gate of [Greenleaf Junior Soul Master Academy].

When we walked a few miles away from Chaoyang Street, where the academy was located, and still on another street in the east of the city, a red glow appeared on the eastern sky.

[Yinxin Blacksmith Shop].

The shop owner Wang Meng is the fifth disciple of Mr. Jin, the blacksmith master. He has a martial spirit of "Iron Rake", a nineteenth-level first-level soul master, and a senior blacksmith.

Although Mr. Jin took Ling Yi under his tutelage a few days ago, he did not have enough energy to teach Ling Yi. After all, he is just a soul master of the soul master level. He is in his seventies this year. His physical condition is better than that of ordinary people of the same age, but there has been no qualitative change.

Furthermore, the rules of [Jin Geng]’s sect must not be broken. Ling Yi is only seven years old now. Even if his talent in blacksmithing is indeed extremely high, and he showed no less skill than an intermediate blacksmith on the day he entered, he is still an intermediate blacksmith, not an intermediate blacksmith. Senior blacksmith.

If he is not a senior blacksmith, he has not yet reached the level of being a direct disciple of Mr. Jin.

Similarly, instead of being a senior blacksmith, Mr. Jin's fifth disciple, Wang Meng, who has been immersed in the senior blacksmith for many years and is only a thin line away from the blacksmith, is more than enough to teach him.

Generally speaking, in everyone's perception, Ling Yi, who is now seven years old, should not be able to dig out Wang Meng's inventory in at least five years.

Maybe, before Ling Yi can be promoted to senior blacksmith, Wang Meng will have a flash of inspiration and break through to the blacksmith master level.

On this point, Wang Meng, who has polished his skills to the limit and has been practicing for almost ten years, still firmly believes in it!

When Ling Yi came to the door of this [Yinxin Blacksmith Shop], the door of the shop was already wide open. It was dark inside, with faint dark red light and shadow flickering on and off, and a vague feeling of heat. Drifting outside.

Just when Ling Yi was still looking around, a figure walked out of the dark shop.

Fifth Senior Brother Wang Meng is a tall, strong man with unremarkable facial features. He is tall and has long arms. His right arm that wields a forging hammer all the time is thicker than his left arm, which looks a bit weird.

Although his appearance is unattractive and his body shape is likely to scare a child at first glance, Ling Yi, who had had brief contact with him, felt at first glance that he had a good personality.

"Xiao Yi is here, have you eaten?" Wang Meng looked at Ling Yi at the door, with a kind smile on his ordinary face, which made people feel good about him.

In response to this, Ling Yi immediately responded with a sunny smile that also made people feel good, and replied a little shyly: "Not yet... not yet..."

Wang Meng's smile did not diminish when he heard this, he waved and said: "Just in time, your sisters-in-law have baked bread and cooked porridge, let's eat some together.

After we finish eating, we can start forging again——"

He doesn't talk much, but every sentence is very simple, without many twists and turns. In Ling Yi's opinion, he is a person who can be assured.

Of course, being able to be helped by Old Man Jin to open a blacksmith shop of his own in the east of the city, apart from his excellent craftsmanship, was also the old man's recognition of him.

You know, it is true that "Muzhi City" is not ranked high in the Douluo Continent, but after all, it is the capital of the "Shuimu Principality", and it is not an exaggeration to say that every inch of land is precious.

Such a store, plus a yard behind it for forging and home use, is more than 500 square meters, which is not cheap.

At that time, Wang Meng had the skills of a high-level blacksmith. Many nobles were willing to invest in him, open a blacksmith shop for him, or invite him to be a forger in the family, but they did not have the freedom to open their own shop and become the boss. —

Ling Yi didn't shirk anything, but showed a few hesitations on his face before nodding in agreement with some embarrassment.

After having a hearty breakfast with Fifth Senior Brother, his two wives, and six children, Ling Yi, under the envious eyes of Wang Lei and Wang Ben, joined Wang Xin, Wang Sen, and The four brothers Wang Yan and Wang Yao came to a forging platform together.

At this time, after a period of burning, the charcoal blocks in the furnaces have begun to release heat.

Wang Xin, who is now twenty years old, and his three brothers who are two, four, and seven years younger than him, smiled at Ling Yi, picked up the things on the stage, and got busy.

These four, except for Wang Yao who inherited the martial spirit "Scissors" from Wang Meng's eldest wife, are all awakened "Iron Rake" martial spirits.

Unfortunately, none of the four brothers could inherit Wang Meng's qualifications, and no innate soul power was detected during the martial soul awakening ceremony.

I just don't know whether the two little guys Wang Lei and Wang Ben will inherit their father's "Iron Rake" martial spirit or their mother's "Pearl" martial spirit in the future.

Of course, thanks to the fact that both Wang Meng and his second wife have soul power, and when they were combined, Wang Meng's soul power had already exceeded the tenth level and became a first-level soul master. , the chance of awakening the innate soul power is quite high.

Therefore, the two little guys envied their four brothers for learning blacksmithing from their father, but little did they know that the four brothers also envied them for having a higher chance of becoming soul masters.

[Yinxin Blacksmith Shop] In front of the largest forging platform, Wang Meng lowered his head and looked at Ling Yi in front of him. The smile on his face disappeared. He became more serious and his voice became solemn:

"Xiao Yi, when you demonstrated your forging skills at the master's place that day, I only saw the second half, but I can still see that your mastery of skills and control of details are already close to the level of a senior blacksmith. It's just that Your age and physical strength limit you——"


As soon as Wang Meng finished his words of praise, a turning point occurred.

I saw his thick and round eyebrows twisting, and he said in a deep voice: "Xiao Yi, you have many bad habits in the forging process!"

"Bad habit?" Ling Yi heard this and looked thoughtful.

"Yes! Bad habit~" Wang Meng nodded and said again: "According to discussions between my master, me, and other senior brothers, this bad habit has two root causes -"

Ling Yi had some vague guesses in her heart, her eyes met Wang Meng's condescending gaze, and she quietly waited for the other person's next words.

Seeing how calm Ling Yi was at such a young age, Wang Meng couldn't hold it back. A clear look of admiration flashed across his face, and he couldn't help but speak faster: "One is Jiang Kai, who taught you how to get started with forging. He In daily forging, it is inevitable that he will bring a lot of personal habits, which are some of the flaws that he has slowly accumulated without knowing it after being a mid-level blacksmith for many years..."

Hearing this, Ling Yi was not surprised. At present, he had only learned blacksmithing from Master Jiang. If he had bad habits, he would naturally develop them in this process.

Moreover, because of his strong mental power and keen five senses, Ling Yi can carefully observe Master Jiang's every movement, and according to his height, body shape, arm length and other data, he can transform Master Jiang's forging techniques into ones that suit him.

Therefore, Ling Yi's learning method of copying and reprinting is also a problem!

Sure enough, at this moment, Wang Meng's next words confirmed this point.

"The second point~" When Wang Meng said this, his expression turned complicated, with envy, joy, and a little bit of fun: "It is that your learning ability is too strong, no matter it is good, bad, right, or wrong, I learned it all at once, and I can still learn it successfully..."

emmm~ It was already exhausted when I saved the manuscript on the 12th. I have been insisting on double updates these days. It is a bit difficult to get here. The next chapter will be finished before noon, I said so!

Finally, I would like to thank [Book Friends 20210317235826218], [Book Friends 160502234340488], and Book Friends [Wangcheng] for their monthly votes. I would also like to thank everyone for their recommendation votes, follow-up reading, and comments. Thank you! ! !

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