Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1706: A forceful woman!


   The woman in white and several other women looked at it!

   "Hum! That is the Lord of Phaselessness, that is one of our ancestors of this vein. This Avenue of Phaseless Tower is where the Lord of Phaselessness is left. Do you deserve to be compared with the Lord of Phaselessness!"

   Soon the woman in white stared back again!


  Chen Zheng smiled back a word.

   "Now that you know which adult the idol is, you aren't hurry!"

  The woman in white seems to feel that Chen Zheng recognizes the gap between the identity of the **** and the god, and her mouth is cold!


  Chen Zheng stepped out in one step!

   passed the woman in white and walked to the ice crystal table where Jing Nu was lying!


   The woman in white was stunned with several other women. I saw that the woman in white moved, and cast a fairy spell on the ice crystal platform. A layer of ice crystal mist blocked the ice crystal platform!

   "The same sentence, I don't believe you, please get out of the Tower of No Phase!"

  The woman in white stared at Chen Zhengyi to drink!

   "How come this curse feels familiar."

   However, Chen Zheng ignored the woman in white, and wiped away the ice crystal mist with just one wipe, watching the sleeping girl at the moment.

"Pretending, I have said that even if the overlord of the era comes, it may not be able to resolve the curse inside the master. You may have been a Taoist ancestor, but now you only have the golden fairy mana, you can’t resolve the curse at all! Go away! !Get out of the Avenue Phaseless Tower!"


   Drink cold!


  Women in white have become more and more irritable!

this moment!

Several other women frowned, not because of Chen Zheng’s behavior, but because of the white woman. They suddenly felt like the master sister was a different person. Although the master sister was indifferent in the past, she would not be so exhausted. Shout like a shrew!

   Is it!

  Do you really want to wake up the tower master!

A few thoughts came up in their hearts, but they quickly shook their heads secretly. The master sister was brought up by the tower master personally. The master sister should not betray the tower master. Maybe the master sister was injured by a man in the past life, so today there is no A man will come to the photo tower, so the master sister will become like this!

   "The technique of reincarnation, there are some other techniques, this curse is a bit interesting."

  Nobody beside Chen Zheng said with a smile.



   The woman in white screamed!

   Raised his hand to the blue woman at the next moment!

   "Ah? Sister!"

   The blue girl was startled!


   Blue woman's eyebrows!

   A drop of real blood flew out!


  Master Sister what to do!

   Several other women were surprised!

   Subconsciously step back!

   It's no use just retreating!

I saw the woman in white grabbing at them, and there was real blood flying out of their eyebrows. They were forced to take the real blood. Several women were all white. It seemed that there was only a drop of real blood, but it was actually equivalent to taking One-tenth of their origin! Although they are not so tyrannical in Tianyuan, the weakest one is also the third state Taoist ancestor, which is already the highest level in the eight wild ancient lands outside Tianyuan!

right now!

   They were all forcibly taken out by a woman in white!

   They are surprised!

   "Su Jinxiu and you, the golden fairy guy, are optimistic. Let me tell you what method can save the tower master. This is the only way to save the tower master!"

  The woman in white sneered and said that she raised her hand and forcibly ingested a few drops of the original true blood all flew to the faceless idol, which is the so-called godless idol!


   Is this to invite the unfaithful Lord to come!

   The woman in blue immediately understood in a few moments!

   "Please avatar of the lord of the phaseless!"


   A white woman's eyebrows also flew a drop of true blood from her eyebrows. When her drop of true blood flew into the faceless idol, her face was solemn and Zhang Qiancheng was very respectful to the faceless idol.

   Several women in blue clothes held their breaths. Of course, they hoped to summon a phaseless master, but the sacrifice of the magic weapon before failed, this time can the sacrifice of the true blood succeed!

   Take a breath!

   Two breaths!

   Three breaths!

   Three interest time passed!

   Although the idol is flowing!

   But it seems that there is no sign of the coming of life!

   "Please avatar of the lord of the phaseless!"

  The woman in white gritted her teeth and forced out a drop of real blood. This drop of real blood flew into the faceless idol, and she bowed her head and shouted again!



   The bright light of God!

   There are signs of the coming of life!

   "Welcome to the Lord of No Phase!"

   The woman in white showed a happy look, which can be said to be ecstatic, and also stared at Chen Zheng fiercely, as if to say, you Jinxian liar, you will be severely beaten!


Whether it was a woman in white or a few other women, a scene that had never been thought of happened, that is, the dazzling divine light on the statue of the unprincipled main, the rhythm produced by the white woman and other people's true blood, suddenly All flew into Chen Zheng's body!


  The flash of divine light!

   The main character of the unfathomable **** idol all disappears!

   looks like an ordinary idol at the moment!


   "How about the true blood power of the sacrifice... why all of them suddenly went to his side..."

   "That's the real blood sacrificed to the unrelated master..."

   Several women in blue dress, looking at Chen Zheng blankly at the moment, all looked stupid!

   "Is the tower owner guessing..."

   The Valkyrie whispered at the moment, it seems that this scene has long been expected.

   "What? Sister Splendid? What did the tower owner expect?"

   The woman in blue looked over and asked with wide eyes!

"Sister Zhuang Jiang took your original blood and her own original blood to sacrifice, and wanted to invite the phaseless master through the statue of the phaseless master, but the power of the sacrifice was passed to my teacher. The idol is just a medium. Connect the sacrificial person and the phaseless lord. I say this. You should understand what the tower lord expects."

  The Valkyrie whispered.


   "Sister Jinxiu means!"

"Your teacher is... the master of the phaseless, one of the ancestors of Kaishan in the vein of the phaseless tower of our avenue! This... how is this possible, he... he Is it one of our ancestors!"

   The women in blue dress froze for a few moments, then showed the unbelievable colors one by one, and then all stared at Chen Zheng!

"He? One of the ancestors? He is the master of the phaseless? Haha! Su Jinxiu, what are you talking about, how could he be the master of the phaseless! Do you think you want to deceive me in this way, are you in Dreaming!" The woman in white looks like crazy, staring fiercely at the Valkyrie, and force out a drop of true blood. When the true blood breaks into the statue of the unrepresented lord, she worships again: "Please be lord of the unrepresented!" "


   The godless godless figure lights up!



   In the blink of an eye!

   The power of sacrifice poured into Chen Zheng's body at once!


  The woman in white shuddered and then turned into a stone carving!


   Several women in blue were also trembling, and they were all stunned!

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