Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2472: Linglong Heart

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"The six ancient gods of Tenjinzuka fell, and hereby tells the world of Taixu!"


When a deep and thick voice resounded from the palm of the heavens and the whole Taihu!

The creatures in Taixu looked up at the sky fiercely!


No list above!

The eleventh to sixteenth place just now!

The six supernatural beings with the surname Emperor disappeared!

Six Supreme Beings have been removed!


"Whose means!"

"Lying trough! This is terrible! These six ancient gods must have been the supreme beings of the Tenjinzuka. They were repaired as a surge, and the six ancient gods occupied the eleventh to sixteenth places on the top list, but this Nima was wiped out in a blink of an eye! Who is who and who killed the six ancient gods! Could it be that the immortal dragon is soaring, and the elder dragon has reached the seventh place on the list, is it just right? Take the Tianshenzuo!"





Some people have already guessed the emotion!

But most of them are trembling!

Fear of the unknown!

"My ancestor Kunlun, waiting for you in Linglong Sword Palace, is also the time to make a break!"

Between the silent speculation of the creatures of the palm heaven domain, a ruthless voice sounded and spread throughout the palm heaven domain!


The creatures of the palm heaven domain heard this voice!

First amazed!

Then follow the prestige!

Shennian probe!

I saw a sword palace ghost appearing in the north!

This seems to be that exquisite sword palace!

and so!

The voice just now was that of Linglong Sword Respector Kunlun!

Who is Zu Kunlun fighting?

Or is it that the person who is about to fight is the man of the six ancient gods!

"Linglong Sword Palace is here!"

"Linglong Xianzun Linglong Sword Zun, whether it is Xianzun or Sword Zun, is his ancestor Kunlun anyway! Zun Kunlun is now out of the top 20 of the list, but I have a hunch that his cultivation will improve madly. The place on the list will skyrocket!"

"Zu Kunlun, the ancient creature who survived in the first era... Um? What is that... How is that phantom like an atrium... Turtle! Linglong fairy Zun seems to have sacrificed an ancient soul's atrium, this is this preparation for formation or...huh? Linglong Sword Palace seems to have turned into a world, this is to invite Did the warfare enter the world?"

"Look, the name of Zu Kunlun on the top list disappeared, and the world seems to be separated from Taixu!"

" if Zun Kunlun was really destroying the souls of Tenjinzu at the moment of the battle, and that must also be a supreme being, then this supreme being is really in battle, and he has gone. In the heaven and earth transformed by that atrium, its name will surely disappear from the top list! as long as we stare at the top list, we can know who destroyed the Tenjinzuka, right? !"

All kinds of exclamations!

Someone soon thought of it!

God moved!

Communication with God!

Many Taoist creatures are shocked!

At this moment, I focused on the top list!

Stare at the name change on the top list!

at the same time!

Deep in Scale Abyss!

"This ancestor Kunlun... the uncle about the battle... but the name disappeared from the top list, so this is intentional, and I want the world to know that the person who destroys the **** mound is the uncle. ..... Uh... Although Uncle hasn’t said that, Uncle is actually the top of the list, right..."

Lan Ling watched Chen Zheng receive the fragments of the ring of the epoch, and heard the sound of Zu Kunlun's appointment, and then started subconsciously.

"Only a few people in the world know that Master is the top of the list, and some guys who know that Master is the top of the list also want to kill the Master, such as the Emperor Dragon Emperor. Those guys did not make the Master’s identity public, probably those guys. I know that few people will believe, after all, the Master's mana cultivation is very different from the top of the world's imagination.

Of course, it is not important for the master to reveal his identity. This ancestor Kunlun transformed a world with a mysterious atrium, which should be to raise his own strength to the extreme to fight against the master, otherwise he really has no courage. "

Yan Nu smiled.

"Scan picture? Sister Yan, what does scan picture specifically mean?"

Lan Ling froze and asked.

"Sweeping is the meaning of sweeping, the picture is one domain, one domain, such as Taixu's palm domain, such as the entire Taixu one domain."

Yan Nu explained.


When Lan Ling heard it, he blinked again and again, combined with what he saw recently, and suddenly realized!


Scan the word!

Really enough!

Uncle kills the enemy!

Seems to be all spikes!

The Master of the Mountain Robbery!

That day God Gago!

The most pinnacle state has reached the fifth place on the list!

But they were all killed by Uncle Sword!

"Zu Kunlun is going to make a break with me, it should be Linglong making a break with him."

At this moment Chen Zheng's eyes closed back under the scales, and he laughed a little, and at the moment when the blue spirit revealed the color of doubt, the infinite secret of time was displayed, and the three people silently entered the isolation of Zun Kunlun's mysterious atrium. In the world!


"Lying trough!"

"There are changes on the list!"

"My God!"

"The names of the top and the second list disappeared, this and this... so is it the top of the list and the second list that destroyed the Tenjinzuka? At the moment, the top and the second list are in the mysterious world transformed by the Linglong Sword Palace Yet!"

"The first place in the list is Chen Zheng, the second place in the list is thirteen, all mysterious, and I don't know what the first place list looks like now!"

"I can't stand it. I'm going to the world where Zu Kunlun turned it out. I want to know what the leaderboard and leaderboard look like!"

Among the Taixu!

Countless exclaimed!

This is really terrifying!

Many creatures in the palm heaven domain are driven by extreme curiosity!

Use various means to plunge into the mysterious world transformed by Zun Kunlun!


Before the mysterious world!

I found it impossible to get in!



Can only sigh!


These creatures did not leave!

These creatures stayed!

Staring at the mysterious world!

There is a glimmer of hope!

That is, although it is impossible to enter this mysterious world at this moment!

But this battle should end soon!

Once Zukunlun was defeated!

This mysterious world will definitely disappear!

When the time comes, I have the opportunity to see the top and top two!

Many creatures stared at the mysterious world, and in the mysterious world, the disciples of Linglong Sword Palace stared at Chen Zheng. When they saw a man and two women silently entering the isolated world of the palace master with their exquisite heart, It was all startled!

I thought this was the man who the palace owner was fighting for!

Take a closer look!

This man and two women!

The strongest is the three ring master majors!

This is certainly not the kind of person waiting for such a big battle under the palace master!


It stands to reason!

The era overlord of the three-ring overlord should not be able to enter!

and so!

For a while!

Somewhat uncertain!

"Three... How did you get in?"

Someone asked in a deep voice!


Just asked!

A sword rang in this mysterious world!

Then a cold and ruthless voice sounded!

"This is Linglong's Since you have already come, please give her her reincarnation! You killed my child, I have occupied her Linglong Sword Palace, together today Come and make a break!"

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