Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1705: Avenue Phaseless Tower


   If it is a sword repair of the era of the supremacy of the Lord of the Reincarnation Hall of the Taishang Dynasty, what will happen to the Supreme Sword skill against Chen Zu, will it be instantly killed like the Chonghuang Daozi!

  The longevity **** ape suddenly thought of it. It imagined it in his mind, but soon shook his head, and he could not imagine what it would be like.

   Astral flash.

   Xingcha fell.

   "Jing Nu was injured and may need the help of her teacher."

   Valkyrie walked down from Xingcha and bowed his head slightly beside Chen Zheng.

   "Injured...then what kind of arrogance should not hurt her."

  Chen Zheng looked at the ancient stone tower, revealing the color of thought.

   "This splendid place also feels strange. Jingnv's cultivation practice is actually more about forgetting. There should be no other creatures in the abyss except the evil beast before that can hurt Jingnv."

   Valkyrie also looked at the ancient stone tower.


   This time!

  Chonghuang Daozi's sword that fell on the ground suddenly turned into the sky!

   "This is... Taishang Samsara is recycling the Excalibur!"

   Longevity God Ape is surprised!

  Chen Zheng didn't look at the sharp sword rising from the sky, but just wiped it away. Then the sharp sword shattered, and the next moment he fell from the top and stuck on the ground!

   The Longevity God ape froze for a moment, and was shocked in his heart again. The secret road was the power of that special sword body. Even if only the golden fairy mana, it could control the sword soldiers between heaven and earth at will!


   This sword is really good!

   An immortal magic weapon!

  How is the treasure level!

   "You have collected this sword Chenhuang."

  Chen Zheng said casually and let the Valkyrie lead the way into the ancient stone tower.

   "Thank you Master!"

  Chen Huang froze for a moment, and responded quickly, grabbing the sword, the sword seemed to resist a little bit, but soon fell into his hands.

   This scene of Longevity God Ape looked in his eyes, and there was a surprise in his eyes. He didn't think that Chen Huang could conquer the Excalibur, and that Excalibur obviously resisted a bit. It was Chen Zu who really let the Excalibur be subject to it!

   Then the question is coming!

  What is Chen Zheng's sword body!

   Why is it so against the sky!

   "Are we waiting outside?"

  Dragon Emperor thought about it and asked.

   "Wait, this ancient pagoda is called the Avenue Phaseless Pagoda. It doesn't look like anything. But once you go in, all your mana will be destroyed. Although it is only temporarily abandoned, that feeling is really uncomfortable."

   Longevity God ape nodded and said.


   There was a surprise in the eyes of Emperor Tianlong. Although he knew that this ancient pagoda was unusual, he did not expect such a ban.

   at the moment.

   Inside the ancient stone tower.

   "Sister Splendid!"

   "Sister Splendid!"

   "Meet Sister Fairview!"

  The Valkyrie led the way, step by step, the female disciples in the stone tower saluted one after another, and then looked at Chen Zheng, his eyes full of surprise, extremely curious about the origin of this man.

They all saw the scene just outside the stone tower. Originally, the Phaseless Tower on the Avenue prohibits outsiders from entering, let alone men. But the elder sister Jinxiu brought this man in. No one dared to stop, let alone this man, just put that Chonghuang Daozi was killed!

   What a weird golden fairy!

   What a great golden fairy!

   It is better not to provoke such people!

  When this man first appeared, he thought that this man was going to die. This man was a bit stupid. Now he finds this man seems to have an inexplicable attraction!

   "The Avenue has no phase tower, a total of thirty-three layers. It looks like a normal stone tower on the outside, but there are thirty-three days inside. The teacher asked you to go to the thirty-three days with the splendid."

  The Goddess of War spoke softly, ascending step by step.

   "Thirty-three heavens."

  Chen Zheng smiled, and Xian Ting walked around to watch flowers generally climbed up.

   After a moment.

   Avenue No Phase Tower 33 is back.

   It was just blocked by the enchantment at the moment.

   The Valkyrie cast a fairy law, the enchantment opened a mouth, and led Chen Zheng in.


   Just entered!

   looked at it a few times!

   is extremely cold!

   "Su Jinxiu, who brought a man back to your courage, and brought this man to thirty-three days!"

   One of the women in white, staring at Chen Zheng indifferently, stared at the Valkyrie!

   "This is my teacher, the teacher can save the net girl."

   frowned slightly.

"Your teacher? Huh! The teacher you used to be is a low-level Taoist ancestor at most. This man is just a golden fairy. Do you think he can cure the net lady? The curse in the net lady is not necessarily the same as the era overlord. Save the net lady, what is a golden fairy! Get out! Get out with this golden fairy immediately!"

  Women in white drink cold!

   "This is so closed that you don't know anything about the outside world."

   Valkyrie shook her head gently.

"Outside things? No matter how big outside things are, there can be a net lady's congress! Su Jinxiu, you have broken the rules of the Avenueless Tower, and now come to offer your true blood and summon the Lord of Phaselessness! The Lord's will can also make up for it! Otherwise, I will chase you out of the teacher's door as the master of the Daxiang Wuxiang Tower!"

  The woman in white yelled again!

   "Your temper woman is easy to endocrine disorder."

   Then Chen Zheng smiled slightly.


   Endocrine disorders?

what does that mean?

   The Valkyrie froze for a moment, the other women also froze for a moment, and the woman in white also froze for a moment, but the next moment stared at him coldly, and spit out a word to Chen Zheng!


   Although I do not understand!

   But it seemed to her that she was scolding her!


   This roar!

   has no effect!

  Chen Zhengji still does not move!


   "Master Sister... He... he seems to be immortal..."

   "His physical body seems to be the level of Taoist ancestor..."

Several other women widened their Soon a woman in blue noticed a bit, and said a few words, and the other two women's pupils flashed a fairy light, also noticed this, and became more curious. Looking at Chen Zheng!

   What a strange man!

  Indestructible flesh with Jinxian Xiuwei!

   This is a strong ancestor who fell from a realm!

   "Indestructible flesh? Huh! Then, no matter who you are, please leave the Avenue without phase tower, you are not welcome here, otherwise I would not blame Zhuang Jiang!"

  The fairy light flashed in the white pupils of the woman in white, and also found the abnormality of Chen Zheng's physical body, but he still drank coldly and ruthlessly!

   "Do you not want to save the net girl, or do you want to replace the net girl?"

  Chen Zheng glanced at the Jing Nu lying on the cryolite, his eyes closed and asked softly.

   "How could I not want to save my master, but I don't believe you don't believe in men!"

  The woman in white responds indifferently!

   "What is the **** that you enshrined, even though it is faceless, shouldn't it be a woman?"

   When Chen Zheng heard it, he pointed at the **** statue enshrined in this mysterious space.

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