In the morning, after staying up all night, Tono Maki collapsed on the bed, and his cell phone alarm kept ringing.......

Yuan Yemu quickly opened his eyes, quickly canceled the alarm, and then closed his eyes again to prepare for sleep. He didn't notice that someone was standing at the door watching his series of smooth movements.


Hearing the familiar voice, Yuan Yemu instantly woke up, stood up suddenly, and looked towards the place where the mocking voice came from.——

"Yo, finally woke up"

"What are you doing here?" Toono Maki frowned, rubbed his messy hair, and said,"Also, when did you come?" Itoshi

Sae leaned against the door, browsing Instagram, and said,"Not long ago, just two or three minutes ago. There's nothing for me to look for you, I'm just bored." Toono Maki got up from the bed, tidied his pajamas, and slowly walked to the bathroom to brush his teeth. While he was brushing his teeth, he suddenly remembered something, so he stuck his head out with the toothbrush in his mouth and asked,"Where did you get the key?"

Itoshi Sae said lightly without raising his head,"I found it at the door."

Hearing this, Toono Maki made a"tsk" sound, and then continued his washing. Itoshi Sae listened to the somewhat annoyed voice, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly - who told you to always like to hide things in that place?...

A few minutes later, Tono Maki finished washing up and was ready to change clothes. Looking at Shishi Sae who was still at the door, he said lightly,"Go out and close the door, thank you."

Shishi Sae looked up, raised her eyebrows, and then walked out, but before she left, she left a message - please shorten your dressing time, lady.

At this time, Tono Maki was opening his wardrobe and starting to choose what to wear today.......

After hearing this, Tono Maki was silent for a while, and then said,"That's right, people like you who like to have dog-bitten bangs don't understand the meaning of decency at all."

Hearing this, Itoshi Sae laughed angrily, but he couldn't refute it - compared to you, everyone is in a mess, you bastard, picky green tea boy.

After getting dressed and spraying perfume, Tono Maki walked out calmly, looked at Itoshi Sae with contempt and said,"Let's go, you pink-haired bastard who will never learn to be decent, I'll accompany you to stroll around Shibuya"

"Shibuya? Where to go and what to do?"

"There is a nice cafe, and there is an entertainment center nearby. I'll go check it out."

Shishi Sae glanced at the man who was talking about something important, and then said,"You treat me. You will cover all my expenses for the day." Tono

Maki glanced at him, and then said,"I always pay for it."


""Okay, okay, I know, I know." Yuan Yemu interrupted the spell and dragged him out of the door.............

Shibuya, LUCaffee...

"This is the one, I heard it's pretty good."Tono Maki said,"Latte or Americano?" Shishi Sae didn't say anything, and dragged him inside - there's a menu but he insisted on making a choice right now, what's wrong with that.

When he came to the front desk, Tono Maki looked around and finally picked a vanilla latte.

"Haha."After listening to Tono Maki's choice, Shishi Sae sneered and said,"You always order the same thing in every restaurant. You are really worthy of it."

Haha, old-fashioned

"If your cup tastes bad, don't come and grab mine."Yuono Mu glanced at him and snorted coldly.

Curiosity is killing you....

After ordering, the two sat down and waited for afternoon tea to be served. Then, they found a group of acquaintances were there.——

"Is that your man?"

"Hmm?" Tono Maki looked at where Itoshi Sae was looking, and then said,"Reo, and Yukimiya...Yisheng? And Yiye and Wu?"

Knowing that they were old friends, Yuanye Mu was ready to go up and say hello.——"Excuse me, I didn't expect to see you here"

"Ah, I didn't expect that either."Ling Wang looked at the person in front of him and replied with a smile.

Xue Gong Jian You also smiled and said,"Long time no see, Mu Jun"

"The willful emperor, long time no see."The black traveler said with a smile and teased

"Long time no see." Yi Ye, who was standing by, put down his phone and greeted.

Yuan Ye Mu smiled and joked,"Why, are you sitting here to hold a shareholders' meeting?"

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other and laughed. Ling Wang said with a smile,"That's true."

Then, looking at Yuan Ye Mu's somewhat surprised eyes, Ling Wang continued,"Let's talk about establishing a trendy brand and the subsequent share division. It's not wrong to say it's a shareholders' meeting."

After a brief surprise, Yuan Ye Mu smiled brightly and said,"Is that so? If you don't mind, leave the promotion to me."

Ling Wang said with a smile,"Of course. In this regard, you have the most experience, don't you?"

While chatting and laughing, another acquaintance came.——


"Fengle, Jie, Qianqie! You are here too?!"

Jie Shiyi said with a smile,"We just arrived and are ready to take a break before continuing to play."

"Well, how about we go together later?"

"I'm ok"

"I have an appointment. We'll go together next time. I'm leaving now. Have fun." Toono Maki said, and then he looked at Itoshi Sae who was a little hesitant, and he raised his eyebrows.

He walked over with a smile, patted Itoshi Sae on the shoulder, and said,"Let's go, Sae, we should go to the next place."

Itoshi Sae smiled, then stood up and walked side by side with him - so he is a very good friend.......

In LIbe, people passing by would stop for two handsome men. They strolled around the mall together, wearing stylish casual clothes and walking at a leisurely pace.

"The cinema is on the top floor, the third floor is mainly for food, the first and second floors are for brands, and the basement is basically a sports and leisure venue."

"That sounds reasonable."After looking around, Shishi Sae said,"But the consumption level is......"

"The low-cost one is the one next door." Tono Maki said complacently,"The plaza is also equipped with go-karts. Don't underestimate me, Sae."

Itoshi Sae:...

After the incident, they all walked towards the clothing store on the second floor. They walked past a men's clothing store and the style of clothing worn by the model at the door aroused their interest.——

"This outfit looks pretty good."

Toono Maki looked at Itoshi Sae's admiring eyes, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, waiting for his follow-up praise - worship my design, stupid Itoshi Sae. The inexplicable silence made Itoshi Sae puzzled - why is it so quiet today, when has he always been crazy and picky about the unreasonable parts of the design?

Itoshi Sae looked at Toono Maki suspiciously and asked,"This, is yours?"

"Haha, of course." Toono Maki, who had been waiting for this moment for a long time, said with a smile,"Finally you have discovered your shallowness, Sae."

The master Sae smiled slightly, and then began to talk about the shortcomings of the design in front of him.——

"This color is too dark and destroys the overall harmony.....This accessory is too exaggerated....."

Tono Maki's smile disappeared, and he said expressionlessly,"What do you know about design, you football idiot!""

"Haha. When you can't win an argument, you start making personal attacks."

"Oh, the meaningless barking of ignorant people."No matter how much they quarrel or make a fuss, their friendship will never be broken because of it. But when it comes to their own"fashion", they will not give in and must fight to the end!!!

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