Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2335: Fairy in the past

The 2332th chapter in the past robbery day fairy (five more)


"Dragon Lord of the Six Desire Realms should have fallen, and hereby tell the Taixu Kingdom!"

The deep and deep voice resounded from Taixu!

"Another supreme fell?"

"Since the Nima has appeared on the list, at least five of them have fallen?"

"Before the Taixu has not entered the supreme age, before there was only the overlord list in the Taixu, there was no overlord. This is how Nima entered the supreme age, how to override the supreme soul above the overlord. The sky is falling!"


Many creatures were shocked by the crazy rise of the dragon master's fantasy ranking!

Even squeezed the Emperor Dragon Emperor Yang!


It's been a while since I stayed in the eleventh position on the top list!

"Wait! There is a six-desire robbery in the top ten of the overlord list. Will this be related to the fall of the dragon master!"

Some creatures suddenly noticed a little bit!

"Six desires to rob the Lord!"

"Have another robbery recovered!"

"It was the Cang Qing robbery!"

Soon more and more creatures went to explore the overlord list, and found this. It could not help thinking of the fact that the name of the previous Cang Qing robbery boarded the overlord list. There was almost a sense of self-prediction, which must be related!

And in the ancient deep pit of the fallen sky city, the monk fallen into the sky came back to God, but when watching a magic dragon suddenly appeared, this magic dragon swallowed all the real blood of the giant black dragon body that the dragon master should illusion. After turning into a gloomy fly into Chen Zhengmei's heart, one by one!

This Nima!

That dragon!

What is the situation!

Why is it a bit like the Emperor Demon Dragon!

"Senior Chen...what is the origin...Six desires to rob the Lord to respect him, just now that the dragon that swallowed the blood of the Dragon Lord should be like... again like the pole The Vanguard Dragon... Senior Chen... This is really scary!"

In the hall of the Qin Mansion in the Fallen City, an elder of the Qin family trembled.

"The big shocking people...not my speculative characters..."

The owner of the Qin family was full of emotion. At this moment, looking at the back of the sky outside the city, I felt a little trance for a moment. I saw all the dreams today. Who can think of the first person Dragon Lord of Liuyutian, who is one of the immortal ninth realm The sword was cut.

At the moment, as soon as I think of the sentence that Senior Chen just said,'You are dead when you look at you right away', you feel that the blood in your body is boiling. This sentence at first sounds like a arrogant language, but you can see the sword killing the dragon master. Only then did I realize that this sentence was not a arrogant language, and this sentence really sentenced the dragon to life and death!


At this time!

The woman in palace dress, that is, the Six Desire Robbers, opened her eyes!


The monk fell into the sky and stared at him quickly!


Sixth Epoch Tribulation!

The legendary Six Desire Tribulation Lord is in sight!

This is a rare opportunity!

"Part of the power was recovered, and the mana reluctantly returned to the level of epoch overlords. When the sixth year was the peak, it was only a little stronger than the ten ring overlords, and it was less than half a step away. That is to say, the world is now called the supremacy. It seems that the host still has to run a few more times in this realm before Xiaoliu can return to its peak. However, Xiaoliu’s fortune lotus seeds are eaten by his master, and the kid’s mana can return to the peak. Without the forged lotus seeds as a shield, it should also be It’s not as good as the six peak days in the sixth era."

The woman in palace dress looked at Chen Zheng softly.

little six?


The Six-Looking Lord claimed to be Xiaoliu in front of this one!

and many more!

The lotus seeds were eaten!

The forged lotus seeds of the Six Desire Robbers were eaten by this one!

This, this!

Isn't this the only way to control the lotus seeds in this world!

Regardless of whether it is the Holy Emperor, God, God, Demon Lord and the like, no matter what situation it is, does not mean that as long as you touch the chemical lotus seeds, you will suffer a terrible infestation!

According to rumors, the emperor fell once, and the one fell in the ninth era. The reason was that when the emperor wanted to cut off the ninth era, the Cangqing robbery, he pretended to make a lotus seed. When he touched the emperor, he fell. Can be reincarnated!

As strong as the emperor, he will fall when he encounters the chemical lotus seed. Does this man swallow the chemical lotus seed in front of him? Isn't this one stronger than the emperor more than one level!

The monks who fell into the sky, especially the son of Jinyi in the restaurant, his eyes widened again to the extreme!

"The synthetic lotus seeds are good, but on another level, they are also prisoners. I swallowed your artificial lotus seeds, which is equivalent to breaking the prisoners and unlocking your shackles. Without the shackles, you can climb higher. ."

Chen Zheng said with a smile.


Liu Yu robbed Chen Zheng with a white glance, his body flashed, turned back to the little girl, and then Huaguang flew into Chen Zheng's eyebrows.


And the monk who fell into the sky was numb again, and at this moment all his hearts were turned upside down!

In front of this one!

I just said you!

Not you!

You must refer to the Six Desire Tribes!

And you must refer to more than one person!



Did you swallow more than one chemical lotus seed!

This Nima!

Why do you feel this casually speaking!

The information revealed is so shocking!





The three masters of the ancient family, the Xuan family, and the Li family fell from the midair above the fallen city, and now fell on the head of the city, kneeling at Chen Zheng!


Three people dare to open their mouths!

Chen Zheng easily wipe it!

The three masters kneeling on the head of the city are as gray as clay sculptures!


Monk in the sky!

At this moment all necks shrank back!

Ancient home!

Xuan Family!

Li Family!

People from these three big families!

Instantly faceless!



"Why do big guys like you care about your juniors?"

And at this moment, a slight sigh sounded!

Who is this!

The monk looked down in the sky!

I saw a white fluttering fairy wind bones appeared!

Who is this!

More than 90% of monks were surprised!

"In the past, the robber... Tianxianzi!"

The young man in Jinyi at the restaurant glanced at the Taoist, and the flash of cold flashed in his eyes, shouting the Taoist identity in his heart!

"Big man?" Chen Zheng glanced at the Dao Ren, then asked the Dao Ren with a chuckle: "Don't say what big man is not big man first, if I drive the carriage through the street, someone jumps out and touches porcelain, and I still have to grieve after touching porcelain Extortion, what do you think I should do?"


The monk who fell into the sky showed his thoughts!

"This..." The Taoist pondered for a moment, then whispered: "From the perspective of old age, if the person who touches the porcelain is forced to come out to touch the porcelain, and the lord is a big person, then giving alms can be regarded as doing Good deeds."


When the monk fell into the sky, he raised his and showed his thoughts again. It seemed reasonable to say that this man said it!

"It's good for the weak in this world and the bullied. It's more than a million. You old folks don't help them. How come you jump out and talk to the ancient, Xuan, and Li families at this time?"

Chen Zheng asked again.

"This...the old age just happened."

The Taoist murmured back.

"What about those people you haven't met? What do they do? Are they not worth your help, or do they not help?"

Chen Zheng asked again.


The Taoist opened his mouth, and for a moment he was speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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