Black Iron Crown

Chapter 138: Standoff

After hearing the words of this veteran horse archer, Rainer immediately stood up from the ground. The squire in the tent immediately began to help him put on the armor. Sir Cod and others rushed into Rainer under the notice of another squire. Among the tents.

  Rainer stood there and let him help to put on the armor. Several people looked at Renner in helmets and armors.

   "The war... is coming..." Rainer didn't explain much, just a few short words made them understand the current situation.

   "Earl Zhebo has shown up eighteen kilometers away, maybe even closer!" Reiner said, "Sir Cod, immediately let someone go and inform the other lords to gather an army!"

   Sir Cod hurried out of the tent when he got the order, and Rainer said: "Sir Valas, immediately gather all our cavalry, and you will be in charge for the time being!"

   "Sir Leyland, gather the infantry and prepare them for war immediately!"

   Two orders were issued, and they also walked out of the tent immediately.

At this time, the tent of the Morland army was gone. The soldiers were noisy and put on the armor that was properly placed, and hung their long swords from their waists. The spears were also held in their hands and rushed. Get out of your camp and assemble under the instructions of the captain.

Squads gathered to form a brigade, and finally became a phalanx. A total of 200 Sergeants Morande were neatly arranged into a phalanx, and the other armies were similar, although not as strict as theirs. , But all have formed a square matrix.

  The soldiers from the imperial family were not vegetarians either. They were all fierce pawns who followed the emperor's Eastern Expedition against the nomads a year ago. They moved very quickly to form a phalanx behind the Morland army.

   This kind of action also attracted the attention of other lord armies, but they didn't know what it was because of it, just like a monkey play watching the Morland army gather together.

   At this time, Rainer's armor was also finished, and he opened the curtain of the tent and walked out with a long sword slung on his waist and his head raised up.

His heart is very nervous, but he can't see it at all on the surface. On the contrary, he looks quite calm. He has to give other people and soldiers some confidence. If his Lord Baron feels fear, then how can they return? What courage and morale are there?

   stepped out of the tent, and saw all the troops gathered in front of Rainer's tent, waiting for his next order.

   If a person reaches all things, there is no margin. Although one-tenth of ten thousand can not reach such a level, it is still a lot. The dense crowds of people are just like this.

At this time, the camps of the other lord’s armies also began to clamor, shouting and cursing were endless. Their military discipline could almost be said to be absent. This era has never paid much attention to this thing. Although wars often occur, most of them are The battle between the little lords, the victory of the war only requires the soldiers under their command to be brave enough and strong enough. Moreover, the knights, the original professional off-duty fighters, are the main force on the battlefield, so the little lords do not pay too much attention to the formation and military discipline.

   And the high lords actually don’t have many troops under their command. Although many high lords’ armies have some decent military discipline, after all, the main battle still requires low vassal contributions.

What's more, military discipline requires a long period of training and training. The productivity of this era is extremely low. Even the lords are not very rich. The poor jingle they would rather spend the money elsewhere, such as strengthening it. Castles, or making several sets of sophisticated armors for themselves and their children, or even hosting more banquets that can improve their reputation, are not willing to spend money on military discipline training.

   It is true that many high lords know that the formation is very important in combat, but they can only achieve some formations. There is almost no military discipline and revitalization of the steel that can reach the Morand sergeants.

   Therefore, these grassroots leaders need to shout loudly, even punches and kicks, so that these soldiers can simply form a square formation to gather.

   The lords rushed to his camp immediately after receiving the news from Rainer.

   "What's the matter with Baron Rainer?"

   "Has Count Zhebo come?"

   "How did you discover Earl Zhebo?"

   "Is this news true?"

They will form a circle to enclose Lena at the innermost point, and babbled inquiries. They have gathered all the troops together. Even if they are not sure whether Lena’s news is accurate, they still choose to believe it for safety's sake. he.

"Of course! This is true!" Rainer said loudly, waiting for the group of lords to calm down before saying: "I have 30 extremely mobile light cavalry. They are very fast. For several days, they have been running a distance of 20 kilometers to explore the trail of Count Jeppe, and just now they reported to me that they had found a very large army with the flag of Jeppe’s head towards us. Come here.

   "This... how many of them are there?"

   "We must best prepare for the upcoming battle as soon as possible!"

"According to my sentinel they have about five thousand five hundred to six thousand people, and they look very well equipped. They are expected to reach Babsburg this afternoon!" Reiner did not To conceal all of this, the true strength of CCB's enemies directly told them.

   Now everyone has the arrow on the string and has to send it. At this point, no one will really turn back. Now telling them that Earl Zhebo is so strong will make them fight back.

   "This...this is terrible!"

   "What to do? This is not a quantity we can compete with!"

   "I...I think we should be guarded in Babsburg!"

  Rainer stated the strength of Count Zhebo, almost all the lord was pessimistic.

   "Everyone!" Rainer yelled loudly, and the lords who had been babbling about their opinions suddenly calmed down to see what Rainer said.

   "Indeed! Count Zhebo has assembled a very large army and is walking towards us. To be honest, I am not very confident that I can defeat him!"

   "But!" Rainer raised his voice again, interrupted the lords who wanted to comment again, and then said: "I know that you did not succumb to Earl Zeppa not only because of your loyalty to the royal family!"

  Leiner said these words, the lords could not help but blush. This incident is clearly known to everyone, but now Liner stabbed it out, which made their faces uncomfortable.

Lehner didn't care what they thought, and then said: "Since you have various reasons and did not join him under the wooing of Count Jeppa, then we are not in common with him at this time. Dai Tian’s enemy! There will be no such thing as being captured and paying the ransom in this battle!"

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