Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 2 A blink of an eye

"Martial Spirit City", Pope's Palace.

Qianxunji looked calm as he listened to Bibi Dong's report on the strangulation of the evil soul master Yu Xiaogang.

After Bibi Dong stopped talking, she suddenly said: "Dong'er, what do you think of Ling Yi?"

"Master Ling?" Bibi Dong was startled when he heard this, with a bit of confusion on his beautiful face.

Bibi Dong, who is about to turn thirty, is still the highly respected and loved saint of the [Martial Soul Hall]. She has never experienced darkness and has never been to the "City of Killing". Even though she has been chasing evil soul masters all year round, she still carries a bit of innocence and pure kindness in front of her respected teacher Qian Xunji.

After a moment of silence, Bibi Dong said to Qian Xunji, who was above him: "Although Master Ling was born in a humble background and his talents were hard to describe, he is now able to possess the strength of Contra at the age of less than forty, and his cultivation speed is completely No less than [Haotian Sect] Tang Hao, and his research on martial soul theory can be called the first person in ten thousand years!"

"In addition, Master Ling is also particularly good at people's livelihood and economy. He is able to develop a deserted town into a large city that is second to none in Douluo Continent, comparable to 'Tian Dou City' and 'Xing Luo City'!"

Having said this, Bibi Dong's starry eyes shone with a light that was difficult to conceal.

But Qian Xunji, who had always been majestic, cold and arrogant, was not angry at Bibi Dong's performance at this moment.

Suddenly, Qian Xunji asked: "If I invite him to join me [Martial Soul Hall], do you think he will agree?"

"Ah?" Bibi Dongsu raised her hand lightly, covered her mouth, and looked at Qian Xunji with some surprise.

"Well, don't rush it yet."

Qian Xunji shook his head at first, and said slowly while thinking: "I intend to choose a new site to rebuild the "Martial Soul City". When the new city is built, you can invite him to watch the ceremony. We will mention it then..."

Within the territory of [Xingluo Empire], [Haotian Sect].

"Father, brother, I'm back -"

Tang Hao, with his hair tied with a ribbon and his short hair flowing freely, strode into the sect hall. He faced his father above him, 'Zhentian Douluo' Tang Zhen, and his eldest brother below, 'Xiaotian Douluo' Tang Xiao. He nodded and greeted.


Tang Zhen coughed a few times before saying anything, then nodded to Tang Hao who was approaching and asked: "How is it? Can Yu Xiaogang be killed successfully?"

"Go back to father~" Tang Hao responded respectfully: "Yu Xiaogang has died on a lonely mountain outside the "Missing Grand Canyon"."

"Hmm~" Tang Zhen made a sound through his nose, an inexplicable color flashed in his eyes, and said: "That old boy Yu Yuanzhen, I'm afraid this time is not going to be easy~"

After a pause, Tang Zhen continued: "Next, you will practice hard in the sect and strive to reach level 90 as soon as possible. By then, your elder brother and I will accompany you to the "Missing Grand Canyon", and we will definitely do it for you. You hunted a hundred thousand year old soul beast!"

"Hao'er~" Tang Zhen looked at Tang Hao with bright eyes: "Your grandfather named you 'Hao' because he hoped that you could inherit his name of 'Haotian Douluo'. You, don't let me and you Grandpa is disappointed——cough! Cough cough cough——!”

Perhaps the emotion in his words was too exciting. As Tang Zhen spoke, he suddenly coughed violently.



Brothers Tang Xiao and Tang Hao immediately stepped forward and came to Tang Zhen's side, looking at him worriedly.


His chest rose and fell like a bellows. Tang Zhen slowly regained his composure. He took out a jade bottle from the soul storage device on his waist, poured out two brown pills that exuded a strange fragrance, threw them into his mouth, and swallowed them with his eyes closed. .

After a while, Tang Zhen opened his eyes again, and his blood-red face returned to normal due to violent coughing.

Seeing this, Tang Xiao breathed a sigh of relief at first, and then said with concern: "Father, do you think you should go to "Lingyun City" again and ask Master Ling to treat you?"

"That's right~" Tang Hao responded: "The effect of these pills made by the Yang family seems to be getting lower and lower. It's better to go to "Lingyun City" to find Master Ling..."

"Two years ago, after Master Ling treated you, my father, he also said that your disease was caused by hidden injuries in your early years. Unless he breaks through the ban and can be cured in one fell swoop, he can only treat you once every once in a while to maintain your health. state."

"No rush~"

After listening to the advice of his two sons, Tang Zhen shook his head and said, "That boy is good at everything, but he is too soft-tempered!"

"With his control over the special environment of 'Lingyun City', everything is under his nose."

"However, his place is like a sieve, with everyone there. If I go there too often, I am afraid that my situation will appear in the hands of all the forces in the mainland before long..."

"It's a pity that only the environment created by Master Ling in "Lingyun City" can provide sufficient therapeutic effect for you, father~" Tang Xiao said helplessly: "Otherwise, bring Master Ling to [Haotian Sect] and treat you here. Father, how good your treatment is..."

"That's all~" Tang Zhen waved his hands and said calmly: "As long as you two brothers can support my name as [Haotian Sect] and my father can give an explanation to your grandfather, it doesn't matter whether this injury can be cured or not..."

"Lingyun City" is located on the edge of a branch of the "Tianling Mountain Range".

The small mountain range, which is a thousand meters high and stretches for nearly twenty miles, is located between the [Tian Dou Empire], the [Star Luo Empire], and the "Star Dou Forest".

In the backyard of the city lord's mansion, there is a small house completely intertwined with thousands of "blue silver grasses".

Gently pushing aside the jade arms and white legs that were draped over her body, Ling Yi stood up and walked out of the hut wearing her nightgown.

A few people jumped up and down, and came to the cliff behind the city lord's mansion. Facing the cross wind blowing from the mountains and forests in the distance, Ling Yi felt as if his flying long hair and clothes were flying at the moment.

‘It’s been almost forty years——’

Ling Yi looked up at the looming morning star, and suddenly felt a sense of sadness in his heart.

Normally, this useless emotion would be killed by Ling Yi as soon as it appeared.

But at the moment, Ling Yi is letting his thoughts run wild.

Just because, in this plot line, Douluo Continent, which was slapped by his butterfly, was in disarray, and he was about to celebrate his fortieth birthday.

The birthday is not the key, the key is this birthday, in the year 2631 of the Douluo Calendar.

‘I don’t know, will he continue to be born, or will he disappear in the current timeline like Qian Renxue? ’

Ling Yi turned around and looked at the small house in the city lord's palace. His eyes seemed to be able to see a figure with blue and silver hair among the jade body inside.

Looking back, Ling Yi looked at the rising sun in the eastern sky and said softly: "It's been almost forty years -"

After the sound fell, he closed his eyes and his mind moved. Invisible light blue ripples spread outward from Ling Yi's body.

All around, countless "Blue Silver Grass" trees on the ground swayed with leaves, echoing something.

In an instant, everything within a radius of dozens of miles was reflected in Ling Yi's heart.

Tens of miles is not the limit, the frequency like the sunlight wave is still extending.

Hundreds of miles...thousands of miles...thousands of miles...hundreds of thousands of miles—! ! !

Finally, the earth beneath his feet turned into a ball and appeared in Ling Yi's mind.

His thoughts were in the endless dark, cold, violent and chaotic void. Looking down at the ball with two-thirds of the area emitting a blue halo, Ling Yi's mind turned into the will of God:

‘Whether you come or not, this world will ultimately be different because of me. ’

"Today's Douluo Continent, I, Ling Yi, have the final say——!"

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