Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1532: Chitian Forbidden Land 2 Battle


   Star chasing!

   Crossed away as a star burst!


   "That direction is the direction of Chitian Forbidden Earth. The swordman's sword was also swept from Chitian Forbidden Earth. Before, there was a Divine Sword in Ten Thousand Beast Ancestral Mountain. It was because the sword ancestor was taken away by Chitian Forbidden Earth!"

   "I don't know what is happening in Chitian, I only know one thing, that is, we are safe!"

   Outside the Ten Thousand Beast Ancestor Mountain, the patriarch of the Ten Thousand Races saw this scene one by one.

   "It finally escaped."

   The patriarch who shook the sky giant nodded.

   "Escaped from a catastrophe? Kui patriarch, if I were you, I would leave the Holy Beast Realm with a group of giants who shook the sky."

   Ying Long patriarch shook his head directly.


Hearing this sentence, the patriarch of the Giant Giant clan changed his face instantly, and suddenly understood at this moment that he escaped today because the human monk had no mana. Once the human monk restored his mana, if he had to deal with the giant giant A family shot, their own family is afraid to...


   The pupil of the head of the Giant Giant Clan shrank sharply, the fairy light on his body lit up, and he didn’t dare to stay and escape!

"That Chen Zu... he was terrified and reincarnated. He couldn’t just repair his body without practicing mana. There should be something wrong, but I believe that mana will recover soon. , How terrible his combat power will be."

   Aside, the head of the Kuiniu tribe whispered.

   "Fortunately, we didn't really provoke him before Shilin Mountain. If he provokes him, we might be finished."

   The head of the Dragon Patriarch was so moved that he looked towards Chitian Forbidden Land. He wanted to go to Chitian Forbidden Land to see what happened, but it was just a thought. He dared not go to Chitian Forbidden Land.


   Chitian forbidden ground.

   is located in the northwest of Sacred Realm.

   This is a barren land.

   There used to be a Divine Beast Race here, but after Chi Tian was banned from the earth, the Divine Beast Race was either eliminated or migrated to other realms.

"Here it is." Gaishi Jianzu fell in front of the Chitian Forbidden Land, and again pointed at Chen Zhengyi. He thought a little and raised his head and said: "This time the old deceased younger brother also invited people to come, and those who come from outside may stare. Your Excellency, after all, you have returned with the sword of separation. Of course, you are not afraid of those who come from outside, but the people around you should still pay attention."

   "Aliens? Didn't you ban outsiders from entering the sky?"

   Little white dog frowned.

"This... the old age burned its roots. Although the repairs have been restored in the past ten thousand years, the old brothers have also made rapid progress in the past ten thousand years. The old brothers have acted extremely radically, so now the real world is in the sky. There are two factions."

  Gai Shi Jianzu groaned.

"Zuo Laojie, Zuo Laojie, what kind of prestige you used to suppress the Sacred Realm all people with one sword at a time. You can't completely control it even if you are banned from heaven and earth in the past ten thousand years. You can't break your fate no matter how strong you are. "

  The little white dog shook his head.

"Your Mightiness......"

  Gai Shijianzu did not respond to the little white dog, and now looked at Chen Zheng.

   "The people around me don't have to worry, just go in."

  Chen Zheng nodded lightly.


  Gai Shijianzu paid another respect to Chen Zheng. A raised hand opened the door of Chitian Forbidden Land. He respectfully invited Chen Zheng in.


  Chen Zheng had just entered Chitian Forbidden Ground, and the dozens of figures in front of him turned around and their eyes swept all over!


   "Ancestor is back!"

   "How did the ancestor bring these people back?"

   "A few humanoid gluttons, a humanoid woman, an inhumane humanoid man, a little girl and a little white dog?"

   "Is this the ancestor's helper?"


  More than one person doubts!

of course!

   is not just doubt!

"Huh! Brother, brother, you went to Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain to take off the Divine Sword. How did you bring some waste to the forbidden land? Brother wanted to rely on these wastes to suppress the demonized disciple and the horrible devil? Brother, you are It’s not that I woke up, so that there is still some unconsciousness!"

   There was a cold hum, that was an old man in a red robe, a red sword mark at the center of his eyebrows was extremely conspicuous, and his breath was also ancient. At this moment, he stared at the Gaishijianzu, and his eyes fixed on the severed divine sword in Chen Zheng's hand. He was stunned for a moment, and then he showed a happy look: "The divorced divine sword? Really divorced divine sword! Haha! Since The Divine Sword has been taken back, so this time let this seat come to repair the blockade again! As for your mortal boy, are you also eligible to take the three Great Swords in the sky?”

   Old man in the red robe!

   raise one hand!

   is a catch to the off sword!


   Nothing happened!


   "This... Chi Xian Mad Ancestor... failed!"

   "Don't the Divine Sword already recognize that kid as the main? Impossible, how can the Divided Excalibur recognize a mortal as the master!"

   The disciples in Chitian Forbidden are stunned!

"Breaking off the sword, one of the three great swords in Chitian Forbidden Earth, it seems that I really recognized this man with no power. This is strange. This guy may have a sword in his body." The disciples of the Forbidden Area suddenly smiled at different sword repairs next year. After looking at Chen Zheng for a few moments, they laughed again: "Young man, my name is Fan Jianxin. I am from the Taicang Holy Land Lang Huan Sword House outside the territory. Although I am not a Taoist ancestor, I believe I am also qualified to quote When you get started, you only need to nod your head. After the Chitian Forbidden Land is over, I will take you to Langhuan Sword House. You don’t have to answer me immediately, you can think about it."

   "Brother Fan is going to help the master to take a Is this just a kid?"

   "There is no mana, there is a sword body in the sky, even the peerless sword body is also half of it. Unless there is a way to pass through the main tower of Chaos Sword, there will never be much future!"

   "Brother Fan, it's better to abolish this son directly, seize the severed sword, and help Chi Tian to suppress the big devil, and take away the three great swords!"

   There are also several sword repairs around this person. At this moment, Chen Zheng glanced at them, all showing disdain.

   "Always give the young people a chance. My Fan Jianxin is not Lu Qianxue, and his shot is to kill him."

   Jianxiu smiled faintly.


   A few other sword repairers seemed to have a smile as soon as they understood it.

   "Take away the three great swords?"

   The gaishijianzu's brows were already locked.

"We are forbidden in the sky and pass down the generations. Although it was once the top-ranking indestructible Taoism, brother, you have to admit that it is indeed declining now, and it is far inferior to Lang Huan Jianfu! So I have made a decision, waiting for Fan Jianxin Daoyou After suppressing the Great Devil, our disciples in Chitian Forbidden Earth merged into Langhuan Sword Mansion! The three great swords were taken to Langhuan Sword Mansion, which is also reasonable!" The old man in red robe sneered, staring at Gaishi Jianzu At a glance, he stared at Chen Zheng again. At the moment, he also joked with a smile: "Boy, if you break away from the Excalibur and really recognize you as the Lord, then it is time for you to complete the mission that the Excalibur is carrying. You let me open my eyes and go Repaired the demonized disciples and blockade!"

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