Black Iron Crown

Chapter 122: Mop up again

  Rainer is in a very bad mood recently. The shadow of Count Zhebo is like a sharp sword hanging high above his head. No one knows when this deadly sword will fall.

Looking at the intelligence documents that Logan submits to him every day, this is what Reiner must do, but this information is not exhaustive. After all, his spy organization has just been formed, and it can only provide information on Morland County. Complete control, for other places, it is only possible to detect major events.

   It is estimated that it will take a long time for intelligence personnel to penetrate into such a realm in order to achieve everything that intelligence sources have.

  Even though he was looking at some superficial intelligence every day, Rainer still read every file carefully, at least from this, you can see what Earl Zhebo is doing.

He doesn’t worry that Earl Zhebo will be able to carry out a raid on his territory within a few hours like other little lords. Mekalong City is hundreds of kilometers away from the Morland Army. Don't even want to attack yourself for seven or eight days or even ten days.

   Sure enough, the other lords in the north are not all wine bags and rice bags. Some of them also received the same information as Rainer.

   Some nobles who are loyal to the royal family and whose interests are completely tied to the royal family have directly sent an alliance letter to Leiner, hoping to form an alliance with Leiner to fight against the offensive of Earl Zeppel.

   These people are similar to Rainer, all of them are lords who are closer to the north. The lords in the south are more affected due to the distance from Earl Zhebo, and almost most of them have been invested in the other side.

Right now, the number of barons who received the letter from Reiner has reached as many as fifteen people, which relieved Reiner’s nervous mood a little. Encirclement, if the other northern lords were willing to unite, then it would not be impossible to fight against Earl Zhebo.

   For this reason, Reiner specially held a banquet, a banquet to discuss alliance matters. He sent out more than 50 invitations, all of which were lords in the north who were loyal to the royal family and had not yet taken refuge in Earl Zeppa.

   At this time, Rainer's army also entered the dense forests of the north for a second sweep. There is at least one month before the invasion of Earl Zeppa, and this time is enough for Rainer to expand his army again.

   In addition, Rainer didn't have too many requirements, as long as they could come back before the war and score more than five hundred points of merit, it was enough.

Both Little Wend and Lombard participated in this battle. He believed that there would be no too much danger in the battle with so many powerful system arms, so he was relieved of the two, especially Little Wend, who was just fourteen this year. .

   The invitation has been sent out for several days, and the banquet will be officially held in seven days. This is the day he has carefully selected. Even the lord who is the furthest from Morandburg can arrive here within seven days.

   Time flies quickly, like an off-string sharp arrow, there is no hope of turning back. Listening to the system's merit-point reminder sounded again and again, Rainer knew that the battle in the forest was going smoothly.

"My Lord Baron, almost all the materials we need for the banquet are ready. This is the list of the materials we sent to Mecalon City to buy secretly. I believe the invited nobles will be very satisfied with this banquet. Yes!" Sir Cod handed a list to Rainer. For this banquet Rainer paid 20 gold coins. If it weren't for the income of selling equipment, it would have been too long.

   Nodded, Reiner took a cursory glance at the list and said: "Okay, I see, let people prepare it. This banquet is very important, and it is related to our future survival!"

  Sir Cod nodded and left the room to set up the matter, while Rainer continued to review the papers on the desk.

Some time ago, he hoped to use human traffickers to obtain a large number of people from the empire to increase productivity, but who expected this to happen, Earl Zhebo directly blocked the business road leading to the interior of the empire, and human traffickers didn’t even think about being able to come. To the north.

   Therefore, Rainer's plan can only be temporarily shelved. Until the matter of Earl Zhebo is resolved, it is estimated that there is no major business dealings with the interior of the empire.

In the boreal forest at this time, Sir Varas is leading a large number of troops to sweep through the jungle. The powerful system arms can be said to be invincible, especially the Scarlet Griffin Rebel and Winter Crossbowmen, who played in this war. Played a huge role.

  The clads assembled will often collapse completely under a volley of the Winter crossbowmen. The crossbows they hold are not ordinary goods, but extremely powerful crossbows.

   The effective killing range can reach more than 400 meters, and it can shoot through a layer of heavy armor within 100 meters. Basically, as long as the Klads shot by them have absolutely no hope of survival.

The same goes for the Scarlet Griffon followers. UU Reading doesn’t wear too much armor. They only have a layer of lightweight leather chain armor. They are very agile, coming and going like the wind chasing the Clades. Often they shouldn't have taken a few steps, and they would be chased down to the ground one by one by the followers.

  Leiner gave them the order that the chickens and dogs should not be old or weak. Whenever they pass a Klad camp, they will kill all the people in the camp, including the old people and children.

   Little Wende was still a little unacceptable about this incident at first, which was seriously inconsistent with the chivalry and chivalry he had imagined. In his opinion, only men were killed, while women, children and old people should be let go.

   I have to say that his fighting skills have reached the standard for being able to go on the battlefield, but his psychological quality is far from mature.

   After all, even Rumbarre is in favor of this. Although he is also very unbearable when he sees all this, he can understand the meaning of this approach.

In this way, Little Wende frowned along the way. When he saw these powerful soldiers loyal to his brothers slaughter the enemy indiscriminately, he was very depressed. He tried to stop but was Sir Varas prevaricates back with the excuse that this is the order of Lord Baron.

   Qing smashed three Klad camps, and got a total of more than 800 merit points, and it was the date when Lena let them return, and Little Wende returned to the castle with full of thoughts.

  Since the clads basically did not fight them head-on, they collapsed under the firing of the Winter crossbowmen, so they were basically fighting a rout.

  Only five Scarlet Griffon retinues suffered minor injuries and serious injuries to varying degrees due to accidents on the battlefield.


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