Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2473: Don't pretend to be a ghost in front of Chen!

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This vocal is here!

But the figure did not appear!

"Are there any top three or two of these three?"

"It is these three people who are waiting for Zu Kunlun Palace!"

"Shall we... withdraw first?"

The disciples of Linglong Sword Palace were surprised, and then showed a timid look. They thought that the man and the woman were mistakenly entered into the world of the palace master, but as soon as the palace master's voice sounded, the identity of the three people was confirmed!

Among the men and women, are there any pounds or two in the list!


How could this be beaten!

Although the palace master has stepped into the supremacy!

With the exquisite heart and exquisite sword palace, a world is formed!

Even if it dominates this world at this moment!

But it should be impossible to suppress the top of the top list and the second list!

Disciple of Linglong Sword Palace!

At this moment is the first timid without war!

"That... Sister Yan is not on the second list... um... it seems that it should not be..."

Beside Chen Zheng, Lan Ling said cautiously, equivalent to asking and answering questions. She all heard a little puzzled. How could these disciples of Linglong Sword Palace suddenly mention the top two in the list. Isn't it just the uncle who is the leader here?

I am definitely not the second list!

Then only Yan sister is left!


Sister Yan is the fourth disciple of Uncle's life!

It seems to be inferior to Yan Luo, the three disciples!

Yanluo has not yet entered the supremacy!

Sister Yan, as a four-disciplinary disciple, shouldn't be able to reach the second place!

"How could I be the top two on the list." Yan Nu shook her head gently, swept this side of the world, and then smiled and said: "Lunlong Immortal Venerable Kunlun, it seems that he is afraid of the Master, and he is late. Appeared and wanted to use this world to trap Master."

"Humph! Who said this seat is afraid!"


Zu Kunlun responded with a voice!


next moment!

A figure appeared!


More than one!

But thousands of ways!

All are exactly the same!


"Why so many palace masters!"

"Mr. Palace Lord!"

The disciple of Linglong Sword Palace was stunned first, and then quickly saluted. Although puzzled in heart, perceivable, these tens of thousands of palace masters seemed to be the main body, not a fake body separated by any secret method!

Palace Master!

Don’t just come back from the ancient God Mountain!

Could it be that an ancient and powerful magic weapon was borrowed!

"You do this trick?"

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.

"You invite Linglong Xianzun out, you will see my real trick!"

Thousands of ancestors Kunlun spoke!

It's exactly the same!

It's exactly the same!

Every one is an ontology under perception!

Blue Ling frowned, she could not tell, which one was true and which was false!

In fact, at this moment, don't say that she can't tell, even if it's the Yan girl who has merged the strange magic weapon of the heavens and the earth, she can't tell which one is true and which is false!

This surprised Yan Nu. The two bizarre magic weapons that she merged, glanced at the supernatural beings of a general level, and at a glance, she could see through the secrets of her practice, the years of existence, what cards she had, etc. Zu Kunlun's real body and fake body!


Not inseparable!

It was Zu Kunlun's magic weapon that made thousands of them out!


If it was made!

It should be able to tell right!

"The little master didn't understand the concept of multi-dimensional and multi-dimensional, so that a doubt came into being at once. This guy used a special magic weapon to pull him all the other dimensions. This is not a fake, any one is true. Body is just controlled by his real body in this dimension."

Suspiciously, there was a voice in Yan Nu's mind suddenly. Yan Nu was slightly startled, and then knew that this was the voice of Master's magic weapon.

Although it is still not fully understood, but vaguely understand something, it is no wonder that the singular magic weapon of their own fusion can not distinguish the true and false of these ancestors Kunlun, because there is no true and false at all, only true.

These ancestors Kunlun are all real bodies!

Then the question is coming!

Is there another master in another dimension!

" the level of the master, it is already multi-dimensional and diverse, and there is no real body of the master in other dimensions, only the legend of the master or something left by the master, such as some kind of inheritance. The last time the owner met a bald head, the guy named King Feng, what he got was that the master stayed in another time and space inheritance, and the flesh was also detached."

The sound of Ji Ling sounded again, and this sound was the sound of Macross Roulette, which also sounded in the minds of Chen Zheng and Yan Nu. As for the Blue Spirit, it was temporarily thrown aside by its selectivity. It believes that the current state of the Blue Spirit cannot understand these.

"So Zu Kunlun's real body in time and space did not show up?"

Yan Nu whispered.


Aside, Blue Spirit is a little ignorant!


The disciples of Linglong Sword Palace were also a little ignorant after the reaction. Many of them thought of the Linglong Immortal Venerable mentioned in the sentence just mentioned by Zu Kunlun!

Isn't Zun Kunlun Palace Master Linglong Immortal Lord?

Why should this young man invite Linglong Xianzun?

Is it!

Zu Kunlun Palace Master is not a real exquisite fairy!


At this time, Chen Zheng shouted casually, a fairy flashed, and a girl appeared!


In this world!

All creatures stared at me!

"Huh? This sister hasn't seen it before, this sister is so cute, let the sister squeeze your little face!"

Lan Ling's eyes lit up at a glance, and he would go to the girl's face with a smile!


Fairy light flashes!

The girl turned into a woman!



Peerless and independent!

Lan Ling's hand stopped in midair, looking at the woman in front of her, and couldn't help thinking of his mother, when he secretly said when he would grow up, to be as attractive as his mother and the woman in front of her!

"Linglong Xianzun, my teacher, come back to the world you created, you should feel a lot at this moment!"


Thousands of ancestors Kunlun said with a smile!

The disciple of Linglong Sword Palace shook!

I already understood at this moment!

It turns out that the ancestor of Kunlun Palace is not Linglong Immortal Venerable!

The peerless woman in front of me is the real exquisite fairy!

No wonder!

No wonder there are some womanish things in Linglong Sword Palace!

I thought it was a special hobby of the ancestor of Kunlun Palace!

Now I realize that it is left by the real owner of Linglong Sword Palace!

"My teacher, why didn't you speak because you lost control of Linglong's heart, or because I was so puzzled to see so much reality that I didn't know what to say?

My teacher, you were defeated in the first era, even if there is Chen Zu, who is at the top of the list, you can't regain the exquisite heart.

I took some of the things you left, and borrowed a very special magic weapon from the ancient God Mountain. The magic power of that magic weapon can't be broken. "

Thousands of ancestors Kunlun laughed again!

The girl's peerless woman's face is cold and silent!



Chen Zheng lifted his right hand and snapped a snap finger. Thousands of ancestors Kunlun were wiped out in smoke. This quiet heaven and earth-like world fell apart in an instant!


Then I heard another tear!

I saw a crystal clear water drop appearing in the void air!

Among the drops of water!

There is a figure!

That is also an ancestor Kunlun!


this moment!

Zun Kunlun in the water droplets panicked!

"You...this...the first **** of the eternal God Mountain can't lie to this **** bead comes from outside the sky, can cover all breath, hide all breath, is the Hongmeng robbery master I can’t detect it. How could you...!”

Zu Kunlun in the water drops is really panic!


Chen Zheng smiled faintly, with a finger pointing at the water droplets, the water droplets fluctuated, and the ancestor Kunlun in the water droplets was rushed out by a force. His person was flying backwards, in shock, the flesh and soul were extinguished!

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