There are still three days until the Blue Prison Restart Plan is implemented. Tono Maki sat on the sofa, drinking tea, looking at the plan he had been reading for a long time.......

Ever since the Blue Prison fired the first shot in the New World, all the kings of the Old World have cast their eyes on it.

Tono Maki is happy to see this change. After all, for him, such changes are often accompanied by godsend opportunities - crises often come with opportunities, don't they?

"Everything is ready, only the east wind is missing."Tono Maki said, and wrote a sentence on a blank piece of letter paper - Fire will bring new life

"The stars bear witness to everything, and you will be right, too, mother." He stood at the window, watching the wind blowing the green branches, and murmured to himself......

Sometimes time is really cruel. But in a moment, I almost forgot what you looked like. But time can't erase the voice in my mind. Your voice is like a wave that accompanies me all the time.

I wanted to offer you a bouquet of flowers at the place where you were buried, but my father refused. I wanted to shed tears and beg for mercy, but what I got was cruel"ridicule". I have proved my"excellence" to him countless times, but he never gave me"recognition", but contempt for the"weak".

He is right. The world will never treat me preferentially because of my young age. So, I no longer shed tears and no longer beg for help - no one can save me.

However, when I really became what I am now, he told me that he was always proud of me.

You will never know how embarrassed I looked when I learned everything. I cried, and my tears could not stop flowing, drop by drop. It was as if all the grievances suppressed in my heart turned into tears at this moment, flowing down continuously, soaking my clothes.

I will not hate him, but I will never like him, even though I know that he is a good father who loves his children.

Within a week after you passed away, I often felt dazed, thinking that you were still there, waiting for me to come home and cook something delicious for me. When the fantasy ended, I often stayed in the room looking out the window, unable to fall asleep for a long time. During that time, I often wondered, after you left, would I still have a home?

One year, two years...I slowly discovered a cruel fact and also discovered my"despicable" side. I tainted my"missing" for you and it became a medium for me to escape from reality. I miss you, but I am also missing your comfort, your caress, and the innocent self.

After you left, I fell in love with rainy days. The world is crying quietly, and its tears flow down my cheeks, just like I am also sad. And I am also in the flow of its tears, washing away the dirt on my body and returning to the original state again. No more intrigue, no more looking back, I can finally free myself from countless puppet strings and enjoy the time as"Tono Maki".

Mother, you said that people will turn into stars after death, and the stars will watch everything. So, are you watching me? Will you twinkle for my success?

Will you recognize me? Will you come into my dream again and touch my head again?

I hope you can come, and I promise that no one will disturb our reunion, because since that day, I will never dream again.

Mother, the flame has been lit, and I will let my ideals be reborn in this flame.

Look at me, watch me stand on the top of the world, watch me create an ideal country......

You will be proud of me, right?

The wind blew up the window screen, covering Tono Maki's figure, as if he was wearing a veil.

The wind was blowing, taking his thoughts to the farthest place - the wind brushed through the papers on his desk, as if flipping through his heart -

Tono Maki turned around, then lit the letter, let it turn into ashes in his eyes, and let the wind take it away.

The firelight illuminated his eyes and ignited the flames. This fire will never be extinguished by the wind, but will be ignited by the wind to spread all over the prairie......

"Flamme bin ich sicherlich. (I must be a flame.))"

The world cannot cover my light, I will always be burning until freedom comes...

"Huixin, are you ready?"

"The facilities are ready, just waiting for their arrival."

"German team, give me a room"

"You don't need me to tell you, I've already prepared for it."

After the conversation, Huixin Shinpachi looked at the phone screen and said with a smile,"You say you hate him, but you still recognize Noah in your heart, don't you?"

Noah is your guide. Even if you don't agree with his ideas, you still love him, don't you?

Toono Maki didn't know what Huixin Shinpachi was thinking at the moment. He was sitting with his beloved dog, watching a movie. [Note: Oka (Tono Maki's beloved dog) is a Border Collie】

"Oka, we're going to conquer the world, right?"

"Woof! Woof!"

Listening to the barking of his beloved dog and looking at its eyes that were longing for caressing, Tono Maki smiled and touched its head, saying,"Good boy."

The movie was playing, and Tono Maki stroked his beloved dog's soft fur from time to time, thinking about what would happen after he met Noah.

Suddenly, he remembered something and paused for a moment,"That peacock man wouldn't be the same, right?......"

Ignoring Oka's somewhat puzzled look, Tono Maki murmured to himself,"Huixin, your vision can't be so bad."

Tono Maki can only hope that Caesar is talking about Neon and is just here for vacation. If not, he has no hope for his future life.

"Hope it's just a coincidence"


"It's okay." Tono Maki patted Oka's head, and then said,"From now on, we will move to a new place. Are you looking forward to it, Oka?"

"Woof! Woof woof!".......

There are only 10 hours left before the Blue Prison reopens -

Jie Shiyi is lying on the bed, too excited to fall asleep, and so are the others——


"finally come"

"Next time, I will kill you all."

"Not bad"

"Nagi, we will become the best in the world"

"Together with Ling Wang, we will become the first."

And Tono Maki finished picking up Oka at the airport and was on his way home with the annoying peacock.——

"Don't tell me you're here for the football game."

"Oh~ We are so in tune with each other——"

"Shut up and be quiet."After hearing the answer, Tono Maki rubbed his aching temple and said,"Noah is coming too, right?"

Caesar stopped talking, and Tono Maki also noticed something from Caesar's silence. Whenever Noah was mentioned, the exaggerated mask seemed to be torn off, exposing a silent Caesar to the public.

"Who else?" Tono Maki poked Caesar and asked.

Caesar said lightly,"Ness. Other people should not be important to you."

Tono Maki understood, then hugged Oka to Caesar's arms, then took out a lollipop from his bag, opened it and stuffed it into his mouth.

"I've seen you in all kinds of miserable situations."Tono Maki said, and then patted Oka, signaling it to come back.

The faint sweetness spread in the mouth like smoke, but silently healed Caesar's uneasiness.

Caesar felt the sweetness in his mouth, and then smiled and stopped Oka, saying,"I've seen you in all kinds of miserable situations, so relax, my dear, there is nothing for you to think about now."

Tono Maki glanced at him, and then opened a candy and put it in his mouth, and said vaguely,"Hehe, you are the biggest trouble. Have you touched enough? Give my dog back to me."

Caesar smiled, then lowered his head and said,"No - no - but you can touch my head."

Not everyone can touch the emperor's head. Today I will reluctantly allow you to be unrestrained for once.

It's just the anniversary of your mother's death. You are obviously in a bad mood but you still have to take care of other people's emotions. How can you force yourself to do this?

Toono Maki looked at the golden hair in front of him that looked like a lion's mane, and then saw some concealed scars and healed chronic illnesses. He said lightly,"Tell me, why are you pinching yourself again?"

You have become the emperor, what else makes you feel uneasy, the Lion King?

Caesar's face, covered by his hair, froze. He forgot the scar on his neck.

He was silent for a long time and then said,"Nothing, just a little thing."

As he said this, he felt a hand gently stroking his hair. He looked up, looked at the person and smiled.

Toono Maki looked at the gorgeous face that suddenly appeared, his hand paused and then hesitated whether to take it back, but he didn't expect Caesar to take his hand and stroke his dazzling golden hair.

Toono Maki thought inappropriately - so beautiful, this person......

The moonlight drapes the night with a veil, and the stars dress the night in sparkling clothes.

Everyone rides on the night, heading for the sweet dreamland, waiting for the bright sun after the night.

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