Black Iron Crown

Chapter 139: Confrontation (Part 2)

  Rainer glanced at the lord, raised his voice again and said, "His purpose is very simple! It is to destroy our group! Not only did we reject his solicitation, we also didn't agree with him on weekdays!"

   "What's more! The lords who have invested in him now have not all loyalty, but hope that through him can get more benefits while avoiding the fate of being destroyed!"

"I hope you don’t have any fluke mentality! Once we are defeated, the one facing us must be death! He will bring our land under his command, and he will share the land passed down by our ancestors to the lords who take refuge in him! Be loyal to him! Our knights will all die on the battlefield, and our family and relatives will also be wiped out by him!"

   Speaking of this, Reiner's expression began to become ferocious: "So! Everyone, we have no choice! If we can't win! Then all of us and our family will face the end of destruction together!"

   "Everyone! Do you want something like this to happen?" Rainer said in a deep voice.

   "No... I don't want it!"

   All the lords were stunned by what Rainer said. After a while, one of the lords finally answered him with a stuttering tone.

   "I don't want... I don't want it!" The other is that the lords came over gradually, at first they only answered in a low voice, and then the voice became louder and louder, almost becoming a slogan.

   "We must not let the family be destroyed!"

   "We must win!"

   "For my ancestors and future generations, we must win!"

The lords are still very important to their families. In fact, in this era, the lords and nobles often regard the family as more important than their own lives. Reiner clearly recognizes this point, so just said that If the family will be destroyed too.

   "Very good, let us be ready for so long, ready to fight Earl Zhebo at any time!"

   "Yes, Baron Rainer!"

   All the lords said in unison, Rainer had a feeling of a leader at this moment.

   The lords returned to their camp and immediately ordered the soldiers to reinforce the camp, and waited for the arrival of Lord Zhebo.

   At this time, the army outside the city of Babsburg was in a tense atmosphere, and the lords gathered in Rainer's tent to discuss.

Reiner stood in front of a table and waved at Fang Yao. There was a map on the table, which was taken out by Baron Belem. As a family that had ruled for hundreds of years in Babsburg, they knew the terrain near Hu. .

   "We must not go to that plain to fight the enemy! This pair will make us face an even greater disadvantage!" Rainer frowned and looked at the map in front of him carefully.

   "But, why?" A lord asked: "Where are our soldiers better able to exert their combat effectiveness, right?"

  Rainer glanced at him. He really didn't want to explain too much about the problem of mental retardation, but he glanced around and found that several lords nodded in agreement with him.

  Rainer was a little speechless, and raised his eyebrows and could only explain: "There is a huge plain with a flat river, where a large number of troops can be deployed without obstacles and then attack us!"

"And our number is not as large as Earl Zhebo. Although this can exert the greatest combat effectiveness for us, it is the same for Earl Zhebo. If there is a decisive battle, the opponent's strength will be fully utilized. !"

"And if we guard the vicinity of Babsburg, we don’t need to worry about it. Although the terrain near Babsburg is also very flat, there are at least a few small hills, which limits the enemy’s military deployment. It is absolutely impossible to send all the troops out to attack us at once!"

   "In this way, we can temporarily increase the strength of Earl Zhebo to the same number as ours. The only difference is that he has reinforcements but we don't!"

   "Plus, if they want to destroy us, they must march! Don't look at their army numbers than ours, but the food consumption rate is definitely much faster than ours!"

   Lena said, a smile gradually appeared on his face: "They absolutely can't bear to confront us for too long, so we can definitely wait for them here!"

  Sometimes it is not a good choice to put all the troops out for a full-scale decisive battle with the enemy.

   If Rainer's forces are dominant at this time, then a flat battlefield is definitely what he dreams of, but unfortunately he has a disadvantage, so he has to limit the enemy's advantage through terrain.

After hearing Rainer’s explanation, they felt that this was a bit despicable, and it was useless chivalry, but they thought that this was a life-and-death war, so they didn’t say it. Choosing to follow Rainer's opinion.

   At the same time, Rainer sent out the veteran horse archers who had been wandering outside and rushed into the tent again.

"Master Nayan, UU reading, Earl Zhebo, has appeared on the great plain six kilometers away from us. They are now camping. There are a lot of them. I guess there are tens of thousands of people, but The more than four thousand people who were added later were all merchants. Their speed was too slow to keep up with the marching speed. They waited until they camped in place to catch up!"

   They camped!

   There is such a voice in everyone's hearts. The pressure brought by Earl Zhebo is unparalleled. Now just the news of the camp has made the hearts of the lords begin to beat.

   At the same time, Earl Zhebo has already set up a camp, and they plan to stay here for one night before taking action.

   The night fell gradually, and the last ray of light also went away with the shadow of the sun. After leaving the earth, the whole continent was dark and silent, but the vicinity of Babsburg was brightly lit.

   The battalion commander of the lords was guarded very tightly, and the bonfire was lit to illuminate the surrounding area for almost one kilometer.

   Earl Zhebo is the same on either side, both sides are guarding against the other's sneak attack, for fear that they will suffer in the battle.

"Lord Earl, we might as well... do it tonight!" said a lord next to Earl Zhebo surreptitiously. He is a direct vassal of Earl Zhebo, and is completely different from the lords who took refuge in Earl Zhebo. And language.

   "No! Let's wait!" Count Zhebo has a thick short beard on his chin, which is trimmed into a shape similar to an emperor's beard. With his unangered and prestigious aura, it feels like a generation of heroes.

   "They already know our whereabouts through the **** hussars during the day, so let's just let them see how strong we are, maybe they will be scared to fight by our troops!"

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