Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 1 Yu Xiaogang’s Regret

In the year 2630 of the Douluo calendar, the cold wind was biting.

On the outskirts of the "Lost Canyon", on the top of the nameless solitary peak.

Yu Xiaogang was covered in blood. He looked at the figures surrounding him with pain in his eyes: "Did Ling Yi ask you to kill me?"


Ah Rou shook her head, expressionless: "He asked us to protect you back to the [Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex Family], and not to show up again in the future..."

Ah Yin said with an angry look on his face: "He said he would tell the mainland that you had been killed by him himself."

Liu Erlong took a step forward with murderous intent: "But, we believe that all this will truly end when you die."

"Yu Xiaogang, for your own selfish purposes, you used the lives of a large number of civilians and soul masters to conduct evil experiments. There is no place for you in this Douluo Continent!"

Tang Hao, who had just caught up to the top of the mountain, waved the giant hammer in his hand, glanced secretly at A Yin, who was like a goddess, and shouted righteously.

Eight purple-red spider spears opened behind Bibi Dong, her jade face was cold: "It is the duty of [Martial Soul Palace] to kill the evil soul master! Yu Xiaogang, you must die today!"

"That's right! Today is the day of your death. The blood debt must be repaid with your blood!"

"I really didn't expect that a kind-hearted person like Master Ling could have a brother with bloody hands like you!"

"Bah! Is Yu Xiaogang worthy of being a brother?"

"That's right! Yu Xiaogang is a loser. If Master Ling hadn't been kind-hearted and took him to study martial arts theory together, who would he be?"

"If you don't follow the right path, an evil soul master will let down Master Ling's cultivation!"...

Amidst the scolding and contempt, evil spirits emerged in Yu Xiaogang's eyes, and his beard and hair that had not been taken care of for many days were fluttering, and he said viciously: "It's ridiculous, you idiots have all been deceived by him. He is the biggest evil in the world. !”

"You want my life, are you worthy?!"

"Let you take a look at the power that Ling Yi will never have in his lifetime, the "Blood Red Nine-Headed Evil Dragon King"! "

As soon as the sound fell, a bright red light emerged from Yu Xiaogang's body.

"Aang——! Aang——! Aang——!..."

Dragon roars one after another shattered the white clouds in the sky, and a blood-red figure more than ten feet tall appeared above Yu Xiaogang's head.

The bat-like fleshy wings spread out, and on the nine necks that were slender relative to the body, there were ferocious dragon heads. Between the sharp fangs, drops of sticky blood-colored saliva dripped down, turning into blood in mid-air. The fog spreads.

"So strong!"

"Is this really the legendary trash?"

"Such a bloody smell, what kind of killings has this demon caused?!"...

The momentum that Yu Xiaogang showed at this time shocked the pursuers who arrived behind, and also made the three girls A Yin, as well as those in the powerful forces in front, such as Tang Hao and Bibi Dong, to deal with them sternly.

next moment.

"The true form of the blood-red nine-headed evil dragon king——!"

"Invincible Golden Body!"


"Hell Demonic Dragon Flame——!"

"Haotian's incarnation! The Great Sumeru Hammer——!"

"Eternal Creation—!"

a few hours later

The thousand-foot-long solitary peak shrunk by a hundred meters out of thin air. In the messy pile of rubble, Yu Xiaogang looked like a broken doll that had been put back together again. His godless eyes were full of nostalgia for life.

Suddenly, Yu Xiaogang raised his head like a flashback and looked at the indifferent faces around him. The evil spirit in his eyes faded away, and the clear and bright sight he had not seen for many years reappeared. He whispered softly to A Yin, Liu Erlong and other women not far away: "Tell me. Ling Yi, in this life, I, Yu Xiaogang, have been sorry for him. If there is an afterlife, I want to call him Brother Yi again..."

"Lingyun City"

Listening to the stories of the returning people, Ling Yi was silent for a long time, with pain and self-blame in his eyes: "I was the one who harmed Xiaogang..."

"Do not say it that way!"

Ah Yin stepped forward, took Ling Yi's head into his arms, stroked his shawl black hair, and said softly: "It's not your fault."

Liu Erlong knelt down next to Ling Yi, grabbed his warm hand and placed it against his jade cheek. His murderous eyes became as soft as water: "He brought it upon himself, you have done your best. He was killed. People who have lost their minds with power release the demons in their hearts, and the part that belongs to humans has long since died.”

"Yes!" Ah Rou squatted on the other side of Ling Yi, resting her head on the man's thigh, looking directly into the guilty eyes with her ruby-like eyes, and said: "You are just too kind, you like the one who loves everything. When people carry their weight, they always think about others and never themselves..."

The three voices in his ears were different, but equally beautiful, and the same soft female voices took turns comforting Ling Yi's ears.

The efforts of the three women had good results. At least, Ling Yi's depressed mood gradually improved.

Of course, it's also possible that Ling Yi just showed relief because he didn't want the three girls A Yin to worry.

He is such a gentle and kind person.

Rejecting the more in-depth comfort from the three women, Ling Yi returned to the backyard of the city lord's mansion alone and locked himself in the small house made of "blue silver grass" intertwined.

On the other side, watching Ling Yi leave, the three girls A Yin remained silent.

"What happened this time was a big blow to him." Arou said with some distress as she looked in the direction of the backyard.

Liu Erlong raised his eyebrows and gritted his silver teeth and said, "It's all because of that bastard Yu Xiaogang, who was so eager for quick success and quick gain that he went astray, and Ling Yi blamed himself for the consequences."

Ah Yin didn't speak, but stared blankly at the backyard. It seemed that through the thick courtyard wall, she could see the blue cabin and the person who missed her heart.

"I'm going to sacrifice it to him after a while!"

It was very abrupt, Ah Yin said decisively.

But hearing these words that could cause an uproar outside did not move Arou and Liu Erlong.

Ah Rou frowned slightly: "Are you too hasty? Brother Yi is only at level eighty-five now. He has to wait until he reaches level ninety at least, right?"

"Besides~" Arrou paused, then continued: "Let me sacrifice first, and you can sacrifice again when he reaches level ninety-nine. Maybe he can really try that level..."


Ah Yin shook his head and said calmly: "I am the 100,000-year-old "Blue Silver Emperor" incarnation, and you are the 100,000-year-old "Soft Bone Rabbit" incarnation. In terms of origin, of course it is the "Blue Silver Grass" between me and him. Wuhun is more consistent. "

"Only my sacrifice can give him the hope of cultivating to level ninety-nine."

"Don't worry, I haven't spent all these years in vain." Ah Yinsu raised his hand and touched it on his left chest, feeling the strong beating inside and the huge vitality firmly locked inside, and said:

"You know, the highest secret of the 'Blue Silver Realm' allows me to live forty-nine days after death. With the "Crystal of Life" that I cultivated with him, plus the "Eye of Ice and Fire" Under special circumstances, in up to ten years, I can completely shed my soul beast body and return to him as a human woman..."

Seeing the longing and sweetness in A Yin's words, A Rou and Liu Erlong inevitably had envy in their eyes.


A loud sound came from the gate tower of the City Lord's Mansion, interrupting the communication between the three women.

After a few breaths, a resolute figure came into the eyes of the three girls A Yin.

"Where's that guy?"

As soon as the visitor stepped into the hall, after looking around, he didn't see the figure he was longing for, so he asked A Yin and the other three people crisply.

This is a tall female general with heroic appearance and heroic brows. Against the backdrop of a black armor, her pretty face is as white as jade, and combined with the fierce aura on her body at this time, it is even more touching.

"Shirley, he's in a bad mood right now, so don't bother him~" Looking at the female general, Ah Yin immediately advised him.

"In a bad mood?" Shirley Ying raised her brows and said forcefully: "You three are so useless? You haven't squeezed him dry for so long?"

"I don't believe that after draining him dry, he still has the thoughts to think about that good-for-nothing Yu Xiaogang!"

"Shirley, don't open your mouth and just squeeze it out..." Ah Rou raised her hand and stroked her forehead, saying speechlessly: "...That's too much."

Immediately afterwards, A Yin and Liu Erlong nodded in agreement.

However, facing three pairs of eyes that wanted to draw a clear line, Shirley curled her lips disdainfully and said fiercely: "Who got that guy drunk and dragged him to the bed?"

Liu Erlong's eyes wandered to the lower left corner, as if there was something there that attracted her attention.

Shirley: "Who led that guy to the cave of the Ten Thousand Year Soul Beast, destroyed the passage, and stayed with him in there for three days and three nights?"

Arou raised her head and carefully looked at the carvings on the roof.

Shirley: "And..."

"That's enough!" Ah Yin shouted softly: "Yang Shirley, enough is enough!"

"Tch~~" Shirley met Ah Yin's oppressive eyes without caring, "What? I was greedy for his body, so I forced myself on him. If I dare to do it, I dare to admit it. Do you dare?"

After saying that, she glanced at A Yin, A Rou, and Liu Erlong forcefully. Without waiting for the three women to respond, Xue Li turned around and walked towards the backyard of the City Lord's Mansion. Based on her understanding of him, he was most likely there at this time.

Watching the tall figure walking into the backyard, the three girls A Yin's eyes flickered and they didn't know what they were thinking.

"As expected of the [Broken Clan] bloodline, full of offensive power!" Liu Erlong said with a hint of emotion on his face.

Ah Rou nodded and responded: "He said that the [Broken Clan]'s 'Soul-Breaking Spear' is for offense but not defense. Only by understanding this concept can you make rapid progress through practice." "

"It is also because of this that Shirley, as a side branch, can practice faster than the Yang Wudi brothers."

"Shirley's "Soul-Breaking Hook and Sickle Spear" is probably as lethal as a top-notch martial spirit~" Ah Yin added.

After a few words, the huge hall fell into silence again.

Looking at each other, the three women seemed to see the true thoughts of the other two who were pretending to be calm.

Above the sky, the sun spares no effort to spread its enthusiasm, bringing the warmth of life to all things in the world.

The white clouds that gathered and dispersed vaguely formed the ordinary face of Yu Xiaogang, looking at the earth below with a bit of a smile.

At some point, the hall of the City Lord's Mansion was empty.

New book sets sail~

This time, walk slower, steadily, step by step, step by step to reach the top!

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