Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 21 Breaking through the barriers of knowledge and vision

"Brother Lei, how do you feel about practicing the "Basic Meditation Method" these two days?"

In Shanhai Village, under the corner of Ling Yi's courtyard, Ling Yi opened the bag wrapped in a mat and evenly sprinkled the "Blue Silver Grass" seeds inside into the long wooden water tank.

Next to him, Zhang Lei used a dark yellow gourd to scoop water from the bucket at his feet, and then slowly poured it into the sink.

After hearing Ling Yi's question, Zhang Lei kept moving his hands, thought for a while and said: "It's okay~"

"You can now mobilize the soul power in your body to follow the lines mentioned in the "Basic Meditation Method"~"

Having said this, Zhang Lei paused for a moment while holding the water ladle, and said with a somewhat awkward expression: "It's the "Basic Meditation Method". I don't know who created it, but I know all the words written. Look, okay! That took a lot of effort from my old nose——!"

"This meditation method is much more troublesome than the 'hoe swing' you taught me, Ayi -!"

In these years, Zhang Lei is the person who has been in contact with Ling Yi the longest. Even Ling Xiaoshan and Zhang Xiaoyu, the couple, have not spent as long with Ling Yi, their biological son, as Zhang Lei, their cousin.

Therefore, whether it is the order of speech, cognition of things, or behavior, etc., they are all deeply influenced by Ling Yi.

Obviously, the narrative vocabulary in "Basic Meditation Method" that confused many six-year-old soul warrior apprentices who had just awakened did not stump Zhang Lei, a country kid, but only made him think hard for a while.


With a moderate noise, Zhang Lei threw the water ladle into the bottomed bucket. Zhang Lei shook his arm and stretched out his right hand. With a flash of gray light, a hoe that was the same height as him finally appeared. In Zhang Lei's hands.


I saw Zhang Lei turning his martial spirit "hoe" upside down and leaning on the ground. His right hand was half-circled, the palm of his hand was against the long handle, and his five fingers were spread out, facing Ling Yi.

"Ayi, look~" Zhang Lei raised his left hand and stretched out his index finger to point to the middle finger of his right hand: "Now I can almost control the soul power from here, pulling the green and yellow light spots outside... Well~those The white, black and red light spots are few and disobedient..."

After making a casual aside, Zhang Lei continued his hand movements, drawing from the top of his middle finger along the fingertips to the palm of his hand, and then all the way to the wrist, arm, elbow... and pulled upwards, finally returning to the sunken area in front of the elbow. I clicked on the side, and continued: "At this point, I feel that the soul power is no longer so controllable. Although it is still moving upward with those foreign green and yellow light spots, they will go their own way, and they will go their own way soon. Slow for a while, and twist a few times from time to time, like a fish in the water-"

Listening to Zhang Lei's words and looking at Zhang Lei's pointing, Ling Yi's hands rolling up the mat moved slower and slower.

A handsome little face that seemed to be always calm and breezy, his brows were slightly furrowed at this moment, and he looked a little more gloomy.

Here, just as he was talking, Zhang Lei, who had a small mouth, caught a glimpse of Ling Yi's face, and his voice became softer and softer. Finally, he asked softly with some worry: "Ayi, what's wrong with you? Did something happen? Already?"


Ling Yi took a long breath and tried to restrain his turbulent thoughts in his heart. His face returned to calmness and his voice was as calm as ever: "It's nothing, Brother Lei——"

"Just listening to what you said, you have some new thoughts on the practice of "Basic Meditation Method"..."

"Don't talk about me anymore~" Ling Yi changed the subject: "I'm fine, don't worry~~ You'd better tell me in more detail some details of your meditation practice——"


Seeing what Ling Yi said, there seemed to be nothing wrong with his expression. Zhang Lei, who was only nine years old now, nodded without thinking too much and continued to share with Ling Yi enthusiastically, detailing his cultivation situation. , described bit by bit.

After a while, all the content that Zhang Lei paid attention to and could remember was finished.

After all, I have just been exposed to the "Basic Meditation Method" for only two days, so my level of introduction to it and what I can introduce is naturally limited.

After listening to Zhang Lei's words, Ling Yi nodded and warned: "Brother Lei, I told you before that you should practice moderately. If you feel weak, or if you feel uncomfortable in the channels where your soul power runs, you should stop. Don't be too hasty and hurt yourself..."

"We are only a few years old now. Take your time, don't be anxious, and make steady progress——"

"Hmm~" Zhang Lei nodded obediently upon hearing this. He was most convinced of his cousin. Even his biological father, Zhang Dahe, in Zhang Lei's mind was not as tall as Ling Yilai.

Can Zhang Dahe tell these truths? No, but Ling Yi can!

Can Zhang Dahe come up with so many ideas to make a fortune? No, but Ling Yi can!

Can Zhang Dahe sum up the effective hoe swing method based on the villagers working in the fields? cannot! But Ling Yi can!


When Zhang Lei was declared to have no innate soul power, Zhang Dahe could only keep calm, accept the result, and comfort Zhang Lei not to be sad, but Ling Yi was able to encourage Zhang Lei to face it optimistically, maybe there might be soul power hidden in his body. Too little and it has not been detected. As long as the body becomes stronger, maybe the soul power will increase until it can be sensed...

"It's always good to eat more, sleep more, exercise more, and polish your body." Ling Yi said at the time.

The final result, as expected by Ling Yi, was that Zhang Lei did have innate soul power, but it was too little. At the moment when he was about to be aroused by the crystal ball, he had a physiological reaction, but because the detection time was up, it suddenly stopped. However, he himself was completely unaware of this because of his excitement at the time.

Now, according to the comparison between Ling Yi's half-level soul power and Zhang Lei's, Zhang Lei's soul power has reached level two!

In three years, from the age of six to nine, from the time when my innate soul power was almost non-existent, I have been relying on the hoe style to temper my body, and occasionally receiving Ling Yi's hypnosis and entering deep sleep to regulate the body. The body spontaneously carries out instinctive cultivation, and then it has Got this hard-won second level soul power!

Of course, the Ling and Zhang family's food standards have also kept up in recent years, and good supplements such as ginseng chicken soup are also an important factor.

After making an appointment with Zhang Lei to inspect the old forest tomorrow, Ling Yi sent him out of his courtyard, then turned around and returned to his room.

Ling Yi threw himself heavily on the bed, without taking off his shoes, and hung his feet outside the edge of the bed. Ling Yi lay there and just looked at the beams on the roof quietly.

a long time.

Ling Yi just spit out two words from between his teeth: "MD——!"

It was a rare swear word. This was the first time since time travel, since I realized that I didn’t have any cheats and had a blank slate of starting conditions.

Just because, Ling Yi found that because of his arrogance and carelessness, he fell into a kind of cognitive barrier.

It turns out that in the "Basic Meditation Method", there is a sentence "outside of the end of the little finger". Ling Yi subconsciously recognized it as the end of the little finger and the outside of the edge of the palm.

Because when he summoned his martial soul, the route of his soul power happened to run along the route on his little finger, which made Ling Yi even more convinced of his judgment and knowledge.

In other words, after traveling through these years, although Ling Yi did not express himself very deliberately, as long as he wanted to do something, he could always succeed.

Such as the Ling family’s breeding of pheasants and hares, the Zhang family’s fish ponds, and the land reclamation in Shanhai Village…

Even though these things were not really that great, Ling Yi still couldn't help but feel a bit of arrogance in his heart.

Ling Yi never thought that he would make such a low-level mistake. Thinking about it now, he feels a little embarrassed.

To put it bluntly, he made a mistake similar to that of the two illiterate Mei Chaofeng in The Condor.

Those two people understood the phrase "Destroying God's Grip" in the "Nine Yin Manual", "with five fingers to exert strength, to break through all the strong points, to destroy the enemy's head, like walking through rotten soil", and thought that it meant inserting five fingers into the enemy's head. This is what must be done when practicing martial arts. He just trained his superior martial arts into the "Nine Yin White Bone Claws" of the underworld.

In this regard, Ling Yi once laughed at him. As a disciple of Huang Yaoshi, one of the rare academic masters in the Golden Book, he knew not only astronomy and geography, but also took the imperial examination. At least he could read and understand, right?

Who would have known that in Douluo Continent, where the literacy rate is extremely low, I would actually make the same mistake as those two idiots? If those book friends in my previous life who read novels found out, they would be laughed at for a year?

Fortunately, since I was alone, no one else knew about this dark history. Otherwise, I would have had to find a way to keep it secret - by Master Ling's inner monologue.

Thank you to book friends [Asking Heart Spring Breeze], [Book Friends 20170415073356826] and [Book Friends 20200411110011695] for your monthly votes, thank you to book friends [Seven Stars of Light] for your rewards, and thank you to all book friends for your support and recognition. Thank you all! (ω)

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