Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2334: You are gone when you look at you!

Chapter 2331 You are gone when you look at you! (Four more)

"Six desires to rob the Lord!"

"Meet the Sixth Robber!"

"Well see Lord Lord!"

Falling into the heavenly city, the ground cried loudly, and instantly there were countless shouts. The creatures in the city hardly kneeled or lowered their heads!

"Six desires to rob the Lord..."

The old man who had been to Fanhu in Qin Fu opened his mouth at the moment, and his knees fell to his knees when his legs were soft! The head of the Qin family also took a deep breath, and all paid respect and respect!

Six desire to rob the Lord!

This is really the Six Desire Tribulation Lord!

Who can think of it!

The Six Desire Tribulation Master was even among Senior Chen's Yuanshen!

And the most amazing thing!

Just now, when Liu Yu wanted to show up, he called Senior Chen as his master!



The supreme being who created the era!

That is the supreme existence in a century!

Even if the sixth era is broken!

But the sixth robbery is still the supreme existence of this world!

Such creatures!

You will recognize others as the master!

"Six desires... Lord of the Tribulation!" In the shattered temple, the dragon master should grind his teeth and read four words. At this moment, he stared at the kimono woman who had recovered the shadow and closed his eyes. After a short silence, The corner of his mouth lifted slightly, revealing a smile of evil: "What if you are the Six Desire Robbers, you have recovered the power in the ancient temple, and you have only recovered to the level of the Seventh Ring Overlord, and you think you are relying on the Lord Breath can scare this seat! Why is this seat also supreme? Besides, this seat is also stepping on the black heavenly lotus! Six desires to rob the Lord, right, since you are willing to fall down , Then you really don’t deserve any awe, this seat wants to take you as a slave! Haha! This seat takes the sixth robbery master as a slave, and then announces to the Taixu world, even the creatures of the other big domains, even Taihuang, Tai Xuan Zhili, also envy this seat!"


Between laughter!

Dragon Lord Ying Huan raised his hand to the Six Desire Robbers suspended beside Chen Zheng is a catch!

A great force came!


The creatures in the sky are shocked!

Dragon Lord Ying Huan really dared to shoot!



The Dragon Lord should be in this ancient secret!

It is indeed the highest cultivation!


After all, he is the real thing!

The sixth robbery major is not yet restored!

Can the sixth robbery stop it!

"Senior Chen..."

In Qin's house, the Qin family lord shouted subconsciously, and the Qin family was full of worry. The dragon lord should magically add the strange black heavenly lotus, I am afraid it is not so easy...


The Qin family's up and down thoughts just popped up!

A slap suddenly sounded outside the sky city!


Between everyone stunned!

The dragon master who stepped on the black lotus in front of the ruins of the ancient temple was illusory. His person suddenly flew out diagonally and crashed into the cliff on the left!


Ancient concussion!

This huge underground secret hole bursts!




Focus on the humanoid hole that the dragon master Yinghuan smashed on the cliff wall!

Scary cracks appeared on the cliff!


what's going on!

The crowd blinked wildly for a while, then subconsciously withdrew their gazes and looked towards Chen Zheng, just to see Chen Zheng's raised hand slowly fall!

Isn't it!

This Nima!

The slap just now!

This, this!

The monk was stunned in the sky!

The three masters of the ancient family, the Xuan family, and the Li family, with a sudden throat agitation, reacted violently and instantly looked ashamed!


All underestimated this young man!


This young man is stronger than Dragon Lord Ying Huan!

Even if the dragon master should magically step on the black heavenly lotus!


In the cave-shaped cave!

A figure came out!

Dragon Lord should be magic!

This is the Dragon Lord's response!

He had a terrible face, and stared at Chen Zheng fiercely. A black gas rose from his body. Between the twisting of his head, a human head became a terrible black dragon head!


Just listen to Long Yin!

The dragon master should magically transform the whole person into a huge black dragon!

It swallowed the black sky lotus with one open mouth!

There was an ancient black lotus pattern on the already huge body of the black dragon, and its breath suddenly rose, more than doubled than before!


The monk instinctively shrunk his neck in the fallen city. At this moment, he didn’t dare to look at the dragon master’s response. He only felt one more look, as if the Yuanshen would be crushed into nothingness by the horror divine power!

Dragon Lord should be magic!

It should be in the top 20 of the list at this moment!

"Nothing on the list... Eleven... Actually surpassed the Emperor Demon Dragon Emperor... The dragon master after engulfing the black sky **** lotus, was unexpectedly out of twenty It’s the eleventh place on the’s terrible!"

Falling into the Tiancheng restaurant, the son of Jinyi trembled and took out a jade plate, cast a secret method, explored the top list at the moment, and then his body was shaking!


"No. 11 on the list!"

"Dragon Lord Yingxuan actually killed the eleventh!"

When the people around me heard it, the body was trembling and exclaimed involuntarily!

This exclaimed!

Almost all the monks in the fallen city heard it!

The body is also shocked!


Can you beat it!

At this moment, the dragon master should be ranked eleventh on the list!

Can this really be played!


"Congratulations to Lord Dragon!"

"Master He Xilong!"

The three masters of the ancient family, the Xuan family, and the Li family were stunned for a moment, and then showed their ecstasy!

No. 11 on the list!

At this moment, Master Long's cultivation behavior!

No matter how weird the young man is, it won't help!

no doubt!

The next will be absolute strength crushing!

"Are you finally looking at this seat with your eyes right now, you continue to ignore this seat, why don't you ignore this seat as before!"

A huge black dragon, a pair of dull dragon eyes staring at Chen Zheng extremely fiercely, opening his mouth is ruthlessly asking!

"You were already dead when I looked at you squarely."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently.



This sentence!

What does it mean!


How does this sentence feel more humiliating than disdain to look at people!

More crazy!

More proud!


Everyone stay!

The next moment reacted!


It was also at this moment that the huge black dragon roared, which was so extreme that the body of the black dragon was killed with the power of terror!



The Dragon Lord should be moved!

Just listen to Jianming!

I saw a ghost sword shadow flashed by!

A black dragon head skull flew out!

"Do not!"

In the skull of the black dragon head, a primordial spirit emerged, this is the primordial **** that the dragon master should be magical! At this moment, there is no more grim, only fear is left at this moment, this moment seems to be awake!

"Let me go!"

"I am the Lord of the Dragon, I am the Lord of the Black Dragon!"

"Behind me stand the past You can't cut me, you cut me is offending the past robbery!"

"Do not!"


The last roar!

It is a pity to lose the horror deterrent before!

There is only endless panic in the last roar!


The Dragon Lord should destroy the magical god!


The huge headless dragon fell down!

This ancient mysterious cave has another shock!

As for the monks who fell into the sky, they opened their mouths one by one, and they were paralyzed. There was already a blank in their minds, and they could not say a word!

(End of this chapter)

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