Black Iron Crown

Chapter 123: Xingshi asks crimes

   "Brother! Isn't this too much of your approach!" The first thing Wende did when he returned to the castle was to rush into Lena's study, frowning angrily and shouting to his brother.

"What happened? Didn't I allow you to fight on the battlefield? What is your attitude?" Rainer was also slightly angry about this. He has satisfied him, and he actually sent a message to himself as his brother. Temper, asking himself, Rainer thinks he is not bad to this younger brother, and he treats himself like that now.

"Yes, you did allow me to go to the battlefield, but what did you do on the battlefield? What did your soldiers do on the battlefield? Do you know all of this?" Rumbarre still doesn’t care about Lena’s anger. Yelled.

  Rainer was very upset, and said, "Then you are telling me, what did I do? What did my soldiers do?"

   "They are simply a group of villains who do no evil! Their behavior can be called the devil! This is simply not a person who has the status of a knight, but a person who values ​​the glory of a knight can do something!"

"They burn, kill, and looting in the forest! They kill the enemy men and I have nothing to say. They kill the captives who wish to surrender, I don't say anything, but they slaughter the elderly, women and children indiscriminately! It's simply not something that one person can do!"

  "Women held their children and cry desperately to them, begging them not to kill their children, but they were still ruthlessly crossing the bodies of children and women with their blood-stained swords!"

"Old people want to protect women and children, but only cold swords greet them! When I saw the swords go through their bodies, the women showed their dissatisfaction and self-blame for their children. I saw the children. There was fear and attachment to the mother in those innocent eyes. "I also saw the hatred and hideous expressions on the faces of those old people!" "

Little Wende got more and more excited as he talked, and violently bullied and looked at the brother in front of him. This person who worshipped people in the past and was called a **** in his heart turned out to be such a murderous person, his hands covered with blood. Tyrant, slayer, devil!

   This is almost a kind of anger caused by the collapse of faith, and he has nowhere to vent, he can only run in front of his brother to inquire.

  Rainer's anger subsided after hearing this. He looked at Little Wend's face that had become flushed with excitement, and said, "Is it just that?"

   "That's it?" Little Wende asked incredulously: "Isn't this enough to make people feel scared? They are simply...!"

  His intonation became higher and higher, but before he could finish speaking, Rainer interrupted him: "Listen to me!"

"Look at me!" Reiner said hardly. The last male host of the Merland family, Reiner and Little Wend's father, died when Wend was seven or eight years old. As the saying goes, the eldest brother Like a father, Reiner, as the oldest eldest son in the family, of course has to bear the responsibility of disciplining and educating Little Wende.

   After hearing the bad tone of his brother, Wende was also a little frightened. He lowered his eyebrows and looked at Lena's chest, not daring to look directly at him.

   "I ask you, have you seen that huge Jingguan?" Rainer asked lightly.

   "Yes..." At the mention of this, Little Wende's tone became even more low. Of course he saw the Jingguan and was very impressed by the building made of human tissue.

   But the cruelty behind it made Little Wend dare not think about it, and subconsciously ignored it.

   But now, Rainer brought up the matter on his own initiative.

   "That Jingguan is probably dried up now!" Rainer seemed to be asking little Wende, or talking to himself.

   "Wind, you should know that our northern lords have to pay a heavy price to face the plunder of the clad people every year!" Rainer said to Wend in a slow tone.

   "Those clads want to burn our village, smash or take away the hard-built property of our residents, they must hide in the castle to escape!"

"Who brought all this? You know!" Reiner said, "It's those **** Klads! If it weren't for their so many numbers that we couldn't resist, how could we pay such a price!" "

   "What I did! I didn't want to satisfy my inner desires, you know, your brother is not a devil who takes pleasure in murder! I am also a person! A compassionate and compassionate person!"

   "But what can I do!" Rainer said sadly and sadly: "My first lord of the north is the ruler of the entire Fort Morand!"

   "My residents trust me! They follow me! They love me! They pay taxes for me willingly, and join my army willingly. I can only consider whether their lives are rich and safe!"

   "Those aliens! Those clads! They are hostile to me! Hostile to my citizens! They make the lives of my citizens more and even face the danger of their lives!"

   "As a Redka, as the ruler of Fort Morand in the north, and the master of thousands of people, shouldn't I think about them?"

"Those kids! When they grow up, they will become clad men who plunder southward! In the future, their hands will be stained with countless blood! That is the blood of our leader, our group of Redka people. !"

   "And those women! If those women are left, they will give birth to more children to kill our residents and plunder our territories, they will be the producers of our enemies!"

   "As for the old people, every one of them was contaminated with the blood of our people, our fellow Redkas, when they were young! Shouldn't they pay the price for their crimes?"

Lena said viciously, got up from his chair and walked to the side of Little Wende, held his shoulder and said softly: "I just want to prevent our residents and territories from being plundered by these people in the future. Work hard! I hope our territory will become better!"

"As for the life and death of the Klads, I don’t care, because I am the lord of the Redkas and the nobles of the Redkas. Our Merland family has always been a prominent surname among the Redkas. I have nothing to do with the clad people, some are just hatred! I only care whether my Redka citizens are living well, whether they will go hungry, whether they are safe living here! This is me Considered!"

Lai’an said to Little Wend heartily, “And the Klads will only be my enemy! For the enemy, all we have to do is to hit and hit, slaughter, and slaughter again! This is what the Lord Redka did for What you should do to expand the living space of your own people!"

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