Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1531: The ancestral sword ancestor asks!

"That... that hero, in fact, this broken sword is related to Chitian Forbidden Land... not what I got outside the territory, but when I took advantage of the old monster in Chitian Forbidden Land. Touched! This sword appears in the world, it should attract the old monster in the sky, the old monster is the ancestral sword ancestor, and will definitely come back to grab this sword! I didn’t deceive the heroes just now, I’m telling them now, it’s the heroes The sword in Yuanshen was scared, and I am still sincere! I believe that the heroes also know that I definitely don’t want to use the hands of the old monsters to fight against the heroes. I also remembered this broken sword and Chitian Forbidden land!"

  The little white dog suddenly thought of it a little, his body trembling and quickly opened his mouth!

   "Chitian Forbidden Earth?"

   The old glutton frowned as soon as he heard it.

   "Gai Shi Jian Zu? Don't worry about this, even if Chen Zu does not have any mana, even if the general means can't deal with Ge Shi Jian Zu, but Ge Shi Jian Zu really dare to work with Chen Zu, and it must be Ge Shi Jian Zu!"

   When Xiaohe heard it, he raised his eyebrows, but the next moment he smiled.

   "Yes, yes, Chen Zu is the public enemy of all sword repairs between heaven and earth, and the nemesis of all sword repairs between heaven and earth. The ancestral sword ancestors in the sky and the sky are really dare to take action, and there will be no good ending!"

   Little Black Sister thought of the scene she had seen in front of the gluttonous ancestral land, and she also smiled.


  The little white dog showed a doubtful color, and it didn't understand a bit. Why did the Gaishi Jianzu die, it must be the Gaishi Jianzu.


Its doubts came up, and a sword awn came northwest. This sword awn really came too fast. Except for Chen Zheng, no one had come back. When he came back, the little White dog's face was shocked!

"It's you!"

  The little white dog jumped behind Chen Zheng at once, showing a head and staring at the person at the moment!

  The world's sword ancestor!

   Although the little white dog did not say who he is!

   But the old gluttons also guessed the identity of the coming person, and it was also shocking at the moment, but soon it calmed down. The secret sword ancestors really started to work, and it would not be Chen Zu who suffered a loss!

"Break off the Divine Sword..." It's just that Lairen didn't directly rob Chen Zheng's excellent sword over his hand. After looking at the Divine Sword, the Lairen looked at Chen Zheng with his eyes: "Your Excellency To be able to break away from the seal, there must be a peerless sword body. Since the breakaway has recognized you as the master, then the breakaway has also belonged to you."

Speaking of which, the visitor paused for a moment, glanced at the old gluttons, Xiaohei and Xiaohei sister, and then looked at Chen Zheng again with a little deep thought: "Before Chi Tian banned disciples from wandering in bitterness, they violated the teacher's ban and interfered with thousands of animals. He also deserved the crime of falling between races. Your lord has become the master of the severing sword today. If you are willing, please also go with me to the forbidden land. The forbidden have your favor! "


   This ancestral sword ancestor did not directly take action, but instead took the initiative to make a guilt. At this moment, he also wants to invite Chen Zu to Chi Tian Ban. Is this true or false? Is there any conspiracy hidden in secret, wanting to use the ancient objects in Chi Tian Ban to deal with Chen Zu?

   Little Black, Little Black Big Sister and Shen Yue all thought of the same thing at the moment, and they all stared at Gaishi Jianzu!

   "The Lord of Disruption... This sword wants to recognize me as the master, but I still can't look down on this sword. This sword can be used by my younger disciples."

  Chen Zheng smiled faintly.


   Gaishi Jianzu was stunned.

The little white dog's eyeball turned, and he remained silent. He secretly said in his heart that the strange monster from the sky was suddenly so honest. Wasn't it very proud at first, didn't you say that there is nothing in the world that he can't cut? , There is a kind of sword against this Chen Zu.


   This fellow must have also sensed the extraordinary sword body in Chen Zu's body!

" may be willing to go to Chitian Forbidden Land, no matter whether you can help the Forbidden Land to resolve disasters and disasters, the old age has God's fruit. If you can resolve the Forbidden Disasters, then Chitian Forbidden Swords In Chichi, all the ancient sword swordsmen can be chosen at will. In addition, the old will also give a token to the ancient mysterious land. Although the token is not a treasure, but the material level exceeds the treasure, so You will never be disappointed. The ancient mysterious place is said to contain the secret of eternity, even if it has a token, it can only reach the outer layer of the mysterious place. Special things are needed to open the mysterious place."

  Gai Shi Jianzu thought for a moment, staring at Chen Zheng's eyes and whispering.

   "Need something special to open the mysterious land?"

Hearing this sentence, Chen Zheng immediately thought of the Yingxi song of the Holy Rhinoceros, and thought that the young man named Panzhu came to Taishi ancient land, and wanted to take Yingge forcibly. Body, forcibly opened a mysterious place.

   It seems!

   The place mentioned by the ancestral sword ancestor is the mysterious place!

   "What was robbed in the sky?"

   So Chen Zheng asked lightly.

"Magic sword flow, life and death robbery!" Gaishi Jianzu looked at him with a stern look, and said, staring at the little white dog: "Chitian Forbidden Land is an ancient heritage. The forbidden land is deeply suppressed by the horror demon head. There were originally three great swords to guard, They are the three swords of separation, Chitian, and Wuhui. Someone entered this world ten thousand years ago and forcibly broke into the forbidden ground of Chitian. In order to take away the three **** swords, the old burning source forced the man to retreat, but I didn't expect the beast. The ancestor sneaked into the forbidden area and touched off the broken sword. When the old man woke up, he was looking for the ancestor of the But the ancestor of the beast has left this world without knowing where he is going. , The blockade that suppresses the big devil lacks the divorced sword and becomes loose. Recently, within half a month, one third of the disciples in Chitian Forbidden Land have been infested by the devil qi, and the big devil plays chess pieces. The big devil really breaks free, and this world will definitely become a side of the magic world."


  Gai Shijianzu said this, Shen Yue, Xiaohei, Xiaohei sister and old glutton all stared at the little white dog!

"That... I didn't know that there was such a secret hidden in Chitian forbidden land. If I knew this big secret, I would definitely not touch the fish! You may not believe it. I like fish. At that time, I thought that the off sword was really a dried fish, so I touched it away!"

   Little white dog immediately explained.


Zhengyue girl snorted, and the rest of the people also showed unbelief, but now it’s not important that the first ancestors of the Beast said whether it is true or false, and what the Gai Jianzu said should be true, and once the big devil is freed, then The holy beast world is really going to become a magic world.

   thought of this, a few people can only look at Chen Zheng.

   "I'm interested in the token and the mysterious place that you said, just go to Chitian forbidden place to see it."

  Chen Zheng nodded lightly.


  The world's sword ancestor immediately performed an ancient ceremony towards Chen Zheng, then raised his hand and pointed out a fairy road. The direction of the fairy road is the direction of Chitian Forbidden Land!

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