Walking out of the gate and looking around at the players in other buildings, they were surprised to find that - why do these people look so exhausted?!

"So, this is a scam. Make everyone think they are the lowest, and then stimulate the potential to climb up."


"Yaya, all the talented rough stones, you have worked hard in the intensive physical training these days."Eishin Shinpachi appeared on the big screen and said,"I think the perceptive people should have noticed that there are no players from Buildings 1, 2, 3, and 4. To be precise, there is only Building 5 in the Blue Prison."

Ignoring everyone's surprise, he continued,"I made you believe that you are the lowest-level players, and then you tried your best to pass the first selection like idiots."

"Huh? Are you kidding us?!!"


Facing the protests, Huixin Shinpachi said,"Ah, that's right"

"I will destroy your fragile self-confidence and cultivate your spiritual strength to desire to be the best in the world.���"It was a carefully designed scam."

This statement immediately ignited the anger of the crowd.

Because, with such a light-hearted statement, he concealed the efforts they made to win and ignored the suffering they suffered.

"What do you mean!!!"

"We are not your toys!!!"

"Ah, idiot! It is because of this complaint that you are half-baked!"Eishin Jinpachi scolded,"Listen carefully, Noel Noah, also known as the world's strongest attacking player, grew up in the slums of France. In that life full of crime and poverty, the only way to change his fate is a ball, that is, football......."

When a thin spider silk hangs down from the abyss, no matter what, the people below will reach out to grab the silk and keep climbing up.

This is the desire for"life".

Huixin Shinpachi said,"You can live without football in Japan, but no matter how hard you try, you can never understand their desire for shooting. It can only be obtained in the blue prison."

Looking at the eager eyes of the people, he smiled and said,"Aren't you trying to destroy players who are better than you now, and you are standing here with the belief that you can do it? This desire is the 'selfishness' that can change the world."......

"The second round of selection begins. There are five stages in the second round of selection, and only those who pass the stage can enter the next stage. And those who pass the second round of selection can participate in the intensive training with the world's top players selected by me."

"The explanation is over. Those who are mentally prepared should go to the gate by themselves."Eshin Shinpachi's explanation finally ended, and Tono Maki just finished warming up at this time.

"You talk too much, Huixin. Are you their life mentor?" he muttered....

When someone around him asked in surprise,"Aren't you going to try out the second time with your teammates?", Tohno Maki laughed out loud.

In response, Huixin Jinba said expressionlessly,"Of course. The second tryout is much more difficult than the first one. Those who have survived by relying on their teammates, be prepared. The second tryout will weed out the trash, and only the real egoists will remain. Good luck to you."

After that, he disappeared. Only the people who looked at each other were left, and some players with abnormal expressions.

Sometimes the word"unity" seems ridiculous, doesn't it?

Some people always use the banner of"unity" to turn the success of others into their own medals even though they rely on others. The so-called"team" glory is shared by everyone?

Ha, it's really hilarious.............

The instep of the foot dribbles the ball, the thigh bounces up, and the chest is lowered.

Under the spotlight, Tono Maki concentrates on juggling the ball.


A graceful arc streaked across the sky, like a shooting star under the spotlight.

""Open the door. I'm in a hurry."

Amidst the continuous exclamations, Tono Maki completed his"personal show". Although he did not like exaggerated performances, under Caesar's rendering, he subconsciously believed that a certain degree of"showmanship" could deter some villains and thus reduce unnecessary trouble.

His name was displayed on the big screen.——

"The first challenger, Tono Maki, kicked the ball beautifully, which aroused heated discussions about his name. But no matter how hard they thought, they could not remember such a player in the Japanese youth football class.

It was natural that they could not remember him, because his better-known name was Marky Caller. Born in Germany, Marky played for Bayer FC and was nicknamed"German Rose".

Only one person in the crowd knew who he was.

Unfortunately, the only person who knew the truth remained silent.

The instigator entered the first level with a smile on his face. He thought - let me see, Rin. Let me see how Rin grows....

"that person...Is it Brother Mu?......"Shishi Rin looked at his back as he entered the gate and said softly,"Brother...."

Then he clenched his fists, trying to calm the surging emotions in his heart.

When did you come to Neon? Why didn't you tell me? Where is Itoshi Sae?

Why did Itoshi Sae give up being a striker? What happened?

What did you mean by what you said at that time?!!

When his emotions stabilized, he kicked the two balls under his feet respectively.

A gentle high ball and a low arc ball.

The two met at one point, collided with each other, and then bounced off......

To everyone's shock, he stood in front of the door and said,"Open the door. I'm warmed up."

When he walked to the gate, the screen updated the message——

"The second challenger, Shishi Rin"...

Crushing Itoshi Sae is the whole meaning of my playing football. Before that, any opponent was the same to me.

But you are different, Maki.

I have never seen what you look like behind the veil, and everything about you is like an unknown to me. Even though we have played football together so many times, even though I have watched you and Itoshi Sae fight, I still know nothing about you.

I always feel that you are hiding something.

Now, maybe I have a chance to see your"trump card".

This time, I will be one step ahead of Itoshi Sae, and I will definitely..............

Compared to Tono Maki's simple kick, Itoshi Rin's"performance" is more thrilling.

"Is Shifu Rin the Shifu of the new generation world's eleven best?"

"No, that's Shishi Sae"

"Who is he then?! Are there many people as strong as him?"

"Who cares? Think about the opponents we played against before. We will definitely beat them.....".......

"Rin, you shouldn't look at Shishi Sae"

"Huh? Why, Brother Mu?"

"It’s nothing, just remember this sentence, Xiaolin.

In my memory, he was always mysterious, saying something I couldn’t understand. But I remember his words, more firmly than my brother’s words, and I don’t know why. Maybe it was because his expression was too serious.......

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