Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 20 Martial Spirit Qualification

Ling Yi is puzzled as to why the 'Hand Shaoyin Heart Meridian - Shaochong Point' is the first choice in the "Basic Meditation Method".

It should be noted that on the right hand alone, there are three yang of the hand and three yin of the hand, a total of six meridians!

There is the ‘Hand Taiyin Lung Meridian’ on the thumb.

There is the ‘Hand Yangming Large Intestine Meridian’ on the index finger.

There is the ‘Hand Jueyin Pericardium Meridian’ on the middle finger.

There is the ‘Shaoyang Triple Burner Meridian of Hand’ on the ring finger.

On the little finger are the 'Hand Shaoyin Heart Meridian' and the 'Hand Taiyang Small Intestine Meridian'.

Logically speaking, each of these meridians can be used as a line for meditation and soul power.

While Ling Yi was thinking, he divided his mind into two tasks, using his mental power as a guide to drive the soul power in his body to practice according to the route of the 'Shou Shaoyin Heart Sutra'.

It was not until nearly an hour later that the efficiency of cultivation began to decline. Ling Yi, who was still thinking hard to no avail, had no choice but to collect his mind and put the soul power in his body, which had been strengthened by about 5%, into his dantian to end the cultivation.

At the same time, I shook my head slightly in my heart: ‘After all, the known parameters are sparse and unreasonable~’

Thinking of the problem of few parameters, Ling Yi then thought of the "Three Farmer's Styles" that have not yet been completely completed. The main reason is that the number of people who can observe is relatively small. , it is impossible to obtain more human body texture response data corresponding to body movements.

He got up and got off the bed, looking at the wooden shelf beside the bed, where there was a row of flower pots with several "Blue Silver Grass" plants planted in them.

Walking over, he raised his hand and stroked the grass blades of several of them, feeling the weak but vigorous vitality contained in them, and his chaotic thoughts just now eased slightly.

The sharp and shrill cries of death outside the window seemed to be a tireless and never-ending cry, reminding Ling Yi how hot it was outside at this time.

Counting the time, by this time, grandfather Ling Changqing and father Ling Xiaoshan should have cut a lot of fat and juicy grass and be on their way back, right?

Ling Yi thought.

Feeling the vague feeling of tightness in the meridians in his body, and the slight strange feeling when he just collected his soul power and returned to his Dantian, Ling Yi turned his mind to the practice of the past hour or so and began to summarize.

'For about an hour, the soul power continued to circulate in the meridians. In addition to the own soul power, there were also particles from the outside world, or... spiritual energy! ’

Ling Yi began to pace slowly in the room to relieve the stiffness of his limbs and stagnation of Qi and blood caused by sitting cross-legged for a long time.

At the same time, he stared at the "Blue Silver Grass" on the wooden frames in all directions in the room, and occasionally turned his gaze to the open window, looking in the direction of the old forest outside the house, looking at the lush and green jungle canopy.

Looking at it this way, the mental energy consumed by the previous splitting of the mind and maintaining concentration during cultivation for a long time has been relieved.

'As Yan Bin said before, soul power training should not be too long at a time. Depending on the level of each person's talent, the length of training in a day may be long or short. Beyond this time, not only will the efficiency become extremely low, but even if you are not careful, It will also cause damage to the body...'

‘Now it seems that in addition to the decline in concentration over time and the gradual increase in the consumption of mental power, the meridians in the body are also washed away by external spiritual energy, which makes the practice time have to stop before the mental power is out of control and the meridians are damaged! ’

'Think about it, those soul masters with high innate soul power and strong martial soul qualifications should have tougher meridians, a higher degree of spiritual power control over soul power, and more soul power wrapped with more external spiritual power...'

‘More spiritual energy intake, longer training time, higher training efficiency, so the speed of this training is naturally different! ’

Although he has not seen the practice of other soul masters, Ling Yi feels that this inference should have a market in the world view of Douluo Continent.

'By the way, in the original plot timeline, Tang San practiced the highest internal skill "Xuan Tian Gong" in [Tang Sect] in the world of martial arts in his previous life~' Ling Yi crossed his chest with one hand and held his chin with the other, and began to recall the novel he read in his previous life. :

"I remember that not long after he became a disciple of Yu Xiaogang, Yu Xiaogang gave him a book that was said to be compiled by him himself. It contained the soul power movement routes and techniques when meditating and cultivating soul power..."

'At that time, Tang San secretly lamented that although the soul power movement route given by Yu Xiaogang was not as good as "Xuan Tian Gong", "Xuan Tian Gong" was gained from the painstaking experience of countless generations of ancestors of the Tang Sect, but the master Yu Xiaogang only had one person. ’

Not to mention that Tang San's step-by-step 'fall' was due to Master Yu Xiaogang's 'astonishing wisdom'. Through this paragraph, Ling Yi deduced that the meditation practice of soul power is most likely to control the operation of one's own soul power. , transported in the meridians.

However, compared to the main refining of Qi in 'Low Martial Arts', this fantasy floor tile Douluo Continent, because of the convenience of martial arts, can directly absorb the spiritual energy of the outside world, rising to the level of 'Middle Martial Arts'.


At this moment, a sudden call rang out among the noisy cicadas outside.

It was Zhang Lei. Listening to this familiar voice, Ling Yi felt that his body, especially his lower limbs and legs were no longer stiff, and his spirit was much more relaxed. He loudly responded, "Here we come -!"

He walked to the door in two steps, opened the door, and came to the yard of Ling Changqing's house.

Just in time, Zhang Lei also pushed in through the courtyard gate. When he saw Ling Yi, he quickly ran forward with a smile, took Ling Yi's forearm, and ran out of the courtyard.

While running, he said: "Ayi, you asked me to collect all the "Blue Silver Grass" seeds for you! "

After running, after a while, I arrived at Zhang Dahe's house. When I entered the yard, I saw a straw mat spread flat on the ground, and a pile of dark blue and almost black 'sand' piled there.


Arriving in front of the 'sand pile', Zhang Lei spoke cheerfully and said loudly to Ling Yi:

"Three thousand pills! Just a little more!"

"According to your request, these seeds will be full and pure in color, and those that are shriveled, cracked, and gray in color will all be removed—!"

Looking at the pile of "Blue Silver Grass" seeds in front of him with satisfaction, Ling Yi raised his hand and lightly hit Zhang Lei on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Thank you, Brother Lei——"

"Hi! Thank you!" Zhang Lei waved his hand and shook his head, saying: "It didn't take much effort. Erwa, Xiaoniu, Huahua and more than 20 of them, I cut the "Blue Silver Grass" according to what you said. Come back and knock down the grass seeds, send the grass leaves to your chicken coop and rabbit coop, and then one person will pick out a hundred or so seeds that meet your requirements, and it will only take half noon - "

"Besides, Ah Huang and Miao Miao caught a lot of things this morning, and we were full of meat for lunch~"

"Erwa and the others have said that next time this job comes up, they will definitely come -"

Listening to what Zhang Lei said, Ling Yi nodded, squatted down at the same time, reached out and inserted his hand into the pile of seeds, feeling the comfort when those particles came into contact with the skin of his palm, and responded briskly: "Don't worry, we will find them later." They’re helping, and they’ll have enough meat by then!”

"Hmm~" Zhang Lei also squatted down, watched Ling Yi's movements, and asked: "By the way, A Yi, what are you going to do with these seeds?"

"Let's go~"

Ling Yi gathered the scattered seeds together with both hands, then grabbed the four corners of the mat on the ground, picked up the seeds, raised his head towards Zhang Lei, and said: "Go to my house first and soak the ginseng seeds before using these seeds." Soak it up in the sink..."

In the past three years, from the age of three to six, since Ling Yi first discovered ginseng in the old forest north of Shanhai Village, he often asked Ah Huang and Miaomiao to look for ginseng that had been swallowed by birds and then mixed with feces. Ginseng grown in old forests.

After finding the ginseng, instead of digging it up directly, the ginseng seeds are picked back, processed, soaked and germinated, and finally planted.

Although Ling Yi had no experience in growing ginseng in either his previous life or this life, he could, in the first year, plant it in different locations, in different soils, with different watering and lighting, etc., and finally refer to which ginseng grew well. In a bad situation, starting from the second year, it can basically develop in a good direction.

After all, this is a world with extraordinary power such as the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, so it is natural for some seemingly unscientific phenomena to occur.

Ling Yi's goal is to make the old forest in the north of Shanhai Village his first ginseng planting base!

In the past, I could only drink ginseng chicken soup once a few months, but now I have to drink it once a month, once a week, or even once a day!


It's better to deal with the three thousand "Blue Silver Grass" seeds first.

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