After the celebration banquet, Team Z went through 10 days of hardship.

Originally, they thought they could prepare for the second tryout.

But Huixin Shinpachi gave an unexpected instruction,"Next, you will have to do physical function strengthening training. In addition, you are not allowed to touch the ball during this period."

"Huh? Why not hold a second tryout right away?!"

"How long will the training take?"

"At least tell us the deadline...."

Facing the doubt, Hui Xinjinba said expressionlessly,"What's there to be proud of for advancing to the lowest level Building 5? Train until I say it's OK, a bunch of rubbish!"......"

Then he showed a training video, and as the crowd gasped, he continued,"The contestants in the most advanced building can do the most advanced training without having to go through the first selection. Wait until they finish." Then

, they began their Shura Road.

Two-hour long run, two sets.

Super limb training.

Weight training.

Sprint 100 times.

A training dish that can be called hell-level difficulty.��...

"And, finally, three times——"

"You, are you okay?....."


Even if you fall, you must get up and continue training. Not for anything else, just to beat those who are ranked the highest!!!!

Damn genius, I will definitely beat you!!!!......

Day by day......

Everyone noticed one thing - Toono Maki seemed to be able to handle things with ease every time?!

[Everyone: My own failure is terrible, but my companion's success is even more chilling]

So, they spontaneously began to observe Tono Maki....

He was listening to music and running on the treadmill. Even though he was sweating, his face was still calm. This was in stark contrast to the ferocious faces of the people standing beside him.——

"Ha, ha - kill you, kill you......", the S attribute exploded. (Jie)

"I'm OK, it's nothing, come on......", self-consolation. (Kira) and Imamura and Gagamaru who are like zombies......

Super limb training...

"call——", accompanied by even breathing, perform standard movements one by one.

Weightlifting training...

Although not as good as some muscular men, but definitely still a leader.

Sprint 100 times...

"besides....8 times......vomit——"Jie Shiyi, who was in a state of extreme embarrassment, knelt down on the field and watched Tono Maki continue to sprint. He couldn't help but say,"Ha, ha!"......Isn't this guy tired?"

His speed was not particularly fast, but his speed was very balanced each time he sprinted.

"So strong....This guy......."

I only knew he was strong before, but now I have a deeper understanding of his strength........

It's lunch and dinner time.....

Every time at the table, which was always filled with strange scenes, there would always be a bright and beautiful person - Touno Maki.

To be honest, every time Touno Maki ate, he felt that he was about to be killed - 10 people stared at him with resentment, eating one bite at a time, as if they wanted to dismember him and fry him.

Ah, so scary. (Touno Maki: I'm going to call the police, really)

But in fact, everyone looked at him as if they saw an incomprehensible creature.

Physical strength, power, flexibility, speed....

After a few days of observation, everyone inexplicably came up with an idea - doesn't he have any shortcomings?...

"These don't seem to bother him."

"Of course, Anri." Shinpachi Eishin said,"Don't forget, he is a player who can be compared with the New World Eleven."It would be strange if these stumped him.

"His style is unique. He has both the top brains and organizational skills of a midfielder and the decisiveness and fighting ability of a striker."

"Mujun, is he so outstanding? Then why did he agree to come to the Blue Prison?"Hearing this, Anri couldn't help but wonder

"Hey, are you looking down on me, Anri?" Huixin Jinpachi said unhappily,"He came to the Blue Prison because he was curious about the implementation of this plan and wanted to find the missing part of himself. Because only I can help him."

"Incomplete?! He is already perfect, okay!"

"Humph, that's just a woman's opinion." Huixin Shinpachi snorted coldly,"Didn't you realize that he basically watched so many games?"

"He is observing those people, trying to find a way to heal himself through them."

Anri was confused, and looking at Huixin Shinba pretending to be mysterious, she said,"Mr. Huixin, please don't keep us in suspense!"

"He then found another existence called"ambition", and the most passionate emotion hidden in his body, anger."

"Ambition, and, anger?"

"Ah, that's right." Shinpachi Eishin said while looking at the surveillance camera,"You also heard what he said to Kira Ryosuke, 'That desire for victory is the symbol of being a striker.' But, look at him, does he have a desire for victory?"

"Moreover, only in the battle with Malang Teruei did he tear the enemy to pieces in anger. Have you ever seen him do it at other times?"

He sighed and continued,"This is the missing part of him, Anri. What he lacks is what everyone else has."

Toono Maki is too rational, so his emotions can only be like a deep pool, hidden and silent.

He instinctively pursues strength, but cannot find the reason why he is so obsessed with"strength".

He has abilities that ordinary people do not have, but he has shortcomings that ordinary people do not have.........

They were observing Tono Maki.

Tono Maki was also paying attention to them.

He watched them running even when their bodies had reached their limits, and watched them clench their teeth and sprint forward again and again. He was thinking about what allowed people to surpass themselves and stimulate the potential in their bodies.

This reminded him of his nemesis, and at this moment he couldn't help but touch his heart - what was this feeling?...Is it excitement?......


I want to crush their pride, make them kneel down and look up at me!!

"Is this a twisted desire for victory? Haha, maybe.....".........

"As of now, the first round of trials has ended, and the qualified contestants immediately put on their uniforms and gathered in the central basement area of each building......"

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